Suganuma Otorhinolaryngology - Kariya

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Suganuma Otorhinolaryngology

住所 :

Umaike-1-1 Nodacho, Kariya, Aichi 448-0803, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8987
Postal code : 448-0803
Webサイト :

Umaike-1-1 Nodacho, Kariya, Aichi 448-0803, Japan
325 (325) on Google

The teacher feels quiet and the examination and treatment are quick.
ゲバル純 on Google

ネット受付可能で順番が近くなったらメールで通知してくれるので待ち時間を極限まで短縮できる 花粉症で薬を貰いたい時とかめちゃ便利 コミュニケーション重視の方には向かないかもしれない
You can receive online and notify you by e-mail when the order is near, so you can minimize the waiting time It is very convenient when you want to get medicine due to hay fever It may not be suitable for those who value communication
米津玄米 on Google

適当すぎ 2週間で2度通ったが全く症状が改善されない ただの風邪くらいならこの病院でも良いが、症状が重い場合は別のところのほうがいい
Suitable too Although through twice not at all improved symptoms in two weeks But may be in the hospital if much just a cold, it is better of elsewhere if severe symptoms
みなみへきる on Google

If rhinitis is not cured, it will be diagnosed as hay fever at this time, and the result will be misdiagnosed. The medicine that I paid out was also meaningless.
mm t on Google

診療が流れ作業のよう どんな症状なのかも聞かず、鼻と喉を軽く見て薬出してお終い。 Web予約があり待ち時間がないのは嬉しい。 効率化重視の病院。
Medical treatment is like a work flow Don't ask what the symptom might be, look lightly at the nose and throat and give up the medicine. I am happy that there is a web reservation and there is no waiting time. A hospital that emphasizes efficiency.
Lilly Aurora on Google

引っ越してきて一番自宅から近かった為、この口コミを見て半信半疑…初診でお世話になりましたが適当という表現はなんとなく分かりました。が、処方されたお薬の効果は絶大でした! 本来、病院なんて通いたくないし待ち時間も無駄でしかありませんが、こちらは回転率も良く(適当ではないと思います笑)先生の経歴も素晴らしいです。 「無能な医者ほどよく喋る…」なんて言葉を知り合いの医師の方から聞いたことがありますので、大体症状を見ただけで判断出来る先生なのだと思います。【最初に紙を渡されて主な症状を書きますので、そちらに書けば良いのでは…】 初診なのに、5日分頂いたお薬(ジェネリック✌︎)も合わせて掛かった費用は、2千円もしませんでした。なんて良心的!コスパ最高です!! 薬が切れた為、後日再来しましたがその時は少しだけお話も聞いてくれましたよ。 初診でもネット予約出来るのが嬉しいですね。 掛かり付け医に決定です( ˆoˆ )!!!
Since I moved and was the closest to my home, I was skeptical when I saw this review ... I was taken care of at the first visit, but I somehow understood the expression that it was appropriate. However, the effect of the prescribed medicine was enormous! Originally, I don't want to go to the hospital and the waiting time is wasteful, but this one has a good turnover rate (I don't think it's appropriate lol), and the teacher's career is also wonderful. I've heard from a doctor I know that "the more incompetent doctors speak, the better ...", so I think he's a teacher who can make a judgment just by looking at the symptoms. [First, you will be given a piece of paper to write down the main symptoms, so you should write it there ...] Even though it was my first visit, the cost of the medicine (generic ✌︎) that I received for 5 days was less than 2,000 yen. How conscientious! Cospa is the best! !! I came back later because the medicine ran out, but at that time he listened to me a little. I'm happy that I can make an online reservation even for the first visit. It is decided to be a family doctor (ˆoˆ)! !! !!
Norihiro shigekusa on Google

症状の度合いの診断ミス。 抗生剤の点滴を受けたものの、良くならないため数日後に再度診察を受けたところ、「良くなっている」とのことでした。 全く良くならないため、2日後別の耳鼻咽喉科にかかったところ、「即入院」と診断されました。 診察自体も別の耳鼻咽喉科の医師の方が断然丁寧でした。 2度の通院で来なくなった、つまり、“治った”と勘違いしていらっしゃるかも知れません。 近所の内科から紹介状を出されたため、こちらにかかりましたが、時間をかけ、お金を払って、辛い期間が長くなったことに釈然としません。 数日の間に二つの耳鼻咽喉科にかかったため比較することができた格好ですが、最初から後者の方にかかっていればこんなムダはありませんでした。
Misdiagnosis of the degree of symptoms. I received an antibiotic drip, but because it didn't improve, I went back to the hospital a few days later. Because it did not improve at all, I went to another otolaryngology department two days later and was diagnosed as “immediate hospitalization”. The examination itself was more polite by another otolaryngologist. You may have misunderstood that you stopped visiting two times, that is, “healed”. I received a letter of introduction from a local internal medicine department, so it took me here, but I'm not sure that it took a long time, paid for it, and the painful period became longer. Although I was able to compare two otolaryngologists in a few days, I was able to compare them.
Susumu Hirabayashi on Google

予約をしていれば待ち~診察の時間が少ないのでうれしい。 先生は不愛想な感じだが、不快には感じない。 病院の待ち時間は無駄の極みなのでこのようにスピーディーなところがうれしい。 ★ 不快・もう来ることはない ★★ 少し不満点あり・リピートは無い ★★★ 普通・進んで繰り返し訪問することはない ★★★★ 満足・ぜひ再訪したい ★★★★★ 大満足・他の人に紹介したい・何度も再訪したい
If you make a reservation, you will be happy because you will have less time to wait and see the doctor. The teacher feels unfriendly, but not uncomfortable. Waiting time at the hospital is extremely wasteful, so I'm happy that it's speedy like this. ★ Uncomfortable / will not come anymore ★★ There are some dissatisfaction points and no repeats ★★★ Normal / will not visit repeatedly ★★★★ Satisfied / I definitely want to visit again ★★★★★ Great satisfaction ・ I want to introduce to other people ・ I want to revisit many times

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