謎ハウスリアル謎解き脱出ゲーム 秋葉原店

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 謎ハウスリアル謎解き脱出ゲーム 秋葉原店

住所 :

Sotokanda, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0021 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887999
Webサイト : http://www.nazohouse.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : Tokyo

Sotokanda, Chiyoda City, 〒101-0021 Tokyo,Japan
Ryo Tsujimura on Google

初めての謎解きでした。一番難易度の低いのを挑戦しました。色々と考えさせられましたが、思っていた以上に楽しかったです。 今度は一段階上のレベルに挑戦してみます
It was the first time to solve the mystery. I tried the lowest difficulty level. It made me think a lot, but it was more fun than I expected. Next time I will try one level higher
へんてこくまちゃん on Google

Try to escape from the sleeping magic room. It was full of tsukkomi, but I was able to solve the mystery while having fun. Is Ueno more difficult? I think I'll go!
ヒーコー on Google

物凄いだるそうに接客してきた。 謎は知識必要なものあり。 終わってから備品持って帰ってるだろうから返しに来て。と何度も電話とメールが来た。 持って帰ってないし。 高いお金払って退屈な時間を過ごし、ただただストレス感じただけ。
I have been serving customers in a terrible manner. The mystery requires knowledge. I'll bring the equipment home after it's over, so come back. I received many phone calls and emails. I didn't bring it home. I paid a lot of money and had a boring time, and I just felt stressed.
長谷川ダミアン on Google

今回の新作は他の作品と比べるといまいちおもしろみがなかったです。はじめて途中でつまらなく感じて もう面倒臭くなって嫌になってしまいました。ストーリー性が?書いてある文章の読解に4.5回読み直さないと?反応しないギミックもあり?ヒントもらって…えっそれ?ってなりますね
This new work wasn't as interesting as the other works. For the first time, I felt boring on the way, and I became annoyed and disgusted. Is it a story? Do I have to reread the written text 4.5 times? Is there a gimmick that doesn't react? Get a hint ... eh? It will be
Syun S. on Google

脱出ゲーム初心者ですがかなり楽しめました コロナ対策がしっかりしていたので良かったです。 今回は絵本の世界からの脱出を体験しましたが、また違うステージを体験しようとおもいました。 店員さんの対応やヒントの出し方もわかりやすく難易度も初心者的にはちょうど良かったとおもいます。
I'm new to escape games, but I really enjoyed it It was good because the corona measures were solid. This time I experienced an escape from the world of picture books, but I wanted to experience another stage. I think that the clerk's response and how to give hints were easy to understand and the difficulty level was just right for beginners.
K.A. on Google

When I made a reservation to escape from the magic room where I could sleep, at the last minute when I arrived at the shop, the clerk said, "This course is under maintenance and the escape rate is 10% because it is the most difficult course. If this is your first time at our shop, why not change to a course for beginners? " I wasn't a beginner in the escape game itself, but I couldn't understand until I tried it, so I had no choice but to accept it. However, it was still too unsatisfactory for beginners, so when I asked if I could join another course after this, I was refused, "I'm sorry I'm so busy today ...". However, as far as I can see, all but one locker that customers must use before entering the store is vacant except for us, and it is unlikely that it will be full of reservations, so make a reservation from Jalan in the first place. All the courses were vacant at the time. I should be able to challenge a difficult mystery, but I felt very bad because it was changed to a simple one that changes the price (I'm sorry to accept it), and it was a shop that I could not trust in various ways.
エンペラのエンペラー on Google

初めて行きました。 外観からすぐに見つけることができず、MAPを見ながら何度も店の前を通過していました。看板はもっと目立って欲しいかな。。。 予約しないで行きましたが、平日だったからか30分程待てば入れるとの事だったので待ちました。 とても面白く遊べましたが、部屋全体が少々古かったので そこだけが気になりました。
I went there for the first time. I couldn't find it right from the outside, so I passed in front of the store many times while looking at the MAP. I want the signboard to stand out more. .. .. I went without making a reservation, but I waited for about 30 minutes because it was a weekday. It was a lot of fun to play, but the whole room was a bit old Only there was anxious.
tomoko itou on Google

子供連れでこの時期でも空いている遊べるところを探していて ちょうど子供が謎解き本に夢中になって遊んでいるというのもあってこちらに来店しました! 子供も楽しめる謎ということで『絵本の世界からの脱出』で体験しましたが、私たち大人も夢中になって遊べる内容になっていて非常に楽しめました! 男性店員さんが子供にもわかりやすいようにヒントを出していただいたおかげで無事脱出することができました。 帰りにボールペンを貰ったのですがこれがとても書きやすくて色々お得なお店でした!
I'm looking for a place to play with my children I came here because my child was crazy about solving mystery books and playing with them! I experienced it in "Escape from the world of picture books" because it is a mystery that children can enjoy, but we adults were also absorbed in it and enjoyed it very much! I was able to escape safely thanks to the male clerk who gave me a hint so that my child could easily understand it. I got a ballpoint pen on my way home, but it was very easy to write and it was a great deal!

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