STARBUCKS youme Town Takamatsu Shop

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact STARBUCKS youme Town Takamatsu Shop

住所 :

Sanjocho, Takamatsu, 〒761-8072 Kagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88788
Webサイト :
街 : Kagawa
Description : Seattle-based coffeehouse chain known for its signature roasts, light bites and WiFi availability.

Sanjocho, Takamatsu, 〒761-8072 Kagawa,Japan
よしだゆきみ on Google

I bought a tumbler the other day. I had a female partner in a black apron respond to me, and I was able to shop very politely and comfortably. I'm glad that my friend who gave me a tumbler was happy.
n on Google

リザーブ併用のスタバ 購入意思を示して、リザーブ豆の試飲をさせて頂きました。 酸味が苦手なので、3種類試飲して良かったです。 ゆっくりされたいなら夕方以降ではないでしょうか? 他の方が書き込みされているような接客では無かったです。 男性店員さんお忙しい中、テイスティング用に準備して下さり有難うございます。 現在プレスで美味しく飲んでいます。
Starbuck with reserve I showed my willingness to purchase, I tasted the reserve beans. I am not good at sourness, so it was good to try 3 kinds. If you want to be relaxed, is not it after evening? It was not a customer service like the others were written. Male clerk Mr. Thank you for preparing for the tasting while I am busy. Currently I am drinking deliciously at the press.
on Google

I've come across a person who doesn't feel good at any Starbucks, but a woman with short hair and a perm feels really good (^. ^) She also tells me recommended foods, but several times. There is no loss ☆ I am happy and relaxed for a gentle way of talking (* ^^ *)
ああ on Google

レジの方の対応はすごく気持ちがよかったのですけど、 さくらストロベリー白玉フラペチーノを頼み、友達のsnsにも写真の通りで載っていたから写真の通りで来るかと思ったら上に乗っている餅は広げたまんま真ん中に乗せられてそのまんまフタされた。 どうやって飲めと? 持ち帰りにしたので袋に入れてくれたが、「ストロー入れておきました」と言われたのに家に帰ってから開けたら入ってませんでした。 私もsnsに上げたくて楽しみにしていたのに気分が悪いです。
The correspondence of the cashier was very pleasant, but I asked for Sakura Strawberry Shiratama Frappuccino, and it was on my friend's sns as shown in the picture, so I thought it would come as shown in the picture. How to drink? I took it home, so he put it in a bag, but when I got home, I opened it and it didn't come in even though I was told that I had put a straw in it. I was looking forward to raising it to sns, but I feel sick.
植田直子 on Google

I was impressed for the first time that he brought me to my seat at Starbucks.
しゃちほこ on Google

The young male clerk when I visited the other day was a very good impression. I ordered "without ice", but he said "I'll add more milk". I didn't know the existence of extra milk at that time, but thanks to the kindness of the staff, I was able to leave the store with a very good deal. It was a holiday so it was very crowded, but thank you very much for your polite response. I will drop by again.
time machine on Google

店員さんも明るく笑顔で対応してくれて、好感が持てます。 味はどの店も同じなので、店内の清潔感とスタッフの評価が大事だと思います。
The clerk also responds with a cheerful smile, which I like. The taste is the same in every store, so I think it's important to have a clean feeling inside the store and the evaluation of the staff.
S. Kaniku on Google

There are Food court, clothes store, restaurants, cosmatic.

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