
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sudaan

住所 :

Isohamacho, Oarai, Higashiibaraki District, 〒311-1301 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–2:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11AM–2:30PM
Friday 11AM–2:30PM
街 : Ibaraki

Isohamacho, Oarai, Higashiibaraki District, 〒311-1301 Ibaraki,Japan
くうたのくったのクタのすけ on Google

2020年1月 人気店はどこも予約いっぱいで取れなくて、たまたま予約が取れました。 味噌仕立てのアンコウ鍋を美味しくいただきました。 御馳走様でした。 ・電話の対応がとても良くて、時間の変更や質問等に何度も電話をかけました。 その度に丁寧に答えてもらえたのが!とても嬉しく感じました。 ・アンコウ鍋以外にもメニューがありますので、アンコウが苦手な方にも良いとおもいます。 ・駐車場は広くて、20台くらいあります。 ・場所は中心部より離れた所にあります。 ・店内は広くて、落ち着いて食事ができます。
January 2020 I happened to be able to make a reservation because I couldn't make a reservation at any of the popular stores. I enjoyed the miso-style Anko Nabe. It was a treat. ・ The telephone response was very good, and I called many times to change the time and ask questions. Every time I got a polite answer! I was very happy. ・ There is a menu other than the angler fish pot, so I think it is good for those who are not good at angler fish. ・ The parking lot is large and there are about 20 cars. ・ The location is far from the center. ・ The inside of the restaurant is large and you can have a calm meal.
旅ザルー on Google

I visited for the purpose of eating an anglerfish hot pot ❗ The anglerfish I ate for the first time was delicious ✨ There were other set meals etc. ..
藤田正弘 on Google

初めて訪れました。 寿多庵コース料理を予約しました。 個室で奥座敷を用意して頂きました。 伊勢海老、鮟鱇鍋等、美味しかったのですが、鮟鱇鍋は鮟鱇の身が少なくて鮟鱇どれ?って感じ。 残念なのは、個室から見える中庭、裏庭が手入れされていなくて特に裏庭は空き家みたいな感じ。 メニューには鮑カキ網焼きとあったが鮑だけ? 値段の割に刺身が少なくて あと少し品数や量があれば満足出来たのに。 女性社員?の方の料理に対する知識が無い感じも残念でした。 ご主人さんは優しい感じでよかったですが。 美味しかったけど 値段の割に色々な意味で物足りなくて値段と料理のバランスがあって無い感じ。 満足出来ませんでした。 この感じだと次は無いかな。
I visited for the first time. I booked a Sudaan course meal. We had you prepare Okuzashiki in a private room. The lobster, anglerfish pot, etc. were delicious, but the anglerfish pot has a small amount of anglerfish, so which one is the anglerfish? I feel like. Unfortunately, the courtyard and backyard that can be seen from the private room are not well maintained, and the backyard feels like a vacant house. The menu says abalone grilled with oysters, but is it just abalone? There are few sashimi for the price I would have been satisfied if there were a few more items and quantities. Female employee? It was a pity that he didn't have any knowledge about cooking. I'm glad my husband was kind. It was delicious It feels like there is no balance between price and food because it is not enough for the price in many ways. I wasn't satisfied. I wonder if there is next with this feeling.
珍獣 on Google

大洗でも那珂湊よりのエリア、かんぽの宿のすぐ近くにある、本格手打ちそばと割烹のお店です。 そばは細くて歯ごたえがしっかりしています。つるつると表面がなめらかでのどごしが良いタイプ。 つゆは甘さひかえめでしょっぱすぎず、上品な味です。 最近(2021年10月頃?)メニューに加わった十割そばもおすすめです。 また、天ぷらの揚げ具合が絶妙で、かぼちゃはねっとりと甘く、海老はぷりっぷりの見事なものでした。これは天丼などもたのんでみたくなりますね。 個人的にはささっと蕎麦をいただいてく利用が中心なのですが、本格的な割烹料理店でもあり、地場産の魚を用いた刺身、煮魚などの定食類も充実しています。また、予約すればコース料理や、宴会で貸し切りなどもできるようです。 おどろいたのはデザートの杏仁豆腐。とても濃厚でパンナコッタといっても通用しそうなほど。チーズのような風味もあってとてもおいしい。来たら必ず注文してしまう逸品です。 (テイクアウトもできるようです) 大洗の割烹店だけあり、冬季になるとあんこう鍋も登場。ひとりでも注文できる『あんこう鍋定食』もあり、非常に心強い存在です。 このあんこう鍋がまた絶品でして、ケチケチせずたっぷり練りこまれた肝の風味が濃厚。この濃厚スープで煮こまれた白菜等の野菜の甘みと、スープを擦った白滝のおいしさが最高です。 シメは雑炊かうどんか選べるのですが、うどんも本格手打ちのものを用意しているこちらでは、ぜひうどんを選んでもらいたいと思います。太めでもっちもちの麺に、旨味たっぷりのあん肝スープ……思い出すだけで、今すぐまた食べに行きたくなるほどでした。 大洗でそれなりにあんこう鍋を食べてきましたが、こちらは特におすすめできる店のひとつです。
Even in Oarai, it is an authentic handmade soba and kappou restaurant located in the area from Nakaminato, near Kanpo no Yado. The buckwheat is thin and chewy. A type that has a smooth surface and is smooth and smooth. The soup is sweet and not too salty, and has an elegant taste. We also recommend 100% soba, which was recently added to the menu (around October 2021?). Also, the deep-fried tempura was exquisite, the pumpkin was soggy and sweet, and the shrimp was plentiful and splendid. You'll want to enjoy this with a bowl of tendon. Personally, I mainly use soba noodles quickly, but it is also a full-fledged cooking restaurant, and there are plenty of set meals such as sashimi and boiled fish using locally produced fish. Also, if you make a reservation, you can have a course meal or charter at a banquet. What surprised me was the dessert almond tofu. It's so rich that it seems like it's a panna cotta. It has a cheese-like flavor and is very delicious. It is a gem that you will definitely order when you come. (It seems that you can also take out) There is only a cooking shop in Oarai, and Anko Nabe also appears in winter. There is also an "Anko Nabe set meal" that you can order by yourself, which is very encouraging. This Anko Nabe is also excellent, and the flavor of the liver that has been thoroughly kneaded without being stingy is rich. The sweetness of vegetables such as Chinese cabbage stewed in this rich soup and the deliciousness of Shirataki noodles rubbed with the soup are the best. You can choose porridge or udon noodles, but we also have authentic handmade udon noodles, so I would like you to choose udon noodles. Thick and chewy noodles and ankimo soup with plenty of umami ... Just remembering it made me want to go to eat again. I've eaten Anko Nabe in Oarai, but this is one of the recommended restaurants.
M M. on Google

