Speranza - Hiroshima

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Speranza

住所 :

6-23 Koamicho, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0855, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88997
Postal code : 730-0855
Webサイト : https://speranza-italia.com/

6-23 Koamicho, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0855, Japan
あっこさん on Google

ジビエヨコタさんの猪を頂きました。 それぞれの部位を楽しめました 他のお料理も素材の味がよくわかり、とても美味しかったです✨ ホールの方をはじめ、お店全体の雰囲気がすてきです。
I received a wild boar of Jibie Yokota. I enjoyed each part Other dishes also understood the taste of the ingredients well and were very delicious. The atmosphere of the whole store, including the hall, is wonderful.
Yoshi on Google

Good taste Cospa has nothing to say. It was full on weekday lunch. After all everyone knows good restaurants!
Nari aki,1998 on Google

近くのビジネスホテルに泊まったので夕飯を食べにふらっと立ち寄りました。 一人前5000円のコースを注文。 サービスは○でしたが接客について少しぎこちなく感じる部分あり。サブマネージャー?と思われるベテランの方の接客よりも、入って日が浅いと思われる若い店員の方の接客の方が好ましく感じました。こんな事初めてです。 店内の雰囲気について、内装は簡素でbgmはかかっておらず全体的にシンプルな印象です。料理と会話に集中して欲しいとの心遣いでしょうか。 料理に関しては概ね美味しく感じましたが、少々尖った一品も。特にホタルイカが入ったイカ墨のパスタ。ユニークな料理を好んで食べる私でも潮の香りが少し気になりましたので、苦手に感じる方、結構いらっしゃると思います。 客層については常連さんが多い印象。地元の方に愛されていると感じました。 プライベート、ビジネス共に人を連れてくるには私は少々躊躇いますが、好きな人には刺さるお店だと思います。たまにはこういうお店へ冒険してみるのも楽しいのではないでしょうか。
I stayed at a nearby business hotel, so I stopped by for dinner. I ordered a course of 5,000 yen per person. The service was ○, but there is a part that makes me feel a little awkward about customer service. Sub manager? I felt that the customer service of the young clerk, who seems to be younger in the day, was preferable to the customer service of the veteran who seems to be. This is my first time. Regarding the atmosphere inside the store, the interior is simple and bgm is not applied, giving an overall simple impression. Is it a consideration that you want to concentrate on cooking and conversation? As for the food, it was generally delicious, but there was also a slightly pointed dish. Especially squid ink pasta with firefly squid. Even though I like to eat unique dishes, I was a little worried about the scent of the tide, so I think that there are quite a few people who are not good at it. The impression is that there are many regular customers. I felt that it was loved by the locals. I'm a little hesitant to bring people in both private and business, but I think it's a shop that sticks to people who like it. It might be fun to go on an adventure to such a shop once in a while.
28 ktkr on Google

The dishes were very delicious, with the dishes and arrangements devised. The atmosphere of the store and the customer service were also good. If an adult man wants to eat full, it will cost about 7,000 yen without alcohol. For me, it's more like an anniversary than a regular use. There were many other dishes I was interested in, so I would like to go there again.
Youki YOSHIOKA on Google

前菜からデザートまで本当に美味しかったです。接客は丁寧でかつ絶妙なフレンドリーさで従業員一人一人が料理の解説をしっかりできるのもすごく良かったです。 トレビスのような苦味のある癖の強い野菜も美味しく調理されていて感動でした。ワインの特徴をしっかり解説してくださるのでとても勉強になりました。 夜のコースは6,500円のものと5,000円のものの2種類あります。ボリュームはそこそこ食べる僕も満腹になるくらいです。ランチ時にもお邪魔してみたいです。
The appetizers and desserts were really delicious. It was also great that each employee was able to give a thorough commentary on cooking with the polite and exquisite friendliness of customer service. I was impressed that the vegetables with a bitter taste like Trevis were cooked deliciously. It was a great learning experience because he explained the characteristics of wine well. There are two types of evening courses, which are 6,500 yen and 5,000 yen. I eat a lot of volume, so I'm full. I would like to bother you during lunch.
masaru takahasi on Google

I had a lunch course of 1700 yen. All of them were arranged in a fashionable way, and I was able to enjoy them even more deliciously. The atmosphere is good, so I'll take her next time. However, if you eat a lot, the 2700 yen course may be recommended.
Shinya Mukai on Google

ランチタイムに伺いました。人気店なので予約必須です!ランチは、2,200円と3,300円の 2コースがあります。3,300円のコースにノンアルカクテルを付けました。丁寧に接客いただけます。コース料理は約1時間半くらい掛けて出てきます。会話も楽しみながら、少しづつ食べていきます。最後には男性でも結構お腹いっぱいで満足です。見た目も良くて楽しく食事できました。
I visited at lunch time. It's a popular shop, so reservations are required! There are two courses for lunch, 2,200 yen and 3,300 yen. A non-alcoholic cocktail was added to the 3,300 yen course. You can serve customers politely. The course meal will take about an hour and a half to come out. While enjoying conversation, I will eat little by little. At the end, even men are quite full and satisfied. It looked good and I enjoyed eating.
りか on Google

Whenever I go, the food and desserts are really delicious. I was impressed. The staff are all smiling and comfortable on the floor and kitchen.

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