鈴乃屋 玉川店

2.8/5 に基づく 4 レビュー

Contact 鈴乃屋 玉川店

住所 :

South Building, 3 Chome−17−1, Tamagawa, Setagaya City, 〒158-0094 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8799
Webサイト : https://www.suzunoya.com/shop/shop_tamagawa.html
街 : Tokyo

South Building, 3 Chome−17−1, Tamagawa, Setagaya City, 〒158-0094 Tokyo,Japan
岡部美紀 on Google

Riki Shoji on Google

七五三の着物を買いに行きました。プロの店員さんが子供の面倒を見てくれたり、次々と候補の着物を着せてくれたり、上手に遊んでくれたりと助かりました。 着物も品の良いデザインの物もあり良かったです。
I went to buy a kimono of Shichigosan. The professional clerk took care of the children, put on the candidate kimonos one after another, and played well. It was good that there were both kimono and good design.
ゆかり on Google

着物店特有の上から目線の接客でとても不愉快でした 支払い方法も、事前に確認をとっていたのに、受取当日にその方法では出来ないと断られ、慌てて 即金で支払う羽目に… 金額がもっと多かったらと思うと、ぞっとします
It was very unpleasant to serve customers from the top, which is peculiar to a kimono shop. Even though I had confirmed the payment method in advance, I was refused that it could not be done on the day of receipt, so I had to hurry and pay immediately ... I'm horrified to think that the amount was more
Yuri on Google

半襟を購入したく高齢男性従業員に尋ねたところ、横柄で上から目線の接客を受けたため、買わずに帰りました。 お金にならなそうな客には、接客態度が悪くても構わないと思っているのかなと。残念です。
When I asked an elderly male employee who wanted to buy a half-collar, he was arrogant and received customer service from above, so he returned without buying it. I wonder if it's okay for customers who don't seem to be able to make money to have a bad customer service attitude. I'm sorry.

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