5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー


住所 :

Yakumo, Meguro City, 〒152-0023 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
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Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–10PM
Sunday 9AM–10PM
Monday 9AM–10PM
Tuesday 9AM–10PM
Wednesday 10AM–10PM
Thursday 10AM–10PM
Friday 10AM–10PM
街 : Tokyo

Yakumo, Meguro City, 〒152-0023 Tokyo,Japan
momo on Google

・もともとトレーニングが好きで毎日ジムに通ってるものです。 ・最初は黄色いジムに既に通っているし、家からも近くないからノリで契約してしまって大丈夫かな…と正直心配でした(笑) ・今まで沢山のパーソナルを受けましたが、こちらが一番『不安がない・疑問がない・効果がある・しっくりくる・払ったお金以上の価値がある』パーソナルだなと思いました! ・トレーナーさんの提案力に毎回感動します。なぜ??に全部答えてくれる。 知識と経験量が膨大だからこそできることだと思います。 筋肉のつき方など、マニアックなこともすごく分かりやすく説明してもらえます(笑)。 ・一般的なパーソナルトレーニングのイメージは60分ですが、こちらのパーソナルは90分なので焦らず丁寧に学べました。 (毎度充実しているので時間がすぎる感覚は一瞬ですが) ・トレーナーさんの指名制度はありませんが、どの方もお人柄が良く、心から信頼できる方々でした。 ・毎回新たな発見があります! ひとりで行うトレーニングの質も爆上がりし、より楽しめるようになりました。 ・初心者の方はもちろん、経験者の方にもおすすめです。
・ I've always liked training and go to the gym every day. ・ At first, I already went to the yellow gym, and I wasn't close to my house, so I was honestly worried that it would be okay to sign a contract with Nori (laughs). ・ I have received a lot of personals so far, but I thought that this is the most "no anxiety, no doubt, effective, nice, and worth more than the money I paid"! ・ I am impressed with the trainer's proposal power every time. why? ?? Will answer all of them. I think this is possible because of the vast amount of knowledge and experience. You can explain maniac things such as how to build muscles in a very easy-to-understand manner (laughs). ・ The general image of personal training is 60 minutes, but since this personal is 90 minutes, I was able to learn carefully without rushing. (Since it is fulfilling every time, the feeling that time passes is a moment) ・ There is no nomination system for trainers, but all of them have good personalities and are truly reliable. ・ Every time there are new discoveries! The quality of training done by myself has also exploded, making it even more enjoyable. -Recommended not only for beginners but also for experienced people.
takako hirasawa Katoh on Google

I was introduced by the person who won the Mrs. Contest. Ruri-sensei always gets energized just by meeting fresh ?. I really admire my own body makeup ? I went to some hands-on training, but since I am a professional who knows all about my body, he suggests training that suits me, and each training is encouraging ?
長谷川りえ on Google

楽しくトレーニングしつつ、身体の悩みも改善されました! トレーナーさんの知識も豊富で頼りになります??
While training happily, my physical problems have improved! The trainer's knowledge is also abundant and reliable ??
森岡一成 on Google

ヘルニアの手術後のため体に詳しいトレーナーに教えて頂きながら毎回追い込んでいただいてます。 怪我あけで1人でトレーニングが心配な方、体を絞りたい方にお勧めです。
Because it is after hernia surgery, I have a trainer who is familiar with the body teach me and drive me every time. Recommended for those who are worried about training alone due to injury or who want to squeeze their body.
とくやまめい on Google

I would definitely recommend it to those who are uncertain about personality. It will guide you to what you need to achieve your goals. The explanation is persuasive, and I can feel it immediately with my own body, so even I, who is not good at gym and exercise, continue to do so.
Motoya Katakura on Google

日当たりが良く気持ちのいいルームの中で体の使い方や筋肉の動かし方を丁寧に説明してもらいながら質の高いトレーニングが実践できます! トレーナーさんもコミュニケーションの取りやすい方々でリラックスできる環境だと思います。
You can practice high-quality training while carefully explaining how to use your body and how to move your muscles in a sunny and comfortable room! I think the trainer is also an environment where people can easily communicate and relax.
SH CHORD on Google

In the middle of training, if there is a place where you have trouble moving, it will stop immediately and take in stretching and massage, so you can firmly train the appropriate points. It always helps me because it remembers the first counseling (what kind of body I want to be, etc.) and gives me personal training that suits the person. After the training, he sent me some advice from the official LINE, so I can't be lazy. I am always grateful for your help.
hiroaki watanabe on Google

パーソナルジムというかジム通い自体初めてだったのですが、トレーナーが親切で自分の身体と寄り添ってくれるので2年以上通ってしまい。自分でもビックリです。 パーソナルトレーニングでは、自宅でのトレーニングや食生活にもアドバイスがもらえて、今54歳ですが老後の健康にも目処がつきました。 アスリートも通うジムですが、僕は緩くまったり継続的に通いたいと思います。
It was my first time to go to a personal gym or gym, but the trainer was kind and close to my body, so I went there for more than two years. I am surprised myself. In my personal training, I received advice on training at home and eating habits, and now I am 54 years old, but I have a good idea of ​​my health in old age. The gym is also attended by athletes, but I would like to relax and attend continuously.

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