Subaru Car Spot Kitamoto - Kitamoto

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Subaru Car Spot Kitamoto

住所 :

5 Chome-26 Miyauchi, Kitamoto, Saitama 364-0002, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 364-0002
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM

5 Chome-26 Miyauchi, Kitamoto, Saitama 364-0002, Japan
ブン太まりも on Google

変なものは販売していないのだと思います。 当たり前ですが、そうでないものも時に混ぜて店頭並べる店舗もいまだにありますのて。
I don't think we sell anything weird. Obviously, there are still some stores that sometimes mix and line up other things.
佐々木博 on Google

The clerk's feeling is good!
K Y on Google

It was wonderful with a very polite response. When I got a new car, I was a little disgusted because it was rugged.
yamagata hiroyuki on Google

SUBARUが好きなら 見て損はないよ 店内もきれいだよ
If you like SUBARU it will not be damaged if you see it. The interior of the shop is also beautiful
キムキム on Google

クルマの乗り換えを検討中に訪れました。 担当してくださった方が、明るくて歳も近い事から話も盛り上がりました。 認定中古車販売店というだけあって、レア車も置いてあります。 ネットには掲載されていないレア車もあるので、スバル好きな人は立ち寄ってみるのも良いかもしれません。
I came here while considering changing cars. The person who was in charge was bright and young, and the story was exciting. There are rare used cars just because they are authorized used car dealers. There are rare cars that are not posted on the net, so if you like Subaru, you may want to stop by.
J Tabby on Google

スバルのディーラー認定中古車販売店 状態がよくどちらかというと新古車のお店といった印象 他の中古車と比べると50~100万円くらい、価格のレンジは高いのですが、ディーラー車として購入できるようです。
Subaru dealer certified used car dealer Impression that it is in good condition and is rather like a new old car shop Compared to other used cars, the price range is about 500 to 1 million yen, but it seems that you can purchase it as a dealer car.
かずちゃん on Google

12歳以下お断りの温泉なんで、 ゆったりできる感じですが, ゴルフ場が隣にあるので 週末とか、ゴルフ場利用するおじさま達が 来たりして、食べるところが 私が行った時は宴会みたいになってました? お風呂は壷湯がかなりぬるめな感じでしたが、 いい湯でしたー。
It's a hot spring that refuses to be under 12 years old, It feels like you can relax, Because the golf course is next door Uncles who use the golf course on weekends The place to come and eat It was like a banquet when I went ? The bath was quite lukewarm, but It was a good hot water.
umex T on Google

程度の良い、ディーラーの保証がついた車が購入できます。 本体価格も他の中古車販売より若干高いですが、後付の追加請求等も常識の範囲内で、3年保証もあることからトータルで見て良い買い物ができました。営業の方の対応も良く、家の近くのディーラへの引き継ぎもしていただきました。
You can buy a good car with a dealer's warranty. The price of the main unit is also a little higher than the sales of other used cars, but the additional billing for retrofitting is within the range of common sense, and there is a 3-year warranty, so I was able to make a good purchase in total. The sales staff was very responsive, and I was able to take over to a dealer near my house.

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