Starbucks - Niiza

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Starbucks

住所 :

EQUiA志木 2 Chome-38-1 Tohoku, Niiza, Saitama 352-0001, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 352-0001
Webサイト :
Description : Seattle-based coffeehouse chain known for its signature roasts, light bites and WiFi availability.

EQUiA志木 2 Chome-38-1 Tohoku, Niiza, Saitama 352-0001, Japan
Sa “sachiel” cham on Google

よく利用させていただいている店舗です。 スタッフの方々は皆さん、丁寧な接客をしてくださります。 カスタムも面倒くさがらずに「これ美味しそうですね!」とか声をかけながら作ってくださり、ても早い。待ち時間も少ないのでこれからも利用させていただきます。
It is a store that I often use. All the staff will be polite to serve customers. It's quick to make a custom while calling out, "This looks delicious!" Without any hassle. Since the waiting time is short, we will continue to use it.
bsk_ekaki sense on Google

東武東上線志木駅構内改札前にあるため、ちょっとした待ち合わせには最適。 対面のミニテーブル席が6つ、カウンター型の対面席6ペア分、キッチンカウンター2席。
Because it is in front of the Tobu Tojo Line Shiki Station ticket gate, it is ideal for a short meeting. There are 6 mini table seats facing each other, 6 pairs of counter type facing seats, and 2 kitchen counter seats.
かぜのたつき on Google

開店したばかりで色々追い付いてない雰囲気。席が狭く互い違いに掛けるカウンターがなんとも斬新である。 ソファー席はなく背もたれの無い座席ばかりで長居には向かず、強いていうならテイクアウト重視の設計。 コンセント席はないがWi-Fiスポットはある。 ゆったりしたい人は駅隣接の駅前店の方がいいかも。
Atmosphere that has just opened and has not caught up with various things. The seats are small and the counters that can be placed alternately are very novel. There are no seats on the sofa and there are no seats on the back. There is no outlet seat, but there is a Wi-Fi spot. For those who want to relax, the station front store next to the station may be better.
Miho Oba on Google

志木駅の改札前のスタバ。 一人席中心で席が多くないので、ちょっと一息入れたいときに少し立ち寄るのがおすすめです。 店員さんがハキハキしていて気持ちいいです。
Starbucks in front of the ticket gate at Shiki Station. There are not many seats, mainly for one person, so it is recommended to stop by when you want to take a break. It feels good that the clerk is excited.
t tomomi on Google

It's vacant early in the morning because I stop by before work, but it's always crowded during the day. The shop is small because it's before the ticket gate, but I don't stop by except in the morning because I'm waiting for an order and line up outside.
Kayoko Takahashi on Google

A small Starbucks right at the ticket gate. The number of seats is small, but you can sit if the timing is right. It was more comfortable and calm than I expected.
Sammy Duke on Google

Cool place.
tomo koba on Google

Love Starbucks☕️

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