Sotetsu Rosen

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sotetsu Rosen

住所 :

Chigasakichuo, Tsuzuki Ward, Yokohama, 〒224-0032 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8988
Webサイト :
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Chigasakichuo, Tsuzuki Ward, Yokohama, 〒224-0032 Kanagawa,Japan
Takashi Muto on Google

It's convenient because it's inside the station building, but it's small. .. ..
Masato Kawahashi on Google

横浜市営地下鉄センター南駅接続の隣のビルにあります。めちゃくちゃ便利です。 会社帰りとかによると、ちょうど刺身などの惣菜ご割引の時間に辺り、安く買えてうれしいです。
It is located in the building next to the Yokohama Municipal Subway Center Minami Station connection. It's insanely convenient. According to people returning from work, it's just around the time for discounted side dishes such as sashimi, and I'm happy to buy it cheaply.
萩原弘 on Google

遅い時間にお邪魔する事が多いのですが… お弁当が半額二ならないのが残念?
I often get in the way late in the day ... It's a pity that the lunch box isn't half price ?
宮前順子 on Google

Do you buy lunch in the morning, or do you have to say that people who line up food etc. are welcome? I think it's a word that comes naturally to customers.
宇多田美恵子 on Google

It's adjacent to the station, so it's convenient for people returning from work. There are not so many kinds of meat and fish, but if you have this much assortment, you can buy it from a convenience store.
前田和美 on Google

駅チカですのでとても便利ですよね 日常生活に必要な品は整っています 動線も良く買い物しやすいですよね
It ’s very convenient because it ’s a train station. We have all the necessary items for daily life The flow line is good and it is easy to shop.
さくら on Google

駅近で、遅くまでやってるのでありがたいが、肉や野菜は良くない。 カット大根はいつのものなのか? 他のスーパーでは日付が書いてたりするが、ローゼンのにはない。 高い割に商品は悪いです
I'm grateful that I'm doing it late near the station, but the meat and vegetables aren't good. When is the cut radish? Dates are written at other supermarkets, but Rosen does not. The product is bad for the high price
Darryl Gibson on Google

Nice sgip, close to station, good produce, good fish and meat but larger selection at the Centre Kitai store

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