Subaru - Okazaki

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Subaru

住所 :

Sarumachi-28-1 Hosshojicho, Okazaki, Aichi 444-0206, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 444-0206
Webサイト :

Sarumachi-28-1 Hosshojicho, Okazaki, Aichi 444-0206, Japan
福本亮也 on Google

新車契約前は非常に対応が良い。 契約後びっくりするほど対応が悪くなり、落差に絶句。 事前に依頼していた作業を忘れたり、車内清掃で傷を付けても知らぬ顔したり、今では行く度不愉快な思いをする。 スバル車自体はいい車だが、次の購入は他社にしようと思う。
Very good correspondence before the new car contract. The deal goes badly astonishingly after the contract, and the head is absolutely complete. I forget about the work I asked for in advance, or even if I get scratched by cleaning the car, I don't know what I'm doing, and now I feel uncomfortable every time I go. The Subaru car itself is a good car, but I think that the next purchase will be another company.
sug sug on Google

In the past, I purchased a new car with a five-year inspection pack. The service is good, but the salesman gets worse over time. From around the fourth year, there were times when I came to the store and wasn't watched. Affectionate for customers in front of the contract. It is unfriendly to long-term customers.
キラリン on Google

I have been with him for almost 10 years, but to be clear, the service is not good. I don't make any big mistakes, but I make choi choi mistakes, do only the minimum, and I'm not a good customer service person. Do you hate to serve customers and maintain them unwillingly? I feel that it appears in my face and actions. Actually, I think all the staff don't like Subaru cars. The staff here are not so motivated as it seems. The next vehicle inspection will never be done here. I don't buy new cars in Subaru either. I've been dating for 10 years and I'm completely amiable.
A W on Google

明るくて親しみやすい方の多いディーラーだと思います。 スタッフといっても人間なのですべてが完璧というわけではないですが素直な対応なので安心して相談ができます。
I think it is a bright and friendly dealer. The staff is human, so not everything is perfect, but since they are honest, you can consult with confidence.
れおんまるこ(まお) on Google

先日、ミラーが自動で閉じなくなった(T_T)ので、お店に行きました!日曜で人はそれなりに席が埋まってて忙しそうでしたが、それでもお店の方はとても丁寧な対応をしてくれました! ただミラーが自動で閉じない修理が、ミラー交換になる感じで、見積まで作ってくれましたが、財布に余裕がありません(T_T)
The other day, the mirror did not close automatically (T_T), so I went to the store! People seemed to be busy on Sundays with their seats filled up, but the shop staff was still very polite! However, the repair that the mirror does not close automatically seems to be a mirror replacement, and he made an estimate, but there is no room in the wallet (T_T)
高須淳一 on Google

いつもお世話になってます。 広くてきれいな店内は、待ち時間が気になりません。 喫煙ルームが設けてある点も、私的には評価ポイントです。
I am always indebted to you. You don't have to worry about waiting time in the large and clean interior. The fact that there is a smoking room is also an evaluation point for me.
R Take on Google

とても良いサービスとは言えない 予約すら断られてこちらの都合では点検すら出来ない
Not a very good service Even the reservation is refused and I can not even check it for my convenience
A A. on Google

I rushed in without a reservation due to a sudden repair, but even though the shop was busy, I got a response. Thank you!

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