Spring Wind 230 - Kofu

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Spring Wind 230

住所 :

433-1 Nakacho, Kofu, Yamanashi 400-0844, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 400-0844
Webサイト : http://www.springwind230.com/

433-1 Nakacho, Kofu, Yamanashi 400-0844, Japan
r s on Google

I would like you to bring in the crank and bb and replace them. How much is the wage?
びっしょりおむつ on Google

ジャイアントのdefy advanced2の2020年モデルは取り寄せ出来ますか?
Can I order the 2020 model of Giant's defy advanced2?
岡山県知事 on Google

入口のワンちゃんがものすごくかわいい!あと店の人がすごく優しいですねコーヒーを出してくれてびっくりしました! いいゾ〜これ
The dog at the entrance is so cute! I was surprised that the people in the store were very friendly and served coffee! Good zo ~ this
千代田タカシ on Google

店員の態度に驚きました。 店員以前に、人として優しさが無いと感じました。 お勧め出来ないお店です。
I was surprised at the attitude of the clerk. Before the clerk, I felt that I was not kind as a person. This shop is not recommended.
しま on Google

店内でケータイ使うとご使用は御遠慮くださいとか訳分からんことを店のおばやんに言われた。 恐らく、ネット価格と比べるのを嫌がってる感じ。 急いでなければわざわざここで買わなくても…笑
A shop lady told me that if you use a mobile phone in the store, please refrain from using it. Probably, I hate to compare it with the internet price. If you're not in a hurry, you don't have to buy it here ... lol
長谷川信行 on Google

3年前にこちらのショップでロードバイクを購入し、 それ以来お世話になっています。 以前、甲府市内にある他のお店に行ったところ、 一見さんお断り的な対応をされたので、 サイクリングの専門ショップは敷居が高かったのですが、 こちらのお店は、初めて訪問した時も親切に対応して いただいたので、こちらのお店で購入しました。 月に2回、走行会を開催して下さっているのもありがたいです。 1人で走るのに飽きたとき、時々参加させていただいています。 今日は、リアディレイラーの調子が悪かったので サイクリングの帰りに寄ったところ、速攻で 調整していただきました。 お母さん?も、いつもお茶やコーヒーを出して下さって、 ありがとうございます。
I bought a road bike at this shop three years ago, I have been taking care of it since then. I went to another store in Kofu city before, At first glance, he was refused, The cycling specialty shop had a high threshold, This shop is kind to you when you visit for the first time As we had, we purchased at this shop. I am thankful that we hold a driving event twice a month. When I am tired of running alone, I sometimes participate. Today, the condition of the rear derailleur was bad When I returned to cycling, We had you adjust. Mom? Always serve tea and coffee, Thank you very much.
武田圭介 on Google

I bought two bicycles for junior high school students (Giant). The price was low, and he kindly responded to the maintenance request that I visited suddenly.
Alex Young Hun Lee on Google

1,620 yen for just adjusting gear bolts and putting some lubricants? Mechanic couldn't even fix it and suggested changing whole gear set. It was very disappointing as the shop seemed like a professional cycle specialist shop but it's just the appearance don't get fooled by the looks. Went to another bike shop and they fixed the problem with just 500 yen. Experience from this store was very unfriendly, didn't seem to care for customers who did not buy bike from the shop. Also at Asahi, they don't charge if they can't fix it!! Here they will charge you even if they couldn't fix it and ask you to spend more money!! All they want to do is steal money from you. Also, new Trek shop in Kofu is highly professional and reliable as well. Stay away from this shop at all cost. There are better and more professional alternatives in Kofu. If they don't value customers there is no reason for the existence.

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