Southern Garden Clinic - Shinagawa City

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Southern Garden Clinic

住所 :

東京サザンガーデン 202 2 Chome-10-1 Higashigotanda, Shinagawa City, Tokyo 141-0022, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 141-0022
Webサイト :

東京サザンガーデン 202 2 Chome-10-1 Higashigotanda, Shinagawa City, Tokyo 141-0022, Japan
Soph on Google

皮膚科を何度か利用しています。 先生の説明はわかりやすく、どんな症状のときも処方の薬で数日で改善するので、信頼しています。 混み合っており、待ち時間が長いことが多いため、星4にしました。
I use dermatology several times. The teacher's explanation is easy to understand, and I trust that any symptom can be improved with prescription drugs in a few days. Since it is crowded and the waiting time is often long, I chose 4 stars.
きゅうた0507 on Google

It seems to be a popular clinic that fills up as soon as the reservation starts. You can see the progress on the net, and it's nice to get in touch when your turn approaches the third, but although you come in a hurry, you have to wait an hour or two from there. Especially terrible these days. It is not a well-known doctor so much, and it seems to be popular because of its good location in Osaki's Tawaman district.
a on Google

小児科と内科でいつもお世話になっています。先生は丁寧に診察してくださるので安心して受診できます。 ただ、新しく入った受付の方がものすごく感じ悪くて驚きました。子連れに人気のクリニックなのに、子どもが泣くとあからさまに嫌そうな顔をします。今まで皆さん親切だったので残念です。
I am always indebted to pediatrics and internal medicine. The doctor will give you a careful examination, so you can feel at ease. However, I was surprised that the new receptionist was extremely uncomfortable. Although it is a popular clinic for families with children, when a child cries, he has an overtly disgusting face. It's a pity that everyone has been kind until now.
m h on Google

数年間 皮膚科に通っていますが、いつも明るく元気な先生でお会いすると元気をもらえます。 治療内容も明確でスピーディなので助かります。 毎回WEBから予約していますが、人気なため朝イチでないとすぐ埋まってしまいますのでそこだけ気をつける必要があると思います。
I have been attending dermatology for several years, but when I meet with a cheerful and energetic teacher, I feel energized. The treatment content is clear and speedy, which is helpful. I make reservations from the WEB every time, but since it is popular, it will be filled up soon if it is not in the morning, so I think that you need to be careful only there.
M. Suzanne on Google

I think it's a very good clinic, except that even if you make a reservation, the waiting time is long. The teacher is very kind and polite, so it seems that it takes time to see the doctor. Recently, I have seen many corona tests, and it seems that it takes time to disinfect them. Infection control is well-established because it is a system that waits for both corona tests and colds by entering through the back door. Reservations will be made for about 5 people. All the nurses are accustomed to children and are very kind. I'm not a pediatrician, so there are no toys or anime. The dermatologist was also very kind and kind. It is a good impression as a total evaluation. Recommended for those who have time to spare.
、、 on Google

ここの皮膚科のおかげでニキビ克服できました(°▽°)親切でハキハキしてスピーディーな女医さんが好きです。いつでも電話してね!と言ってくださったのも心強かったです。辛かった肌荒れ時代を救ってくれてほんとにありがとうございます。 ただし大人気なので待ち時間は有ります。例えば皮膚科でしたら9時に予約→お昼頃診察という感じで、五反田でウロウロして時間潰します。 ニキビに悩む女の子が幸せになりますよう心から願ってます!!
Thanks to the dermatologist here, I was able to overcome acne (° ▽ °) I like a kind, cheerful and speedy female doctor. Call me anytime! It was also encouraging to say that. Thank you very much for saving the painful rough skin era. However, since it is very popular, there is a waiting time. For example, if you are a dermatologist, make a reservation at 9 o'clock → have a medical examination around noon, and wander around in Gotanda to kill time. I sincerely hope that the girl suffering from acne will be happy! !!
神楽瑠菜 on Google

先生は凄く優しいのに受付に座ってる少しガタイのいいふくよかで髪を染めてる30後半か40代くらいに見える女の人が本当に怖いです。中に居る良く喋る看護師さんの1人も高圧的で怖いです。愛想も態度も悪く高圧的で全然優しくないので、オススメしないです。 そのせいで他のクリニックに行こうと思うので、受付に座ってるお局さんみたいな人変えた方がいいと思いました。 ちなみに鼻水や咳だけでも、コロナの検査受けないと診察しませんよとキレ気味に看護師さんに言われるので、コロナの検査希望していない方はおすすめしません。
The teacher is very kind, but I'm really scared of the woman who looks like she's in her late 30s or 40s, who is sitting at the reception and dyeing her hair with a nice plumpness. One of the well-speaking nurses inside is also overwhelming and scary. I don't recommend it because it's unfriendly and unfriendly, and it's high-pressure and not kind at all. Because of that, I'm thinking of going to another clinic, so I thought it would be better to change the person like the station sitting at the reception. By the way, even if you have a runny nose or cough, the nurse will tell you that you will not be examined unless you have a corona test, so we do not recommend it to those who do not wish to have a corona test.
778 yu on Google

数年前に花粉の時期に肌が荒れ過ぎてボロボロでどうしようもなくなり悩んでいたときに、クチコミを見て伺いました。 その前に銀座などの皮膚科を2軒受診して、肌も見ることなくステロイドを処方されるだけで30秒ほどで診察終了という経験をしていましたが、こちらの先生はしっかりと時間をかけて診察していただき、薬の使い方だけでなく普段のスキンケアの仕方からメイクの仕方まで丁寧に教えていただきました。 その通りにしてみたところ、ステロイド不使用なのにぐんぐん肌が蘇っていき、1か月後には前より肌綺麗になってる?くらいの状態になって本当に感謝です。 診療時間が短く働いているとなかなか行きづらかったですが、休みを取って行った甲斐があったと思いました。
A few years ago, when I was worried that my skin was too rough during the pollen season and I couldn't help it, I asked him about it. Before that, I visited two dermatologists such as Ginza and had the experience of completing the examination in about 30 seconds just by prescribing steroids without looking at the skin, but this teacher has a good time. He gave me a medical examination and taught me not only how to use medicines but also how to take care of my skin and how to make up. When I tried to do so, my skin revived steadily even though I did not use steroids, and after a month, my skin became cleaner than before? I'm really grateful for being in such a state. It was difficult to get there when I was working for a short period of time, but I thought it was worth taking a break.

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