
3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

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Asagayakita, Suginami City, 〒166-0001 Tokyo,Japan
n nozomi on Google

全然混んでいないにも関わらず、メインの料理が出てくるのに1時間以上かかりました(催促してやっと出てきた感じ)。謝罪は一切無しです。 更に帰宅後よくよくレシートを確認したら、飲んでもいないビール×2を勝手に計上されており、1600円上乗せされていました。これはチャージ料なのでしょうか? 折角料理は美味しいのに、マイナスが大き過ぎて残念極まりないです。二度と行きません。
Even though it wasn't crowded at all, it took more than an hour for the main dish to come out (it feels like it finally came out after being urged). There is no apology. Furthermore, when I often checked the receipt after returning home, I found that 2 beers I hadn't drank were automatically added, and an additional 1600 yen was added. Is this a charge? Even though the food is delicious, the minus is too big and it's a shame. I will never go again.
fzj80g on Google

駅すぐ近くでイタリアンや洋食をつまみたいときに一人でもふらっと寄りやすいお店。 卵だけのカルボナーラをお願いして作っていただき、絶妙のとろり卵で◎。 お酒1,2杯しか飲まないのにゆっくり晩御飯を食べて帰れるお店です。もちろん一人でも家族でも。
A shop that is easy to stop by alone when you want to eat Italian or Western food near the station. We asked you to make carbonara with only eggs, and it was an exquisitely thick egg. It is a shop where you can eat dinner slowly and go home even though you only drink one or two glasses of alcohol. Of course, alone or with family.
정현욱 on Google

店は小さいが。内部はきれいいです。食べ物も美味しい。仕事を終わらせて一人で来る人が多いそうです。 静で酒を楽しめることが出来る場所です。
Although the store is small. The inside is clean. The food is also delicious. It seems that many people come alone after finishing their work. It is a place where you can enjoy sake in a quiet atmosphere.
まるねこ on Google

料理が出てくるまで時間がかかりすぎです。隣の席の方は頼んだ物が出てこないから、と会計をお願いすると今作り始めたから料金に含まれると説明されていたようです。 渋々残っていたものの30分は待っていたと思います。 隣を見て自分達も注文した料理を催促しましたが、出てきたのは1時間以上後でした。 帰る時、店員さんはお喋りばかりでありがとうございましたなども無し。 料理は美味しいですがそれ以外が残念すぎてリピートは絶対なしです。
It takes too long for the food to come out. It seems that it was explained that the seat next to me would not come out with what I asked for, and when I asked for accounting, it was included in the price because I started making it now. I think I was waiting for 30 minutes, although I was reluctant to remain. We looked next to each other and urged them to order the food, but it came out more than an hour later. When I got home, the clerk just talked and thank you. The food is delicious, but everything else is too disappointing and there is absolutely no repeat.
ねこぷーさん on Google

美味しい、安い、雰囲気がよいバル。 こういう店を探してました。
A delicious, cheap and welcoming bar. I was looking for a store like this.
ゆっきーもーりー on Google

友達の紹介で伺いました^_^ お料理はお手頃なのに美味しくてワインにすごく合いました! こだわりのハンバーグは絶品! パテもとにかく癖がなく食べやすくて美味しくて最高! 個人的にはパリパリのおつまみ的ピザが好きでした! 場所も分かりやすく居心地がよくて綺麗な店内です。 シェフも気さくで話しやすくて(*´-`) またぜひ伺いますね!
I asked by a friend's introduction ^_^ The food was reasonably priced but delicious and went well with wine! The particular hamburger steak is excellent! The putty has no habit and is easy to eat and delicious! Personally, I liked the crispy pizza! The place is easy to understand and the inside of the store is cozy and beautiful. The chef is also friendly and easy to talk to (*´-`) See you again!
TK jam on Google

創作イタリアン 阿佐ヶ谷駅北口飲食街のイタリアンバル。旬食材で作る料理はどれも美味しく頂けます。生ビールハイネケン、ハンバーグはハーフカットして提供されますので早め食べないとどんどん火が通るので要注意です。
Creative Italian Italian bar in the restaurant area at the north exit of Asagaya station. All dishes made with seasonal ingredients are delicious. Draft beer Heineken and hamburger are served in half cuts, so be careful as they will cook more and more if you don't eat them early.
Chinatsu Sakuma on Google

Fun and good taste

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