
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 梅花堂

住所 :

Suemoritori, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, 〒464-0821 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
街 : 区画 Aichi

Suemoritori, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, 〒464-0821 Aichi,Japan
ma a on Google

覚王山の大学病院のついでに 鬼まんじゅう(少し値上げ) わらび餅 お赤飯 鬼まんじゅうは予約お勧め 大好き、美味しい コロナ禍でも人気店 ごちそうさまでした? 令和4年1月。きんとん、と言う和菓子が今季?近々販売終了との事 鬼まんじゅうは安定の美味しさです 梅花堂さんの和菓子は優しい甘さ お赤飯も大好き
In addition to the university hospital in Kakuoyama Oni Manju (a little price increase) Warabimochi Red rice Oni Manju is recommended to make a reservation I love it, it's delicious A popular shop in Corona Thank you for your feast ? January 4th year of Reiwa. Is Japanese sweets called "Kuri-kinton" this season? It is said that sales will end soon Oni Manju has a stable taste Umekado's Japanese sweets have a gentle sweetness I also love sekihan
さくまひとみ on Google

When I was a student, I used to use it because it was close to school. When I went there for the first time in a long time, the Oni Manju was already sold out even though it was before noon. It seems that reservations are made by phone or over the counter.
どら猫組合 on Google

鬼まんじゅうは東海地方で人気のある、素朴で安価なサツマイモのお菓子だ。 ういろうのような小麦粉や上新粉で出来た生地に、角切りにした芋を混ぜ込んで蒸し上げたものだ。 ゴツゴツした見た目が鬼を連想させるのか、牧歌的で愛嬌のある名前が付けられている。 このお店のものは、大ぶりな芋がホックリと口の中で崩れるのと同時に、ペッタリとした黄色い生地が芋のパサツキを受け止めて粘り、双方の楽しい食感を一度に味わうことができる。 甘さは控えめどころか、芋自体の甘味にほぼ頼っているため、芋の良し悪しがそのままお菓子の出来を左右する。 その芋の良さを最大限に生かすため、生地の部分には極力砂糖の使用を控えているようで、この絶妙なバランスは、お菓子の作り手としては大いに腕の見せどころとなるのであろう。 富裕層な人達が何十個も爆買いしているので、売り切れになる事も多い。 確実に手に入れるためには予約が必須だ。 本来は豪勢なものではないので、飾らない関係の友人へのお土産にしたい。 自分の気さくな人柄をアピールするのにも、丁度良いかも知れない。 さらには密かに想いを寄せている女性に贈ってみてもいいかも知れないが、その結果どう思われるかについては責任は取れない。
Oni Manju is a simple and inexpensive sweet potato sweet that is popular in the Tokai region. The dough is made from wheat flour like uiro or joshinko, mixed with diced potatoes and steamed. The rugged appearance is reminiscent of a demon, and the name is idyllic and charming. At this shop, the large potatoes crumble in your mouth, and at the same time, the crisp yellow dough catches the dryness of the potatoes and makes them sticky, so you can enjoy the pleasant texture of both at once. Far from being modest in sweetness, it relies mostly on the sweetness of the potato itself, so the quality of the potato directly affects the quality of the sweets. In order to make the best use of the goodness of the potatoes, it seems that sugar is refrained from using as much as possible in the dough part, and this exquisite balance will be a great highlight as a candy maker. Wealthy people are buying dozens of them, so they are often sold out. Reservations are essential to ensure that you get it. Originally it is not a big deal, so I would like to make it a souvenir for my undecorated friends. It may be just right to show off your friendly personality. You could even give it to a woman who is secretly thinking about it, but I can't take responsibility for what you think as a result.
725 Fairy on Google

