パーソナルトレーニングBELION覚王山店 - Nagoya

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パーソナルトレーニングBELION覚王山店

住所 :

Suemoritori, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, 〒464-0821 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 464-0821
Webサイト : http://belion.jp/
街 : Aichi

Suemoritori, Chikusa Ward, Nagoya, 〒464-0821 Aichi,Japan
林英明 on Google

通い始めて6ヶ月で約9kgの減量に成功、その後6ヶ月間体重維持できています。時間の融通もきいて、会費も比較的リーズナブルなので長く続けられそうです。 理学療法士の免許をお持ちのトレーナーさんの知識は豊富で、親身に面倒を見てくださります。 食事制限も無理のないもので辛いものではありません。また、高額なサプリメントを購入させられることもありません。
I have been able to lose about 9 kg successfully in 6 months and have been able to maintain my weight for 6 months. Because time is flexible and membership fees are relatively reasonable, it seems to be possible to continue for a long time. The trainer who has a physiotherapist's license has a wealth of knowledge, and he will take care of himself. Food restrictions are not unreasonable and not painful. Also, you won't be able to buy expensive supplements.
Sh on Google

産後ダイエットのため短期トレーニングで通いました。 分かりやすく丁寧に指導してくれるので、トレーニング初心者でも楽しく取り組めました。 食事や自宅トレーニングのアドバイスもよかったです。 通うスパンや食生活改善、自宅トレーニングへの取組みの甘さから 見た目に劇的な変化はありませんでしたが、少しずつトレーニング強度があがったり キツイと思うトレーニングを終えられたときは達成感がありました。 また、託児はありませんが、子ども連れOKなのがありがたかったです。 事情により通えなくなりましたが、続けたかったなと思うジムです。
I went for short-term training for a postpartum diet. It was easy to understand and carefully instructed, so even beginners in training could enjoy it. Food and home training advice was also good. From the sweetness of efforts to improve the span to go to, eating habits, and home training There was no dramatic change in appearance, but the training intensity gradually increased When I was able to finish my hard training, I felt a sense of accomplishment. In addition, although there is no childcare, I was grateful to be OK with children. It was a gym that I couldn't attend due to circumstances, but I wanted to continue.
Shinichi Ino on Google

ボディーメイクを目的に通い始めました。 今までランニングや糖質オフや色々なダイエットを行ってきましたし、ジムなどにも通ったりもしてきました。 これまでもそれなりに結果を出してきたのですが、こちらに通って、正直こんなに早く見た目が変わるものなのかと驚きました。 正しい方法で運動する事の重要性と、しっかり食事管理を行ってくれるので、今のところ全く無理なく順調に結果が出ています。 一方で我流の非効率差を痛感しているところです。 トレーナの方も、いい感じで追い込んでくれるので、すごく楽しく通えています。 どこまで、トレーナーの言う事に忠実に従うかは個人次第なのですが、従えばしっかり筋肉がつきながら痩せるのは間違いないと1ヶ月目で感じています。 どこまで行けるか楽しみです
I started going for body makeup. Until now, I've been running, carbohydrate-free and doing various diets, and I've also been to the gym. I've been getting some results so far, but I came here and was honestly surprised if it would change the look so quickly. The importance of exercising in the right way and the good management of the meals has so far been reasonably successful. On the other hand, I am keenly aware of the inefficiency difference in my style. The trainers also drive in with a good feeling, so I can go very happily. It is up to the individual to follow exactly what the trainer says, but in the first month I feel that if I do, she will lose weight with firm muscles. I'm looking forward to where I can go
しょーたろー on Google

I had a lot of knowledge about training and meals, so even if I asked a question, I received a polite reply. Since it was desk work, my shoulder stiffness was terrible, but it has improved! !! I was wondering if I couldn't do anything because of my bad posture, but training can improve it! I am very happy that my shoulders and neck are less stiff. Now I'm looking forward to seeing my stoop gradually heal. I look forward to working with you.
一色恭暢 on Google

It is very easy to understand because it gives careful guidance every time. Every time I know that the training form is slightly different, the effective part will be different. It is helpful because you can continue to give dietary advice without difficulty, and you will be taught training that you can do at home.
金融証券 on Google

以前通っていましたが痩せられませんでした。 トレーナーからは何度も「本当に食事は言った通りにやっているか?」と疑われていました。忠実に守っていただけにかなり嫌悪感がありました。 結局、痩せられない原因は私の身体が固いからだと言われました。日々ストレッチをして身体を柔らかくしないとデッドリフトが上手く効かないと いやいやいや。。。汗 じゃあ最初に言ってください。。身体が固い人は痩せられませんよ。って。。汗 食事について疑われるし、終いにはこんなこと言われたので行かなくなりました。 トレーナーによると思いますが、私のトレーナーがここのジムでどれだけの地位なのかは分かりません。 なのでそこはギャンブルになるのかなと…。
I used to go there, but I couldn't lose weight. The trainer repeatedly asked me, "Are you really eating as you said?" I was quite disgusted just because I kept it faithfully. After all, I was told that the reason I couldn't lose weight was because my body was stiff. If you don't stretch every day to soften your body, the deadlift will not work. No no no. .. .. Sweat Then please tell me first. .. People who are physically stiff cannot lose weight. What? .. Sweat I was suspicious about my meal, and at the end I was told something like this, so I stopped going. I think it depends on the trainer, but I don't know how well my trainer is in the gym here. So I wonder if it will be gambling ...
Y K on Google

ボディメイクのために通っています。 正しい身体の動かし方や食事のアドバイスを親切にわかりやすく説明いただけてとても満足しています。 通い始めていかに身体を上手に使えていなかったかを知りました。 1つ1つトレーニングで、どこに負荷がかかっていると正しく身体を動かせているかなども丁寧に教えてもらえるので、自宅トレーニングにも効率的に取り入れられます。 今はO脚改善に取り組んでいて、少しずつ効果が出てきていると思うので、今後が楽しみです。
I go for body makeup. I am very happy that you kindly and clearly explained how to move your body properly and how to eat. When I started going, I found out if I wasn't using my body well. With each training, you will be taught carefully where you can move your body properly when the load is applied, so it can be efficiently incorporated into home training. I'm working on improving the genu varum now, and I think it's getting more and more effective, so I'm looking forward to the future.
S on Google

産後に別のパーソナルジムに通いましたが長く続くことなく結果があまり出ない為に半ば諦めていたところにこちらと出逢いました。 今まで指摘されなかった身体の歪みや姿勢で悪いところ、私が痩せにくい原因を根本的に見抜いてくださったおかげで理想のボディラインが徐々に出来てきて驚いてる日々です。小さな子供もいるので子連れの時もあるのですが子供もココに来るのが大好きなくらい! とても居心地の良いジムで通いやすい、かつ指導の質も高いのでとてもお勧め出来ます。
I went to another personal gym after giving birth, but I met this place where I had given up halfway because it didn't last long and I didn't get much results. I am surprised that the ideal body line is gradually being created thanks to the fact that I have fundamentally identified the cause of the difficulty in losing weight, which is a bad point due to the distortion and posture of the body that has not been pointed out until now. I have small children, so I sometimes bring them with me, but they love to come here too! I highly recommend it because it is a very cozy gym and it is easy to go to and the quality of instruction is high.

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