先日、お伺いさせて頂きました。 何度か通いましたが、味もサービスも落ちました。 年配の女性店員はサービスの基本も知らない。料理の知識もない。料理も雑、2人であんこう鍋コースを予約したが、一人鍋✖️2でした。(以前は大鍋。)ガスコンロも無くぬるいまま。 板前が変わったのかも知れませんが、味も濃すぎる。 この内容では、他店と比べ高すぎる。 もう行かないと思う。
I visited you the other day. I went there several times, but the taste and service were not good. Elderly female clerk does not know the basics of service. I have no knowledge of cooking. The food was also miscellaneous, so I booked the Anko Nabe course with two people, but it was one person Nabe ✖️2. (Previously a large pot.) It remains lukewarm without a gas stove. Itamae may have changed, but the taste is too strong. This content is too expensive compared to other stores. I don't think I'll go anymore.
Taka on Google

初めて来訪しました。 入口に消毒用アルコールが設置してあったり、テーブルに仕切り板が置かれていたり、感染対策はしっかりなさっていました。 夫は季節の天ぷらそば、私は寿多庵定食でご飯をお蕎麦に変更、こどもにお子様料理を注文しました。 お座敷席の奥には、おもちゃや本が色々あって、こどもは飽きることなく過ごすことができたので、とてもありがたかったです。 こども用の椅子もお借りできました。 お料理は、先にお子様料理が来ました。 すでにこの時点で結構待ちました。 メニューはあたたかいうどん、とりの唐揚げ、エビフライ、レタス、皮付きポテト、とりわけ用のお椀とお箸、スプーン、フォークでした。 うどんは、来た時点ですでに麺にスープの色が移っていて、案の定こどもには味が濃く、持って来たお湯で薄めました。 唐揚げも濃いめ、茶碗蒸しも大人でも濃いなと思うほどだったのでほとんど食べさせられませんでした。。。 頼まなければよかったと思いました。 一時間近く待って大人の分の料理が来たのですが、お蕎麦は茹で過ぎなのかやわらかく、麺同士がくっついて団子状になっていました。 私はこどもの世話で、配膳されてからすぐには食べれなかったのもあるかもしれませんが、すぐに食べた夫も同じ感想でした。 出来上がった後配膳をしばらく忘れていたか、茹で置きをしてるのではと思ってしまうくらい固まってほぐし辛く、とてもとても残念でした。 小鉢の煮物たちや麺つゆも全体的に舌がビリッとするくらい辛いので箸が進みませんでした。 麺つゆはせっかくの蕎麦の風味を消してしまうのではと思いました。 久しぶりの外食だから、薄味に慣れてるのもあるとは思います。 でもそれにしても、、という感想です。 生蕎麦を持ち帰って自宅で茹でて食べましたが、それは美味しかったです。 味の濃淡は好みもあるかとは思うので何とも言えませんが、お蕎麦に関しては早急に改善された方がいいのではと思います。
I visited for the first time. Rubbing alcohol was installed at the entrance, and a partition plate was placed on the table, and infection control was well taken. My husband changed the rice to soba at the seasonal tempura soba, and I changed the rice to soba at Sudaan set meal, and ordered children's dishes for children. There were various toys and books in the back of the tatami room, and I was very grateful that the children could spend time without getting bored. I also rented a chair for children. As for cooking, children's food came first. I've already waited a long time at this point. The menu was warm udon noodles, fried chicken, fried shrimp, lettuce, potatoes with skin, especially bowls and chopsticks, spoons, and forks. The color of the soup had already been transferred to the noodles when the udon came, and as expected, the taste was strong for children, so I diluted it with the hot water I brought. The fried chicken was so strong that even adults thought that the chawanmushi was so strong that I could hardly eat it. .. .. I wish I hadn't asked. After waiting for almost an hour, the food for adults came, but the soba was too boiled and soft, and the noodles stuck together to form a dumpling. I may not have been able to eat immediately after being served because of the care of the children, but my husband who ate immediately had the same impression. It was very, very disappointing that it was hard to loosen so much that I had forgotten to serve it for a while after it was finished, or I thought it was boiled. The simmered dishes in small bowls and the noodle soup were so spicy that the tongue was so spicy that the chopsticks didn't advance. I thought that the noodle soup would erase the flavor of the soba noodles. It's been a while since I've eaten out, so I think I'm used to the light taste. But even so, it's an impression. I brought back the raw soba and boiled it at home and ate it, which was delicious. I can't say anything about the shade of the taste because I think there is a taste, but I think it is better to improve the soba noodles as soon as possible.
Jerry B on Google

Max Kennard on Google

A little expensive but great sea food

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