亡き祖父が大好きだった梅花堂の鬼まんじゅう この日は急用で朝から覚王山に行きましたので 久しぶりに購入しお供えしました (自宅用も購入) 以前のお店の場所は通りの南側 地下鉄の出口から直ぐの場所にありましたが 北側に移転してからは初めての訪問です 近くにできたわらび餅のお店には長蛇の列ができていましたが、そちらを横目に見て梅花堂さんに直行 こちらは空いているかと思いきや なかなかの混雑 しかも人気の鬼まんじゅうは残りわずかで ギリギリで購入することができました (今も尚、午前中に売り切れることも多いそうで 「事前に予約してくださればお作りします」と 丁寧にご案内くださいました) 鬼まんじゅうは1個150円 優しい甘さの素朴な味わい 決して 「めちゃくちゃ美味しい!」 とは言えませんが…懐かしいお味です それよりも今回はお赤飯に感動♡ 扇型になったモチモチのお赤飯は なっ!なんと170円 ちょっとしたお祝い膳の時や 内祝いにも良さそうです 自宅では少量の赤飯をこんなに上手に炊くことは なかなか難しいので、これからは お祝い膳の時にはこちらのお赤飯を利用したいと思いました お赤飯大好きな私は日常的にも食べたい ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ 170円って本当に嬉しいです♡
Oni Manju of Umekado, which my late grandfather loved I went to Mt. Kakuo from the morning because of an urgent need on this day. I bought it for the first time in a long time and offered it (Purchased for home use) The location of the old shop is on the south side of the street It was just off the subway exit This is my first visit since I moved to the north side There was a long line at the Warabimochi shop nearby, but I went straight to Umekado-san looking sideways. I wonder if this is vacant Quite crowded Moreover, there are only a few popular Oni Manju left. I was able to purchase at the last minute (It seems that it is still often sold out in the morning. "If you make a reservation in advance, we will make it." Thank you for your kind guidance.) Oni Manju is 150 yen per piece Simple taste with gentle sweetness never "Insanely delicious!" I can't say that ... it's a nostalgic taste Rather than that, I was impressed by the red rice this time ♡ The fan-shaped chewy red rice Nah! What a 170 yen At the time of a little celebration It looks good for a private celebration Cooking a small amount of red rice so well at home It's quite difficult, so from now on I wanted to use this sekihan at the time of the celebration I love sekihan and want to eat it on a daily basis ٩ (๑❛ᴗ❛๑) ۶ I'm really happy about 170 yen ♡
T Wallabi on Google

朝8時からオープンしてるけど、鬼まんじゅう の販売は9時からだよ?? 鬼まんじゅう。見た目はすまんが、何かの作りかけに見えたが?、食べてみたら至極の完成品。中毒性ありそうだ?? 何件か他の口コミでも既出だが、店員おばちゃんたちの対応が気持ちの良いものだった。有名店なのに奢らない姿勢、素晴らしい。
It's open from 8am, but Oni Manju Is on sale from 9 o'clock ?? Oni Manju. It looks like I'm sorry, but it looks like something is in the works ?, but when I tried it, it was a perfect finished product. Seems addictive ?? Although it has already been mentioned in several other reviews, the response of the clerk aunts was pleasant. Even though it is a famous store, it has a wonderful attitude.

名古屋の郷土料理として有名な「鬼まんじゅう」の有名店。 1929年創業(梅花堂パン屋)と、大変歴史あるお店です。 他にも鬼まんじゅうを販売している店は多々ありますが、梅花堂さんの特徴と言えば「上品」。 大きさも丁度良い。素朴すぎず、懐かしい。素材を生かした味。ついつい食べてしまう、つまんでしまう嫌味が全く無い上品な味です。 覚王山を通った時はふらっと寄るのですが、売切れの時も多く、本当に購入したいときは予約をお勧めします。 いつも迎えてくれる女性の店員さん。優しく気遣いが行き届いており、売り切れていても、また寄ってみよ〜という気持ちにさせてくれます。 またふらっと寄ります。
A famous restaurant of "Oni Manju" which is famous as a local dish of Nagoya. Founded in 1929 (Umekado Bakery), it has a very long history. There are many other shops that sell oni manju, but the characteristic of Umekado is "elegant". The size is just right. It's not too simple and nostalgic. The taste that makes the best use of the ingredients. It is an elegant taste with no sarcasm that you just eat or pinch. When I pass through Mt. Kakuo, I drop by, but there are many times when it is sold out, so if you really want to buy it, I recommend you to make a reservation. A female clerk who always welcomes me. It is kind and attentive, and even if it is sold out, it makes me feel like I should stop by again. I will drop by again.
zara k-tai on Google

Famous for its sweet potato dumpling, called 'Onimanju', start selling at store after 9:15am. Reservation/pre-order on phone is recommended as they get sold out early. 3pc/5pcs packs were ready to go. Other japanese confectionaries were good, too!
Karis Krieger on Google

This place is known for their sweet potato treat (おにまんじゅ), but I would recommend their red bean rice ball (おはぎ)! It was the best おはぎ I have had in Japan. The women who run the shop knew many of the customers by name; it was a very good feeling.

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