ENEOS オブリステーション中環大泉緑地 SS (國際油化)

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ENEOS オブリステーション中環大泉緑地 SS (國際油化)

住所 :

Kanaokacho, Kita Ward, Sakai, 〒591-8022 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : https://eneos-ss.com/search/ss/pc/detail.php%3FSCODE%3D701420
街 : Osaka

Kanaokacho, Kita Ward, Sakai, 〒591-8022 Osaka,Japan
はっち on Google

コンビニがあるし広いからなにかと便利 コンビニとガソリンスタンド! 何気に相性がいいと言うか合理的と言うか 発想がいいと思いましたね
There is a convenience store and it's wide, so it's convenient. Convenience store and gas station! What do you say is compatible or rational? I thought the idea was good
田中鍼灸 on Google

It is cheaper in the neighborhood with a stand that has been used since ancient times. Be very careful on Sundays and holidays. Seven-Eleven was a little inconvenient due to the lack of late-night business, but it just returned to the old days.
taku. copen on Google

レギュラー149円(9月5日の時点では)が割引券をスタッフから頂いて139円に! 大阪の中では最安値では!??
Regular 149 yen (as of September 5th) is 139 yen with a discount ticket from the staff! The lowest price in Osaka !? ?
Sumi Sakiyama on Google

I am using what I had distributed before the gasoline discount ticket (* ^^ *) I wonder if I will distribute it again ~ ✨
富田秀樹 on Google

Gasoline and car wash will be even cheaper on weekends for those who have line coupons.
tomo on Google

割引券で5円引き&エネキーで支払うと更に3円引きになりました! もちろん割引券ちゃんと使えました! 割引券が来年の4月までなので、しばらく利用します!
If you pay with a discount ticket and pay with an energy key, you will get an additional 3 yen discount! Of course, I was able to use the discount ticket properly! The discount ticket will be available until April next year, so I will use it for a while!
K on Google

割引券を使っても値引きされないガソリンスタンドでした。 二度と利用したくないので、値引券は捨てました。 コスモ石油の方が安い!
It was a gas station that was not discounted even if I used a discount ticket. I didn't want to use it again, so I threw away the discount ticket. Cosmo Oil is cheaper!
p N on Google

The price is originally cheap and it is a very conscientious stand that distributes discount tickets. Refueling is always here, you can wipe alcohol with alcohol, and you can hear the care of the owner.

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