
4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パンの里

住所 :

Osatomachi, Kofu, 〒400-0053 Yamanashi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
街 : Yamanashi

Osatomachi, Kofu, 〒400-0053 Yamanashi,Japan
Jr Fjt on Google

Simple and delicious homemade bread. The shop has a gentle and warm atmosphere. I don't want children to eat foods with many additives, so I buy this bread instead of convenience stores and chain stores.
五味英一 on Google

It is a simple and gentle bread that retains the personality of the owner and his wife. It's not flashy, but once you eat it, you'll be addicted to it. Especially the egg sandwich is excellent.
Arisa on Google

昔ながらのパン屋さんという感じでした。 サンドイッチは具がぎっしりで、タマゴのゴロゴロ感がたまらなく美味しかったです。 また、メロンパンはしっとりとした懐かしい甘さでした。 かわいいクッキーも置いてあります。 奥さんの対応も気持ちがよく、また行きたくなるお店でした。
It was like a traditional bakery. The sandwich was full of ingredients and the taste of the eggs was irresistible and delicious. Also, the melon bread was moist and sweet. There are also cute cookies. The wife's response was pleasant and it was a shop that I wanted to visit again.
関谷和徳 on Google

お手頃価格、お店の方の接客も丁寧でした。 レーズンパン、胡桃パンが気に入りました。レーズンも胡桃もたくさん入っていて、リーズナブル。 買いませんでしたが、サンドイッチがボリューミーでした。 次回は、買いましょう。
The prices were reasonable, and the customer service of the shop was also polite. I like raisin bread and walnut bread. Reasonably priced with lots of raisins and walnuts. I didn't buy it, but the sandwich was volume. Next time, let's buy it.
矢崎裕美 on Google

ウィンナーパンがすっごく? 美味しかったよ~? 合計7本を購入(๑ت๑)♡ 歩きながら、2個 その他に・・・? 甘食?おいもパン?コーンパン? 食べました~(*^^)v お友達のお知り合いなので、行きます? 楽しみ~(*^^)v
Wiener bread is sooooo ? It was delicious ~ ? Purchase a total of 7 bottles (๑ت๑) ♡ 2 while walking Besides ... ? Sweet food ? Oimo bread ? Corn bread ? I ate ~ (* ^^) v I'm acquainted with a friend, so I'll go ? Fun ~ (* ^^) v
アコ望 on Google

学生の時によく買ってました。ウインナーパン、親子亀のパンが好きです。変わらず昔ながらのパンが色々あります!駐車場が2台分しかないので、駐車時注意してください。 店員さんも優しい方です。 こういうお店はなくならないで欲しいですね。 また行こうと思います。
I used to buy it when I was a student. I like sausage bread and parent and child turtle bread. There are still many old-fashioned breads! There are only two parking lots, so be careful when parking. The clerk is also kind. I hope this kind of store will not disappear. I will go again.
日高喜久子 on Google

Sold from 7am. A bakery that is closely linked to the community. An old couple is baking bread while helping each other. There are many popular items such as bass-aged "British bread" and "raisin-filled bread". The old-fashioned bakery's old-fashioned safe, secure and gentle taste is also nice ♥
S W- on Google

こちらの食パンが好きで、他のお店のものでは満足できなくなります。塩気がちょうど良い。 町の素朴なパン屋さんですが、お店の方が良い人でほっこりします。 値段もお手頃だし、スーパーやコンビニのものと違って添加物とか気にならないので助かります。
I like this bread and I can't be satisfied with the ones from other shops. The saltiness is just right. It's a simple bakery in the town, but the shop is a better person and makes me feel at home. The price is reasonable, and unlike supermarkets and convenience stores, you don't have to worry about additives, which is helpful.

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