Starbucks Coffee Asagaya Station Front

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Starbucks Coffee Asagaya Station Front

住所 :

Asagayaminami, Suginami City, 〒166-0004 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Webサイト :
街 : Tokyo
Description : Seattle-based coffeehouse chain known for its signature roasts, light bites and WiFi availability.

Asagayaminami, Suginami City, 〒166-0004 Tokyo,Japan
Yozo on Google

詳細評価3.1 駅構内にあるスターバックス 1.2階に席があります。 ホットのソイラテをトールサイズで頼みました。 464円 豚八戒でのお食事会の前に利用しました。 駅から近いので、時間調整の際に便利です。
Detailed evaluation 3.1 Starbucks in the station There is a seat on the 1.2th floor. I ordered hot soy latte in tall size. 464 yen We used it before the dinner party at the Pig Hakkai. Because it is close to the station, it is convenient for time adjustment.
柴田香菜子 on Google

阿佐ヶ谷駅には、2箇所スタバ☕?✨があります。 こちらのスタバは、2階席が好きです? ハニードーナッツ?がたべたくなったら♪スタバに来ます。珈琲も美味しいです。 店員さんも優しく丁寧で嬉しいです?
There are two Starbucks ☕?✨ at Asagaya Station. This Starbucks likes upstairs seats ? If you want to eat honey donuts ? ♪ Come to Starbucks. Coffee is also delicious. The clerk is also kind and polite and happy ?
kouichi akiyama on Google

雨降る土曜日 ちょっと予定より早く着いたので 外に出ないで モーニングコーヒー レジ脇にあるサンドイッチに 手が伸びてしまうw いつも多いと思ってるのに つい頼んでしまう トールサイズ♪ ガラス越しに 行き交う人を 眺めながら いただきました ご馳走さまでした
Rainy saturday I arrived a little earlier than planned Don't go out Morning coffee For sandwiches beside the cash register My hands stretch out w I always think there are many I just ask Tall size ♪ Through the glass People who come and go While watching Whats It was a feast
蒟蒻畑 on Google

阿佐ヶ谷駅に2店舗あるうちの、駅改札に近い方のスタバです。 駅のコンコースを挟んで他のカフェがあり、軽く食事を取るかどうかで使い分けています。 1階の席は少く2階は程々ありますが、混むときは座れなそうです。
Of the two stores at Asagaya Station, this is the Starbucks near the station ticket gate. There are other cafes across the station concourse, and we use them properly depending on whether we eat lightly or not. There are few seats on the 1st floor and there are moderate on the 2nd floor, but it seems that you can not sit when it is crowded.
yofukashi _3 on Google

Starbucks, which opened in 2002, is a 0-minute walk from Asagaya Station. Although the store is small, it is divided into the first and second floors, and the stairs in the atrium and the glass-enclosed interior do not make you feel cramped. Rather, I even feel a sense of openness.
emi Iwaki on Google

阿佐ヶ谷駅降りてすぐのところにあるのでとても立地は良いです。 1階、2階と席があり1階に注文カウンターがあります。店内はそこまで広くはなくこじんまりとしてます。 利用されている方は仕事や勉強をされている方が多いです。 さすがスタバ!平日の昼過ぎでも混み合っています。注文する人が多くレジは一人で対応されていました。 本日は次の予定まで少し時間が空いたので利用しましたが、注文まで時間がかかりゆっくりできなかったです。ゆっくりされたい方におすすめだと思います。
The location is very good as it is just off Asagaya station. There are seats on the 1st and 2nd floors, and there is an order counter on the 1st floor. The inside of the store is not so large and small. Many of the people who are using it are working or studying. As expected, Starbucks! It is crowded even after noon on weekdays. Many people ordered, and the cashier was handled by himself. I used it today because I had a little time until the next schedule, but it took a long time to order and I couldn't relax. I think it is recommended for those who want to relax.
peanutflavor crisp on Google

always crowded with people with finished food and coffee studying or working for hours.
christos unda on Google

Great place to come and relax while drinking a nice cup of coffee , clean and conveniently placed.

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