STYLE Takasaki - Takasaki

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact STYLE Takasaki

住所 :

4 Chome-5-2 Tonyamachi, Takasaki, Gunma 370-0006, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Postal code : 370-0006
Webサイト :

4 Chome-5-2 Tonyamachi, Takasaki, Gunma 370-0006, Japan
石原桃子 on Google

おしゃれなインテリアがたくさんあります。 家具は高めですが、どれもメーカーがしっかりしているものです。 買い物しなくても楽しめると思います。
There are a lot of stylish interiors. The furniture is expensive, but all are well-made by the manufacturer. I think you can enjoy it without shopping.
吉川千佳子 on Google

デザイン性の高い素敵なインテリア雑貨や、家具を多数取り扱っています。 倉庫のような店内も素敵です。
We have a lot of nice interior goods with high design and furniture. The interior like a warehouse is also nice.
Yusuke Hanai on Google

家具・インテリアショップactusのパートナーショップです。 イッタラが取り揃えてあります。
It is a partner shop of furniture and interior shop actus. It is stocked by Ittara.
Y Arai on Google

おしゃれな雑貨と家具(ソファー、テーブルなど)が売られています。雑貨はシンプルで北欧系?な感じです。イッタラ等も置いてありますので個人的に好きなお店です。ソファーなどはあまり安いものは置いてありません。お高いのでなかなかでが出ませんが、いつかはほしいと思わせる物ばかりだと思います。家を建てる人とかは間取りに合わせて家具を新調するのが良さそうです。後から買うのは経済的にもきついですから(笑) 駐車場はあまり大きくなく、少し入りにくいです。
Fashionable sundries and furniture (sofas, tables, etc.) are on sale. Miscellaneous goods are simple and Scandinavian? It is a feeling. It's a store that I like personally as Iittala is also available. Sofas are not so cheap. It's expensive, so it's difficult to get out, but I think that all the things I want someday. It seems good for the person who builds a house to make new furniture according to the floor plan. It's financially tough to buy later (laughs) The parking lot is not very big and a little difficult to enter.
kko sz on Google

A fashionable shop. In the past, I used to buy gifts such as wedding gifts, baby gifts, moving gifts, and birthday gifts. While wrapping, I often received matcha latte because I was given a ticket for the cafe. It was delicious.
荒井秀雄 on Google

There are a lot of fashionable furniture and accessories that come in handy after moving to Takasaki ? However, when the ordered table will be available ? I will not be contacted ?
a a on Google

There are some really fashionable furniture and small fabrics. It's a favorite atmosphere. It seems that some shops will pass by for a moment, so I think that if you put up a signboard of an interior shop along the road, everyone will be able to easily understand and attract customers. I want to go again.
Mo-chan Gi-chan on Google

ダイニングテーブル、ソファ、椅子をこちらで購入しました。やはり高い商品を扱っているので、接客も、丁寧で安心。 色々な家具の情報やメンテナンスなども教えてくださり勉強になりました。 家具の配送もとても丁寧でビックリ。ここまで丁寧だと安心しきりです。ありがとうございました。 我が家、猫をかっていまして、ダイニングテーブルの椅子の布地が痛んでしまいましたが、数年たってもきちんと付け替えのカバーが購入できるのが良かったです。 廃盤にはなりにくい。ありがたいです。 また数年後、カバー購入しないといけないと思いますが、またよろしくお願いします!
I bought a dining table, sofa and chairs here. After all, we handle expensive products, so customer service is polite and safe. I learned a lot from the information and maintenance of various furniture. The delivery of furniture is also very polite and surprising. It is safe to be so polite. Thank you very much. I was buying a cat at home, and the fabric of the chair on the dining table was damaged, but it was good to be able to purchase a replacement cover properly even after a few years. It is unlikely to be out of print. Thank you. I think I'll have to buy a cover a few years later, but thank you again!

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