出光 セルフ 堺草尾 SS (冨尾石油)

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 出光 セルフ 堺草尾 SS (冨尾石油)

住所 :

Kusao, Higashi Ward, Sakai, 〒599-8127 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : http://tomioil.com/ss-sakaikusao.html
街 : Osaka

Kusao, Higashi Ward, Sakai, 〒599-8127 Osaka,Japan
小山勉 on Google

It is easy to use store open 24 hours. The clerk is also friendly and felt good.
rimoshini on Google

クレジット払いなら 2円引きでこのGSのポイントで 2円引きで10日と30日は2円びきですから店頭価格から6円引きになります。
If you pay by credit card With 2 yen discount at this GS point With a 2 yen discount, the price is 2 yen on the 10th and 30th, so you will get a 6 yen discount from the store price.
井上克也 on Google

この近くでは安い方です。 スタッフは以前愛嬌がありましたか、最近はスタッフ同士の会話優先で、接客を優先して欲しいものです。
It's cheaper near here. Did the staff have a previous charm? Recently, I want the staff to prioritize the conversation and give priority to customer service.
小笹幸治 on Google

洗車してタオルが置いてあるので取りに行く手前はぶけていいです。 エアーゲージと掃除機も設置されているので便利です。
The car was washed and towels were placed so it's okay to get rid of it before you go to pick it up. It is convenient because it also has an air gauge and a vacuum cleaner.
May 0715 on Google

ホントの評価は0! 翌日に備えて夜間に給油しに行った際、誤ってガソリンを吹きこぼしてしまい、慌てて回りを見回すが吹きこぼれ用の雑巾がない。で、店員さんのいる部屋に雑巾を借りに行くが…「ウチにはそういうのはない」との返事?イヤイヤイヤ…有るとか無いとかではなく、事故防止の為に必要なのでは? 経営者が変わってサービスすごく悪くなった。他にも金剛駅近くにお店があり手広く商売してるようだが、もうこの系列会社には二度と行かないし、回りにも事実を語りまくる!冨尾石油最悪や!※名誉の為に言っとくが、店員さんはいい人が多い。会社が良くないってこと。
The real rating is 0! When I went to refuel at night in preparation for the next day, I accidentally spilled gasoline and looked around in a hurry, but there was no rag for spilling. So, I went to the room where the clerk was, but ... I got a reply saying "I don't have that kind of thing" ? I don't like it ... I don't know if it's there or not, but it's necessary to prevent accidents? The management changed and the service became very bad. There are other shops near Kongo station and it seems that they are doing business extensively, but I will never go to this affiliated company again and tell the facts around me! Tomio Oil is the worst! * For the sake of honor, many of the clerk are good people. The company is not good.
taka on Google

worst. I had a car inspection here, but the card was cut abnormally. Why are you doing this? I know. Are only young people really OK? Isn't there a person who manages it properly? I feel anxious. I will never go again. Never refuel.
Hiroyuki Yoshimura on Google

Free towels are rented at the wiping area after passing through the car wash machine.
Kmsd on Google

大変ケチ臭い口コミですから、あまり参考にならないかもしれません。 定期的に洗車機の料金が値上げされています。看板の「水洗い200円」の表示を見て入ると300円だったり、最近は「水洗い300円~」の看板なのに最低ラインがシャンプー有りの400円だったり…。 実際の洗車価格は洗車機の前まで入らないと見えませんし、洗車機も奥まった位置にあります。バックで脱出するには少々出づらい位置にあるし、「想定より高いと気づいた時にはもう洗車するしかない…」という状況になります。 拭き上げタオル貸し出し、水道の蛇口の改善、洗車機も新しい機種が入っています。拭き上げの場所も確保されています。そうした改善を重ねて頂いているのは大変有難い事です。 しかし、こうした「入ってみたら思ったより高かった!」というような商売のやり方はちょっと卑怯だな~と思います。
It's a very stingy word of mouth, so it may not be very helpful. Car wash prices are being raised on a regular basis. If you look at the signboard "Washing 200 yen", it costs 300 yen, and recently, even though the signboard says "Washing 300 yen ~", the lowest line is 400 yen with shampoo. The actual car wash price cannot be seen unless you enter in front of the car wash machine, and the car wash machine is also in a deep position. It is a little difficult to escape in the back, and the situation is that "when you notice that it is higher than expected, you have no choice but to wash the car ...". New models are included, such as lending towels for wiping, improving faucets for water, and car wash machines. A place for wiping is also secured. We are very grateful for the repeated improvements. However, I think that the way of doing business such as "It was more expensive than I expected when I entered!" Is a bit cowardly.

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