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Contact 相模原・町田巻き爪矯正センター

住所 :

Sonan, Minami Ward, Sagamihara, 〒252-0312 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877998
Webサイト : http://makidume-no.in-website.com/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Sonan, Minami Ward, Sagamihara, 〒252-0312 Kanagawa,Japan
なお・ on Google

魚の目が押すと痛みがあって気になっていました。大きくなり痛みが増さないうちに早めになんとかしたいと思って探し、初めて利用しました。ネットで予約でき、場所も道沿いで分かりやすく利用しやすかったです。 30分コースでお値段も手頃で、魚の目の違和感がスッキリ解消しました。余った時間で角質ケアと保湿もして頂き、足が柔らかくなり大変満足です。
I was worried because there was pain when the corns pressed. I searched for it because I wanted to get rid of it as soon as possible before it got bigger and the pain did not increase, so I used it for the first time. I could make a reservation online and the location was easy to understand and use along the road. The 30-minute course is reasonably priced, and the discomfort of the fish's eyes has been completely eliminated. I am very satisfied with my keratin care and moisturizing, which makes my legs softer.
安川英希 on Google

初めての「ツメフラ法」でしたが、爪が厚く曲がりも強いので、かなりの力が必要なようでした。 爪の角度は治っているので、違和感がなくなるのを待っています。
It was the first "Tsumefura method", but it seemed to require considerable force because the claws were thick and the bending was strong. The angle of the claws has healed, so I'm waiting for the discomfort to disappear.
waka34 aki on Google

長年巻き爪で悩んでいましたが、何処で治療してよいかわからず、たまたま仕事先で、足の爪専門の治療センターがあると聞き、ネットで検索、野々宮先生に治療していただくことになりました。 1回目の治療で、爪の痛みはほとんど無くなり、散歩、テニスなど爪のことを気にせず出来る様になりとても満足しています。
I had been worried about ingrown toenails for many years, but I didn't know where to treat them, so I happened to hear that there was a treatment center specializing in toenails at work, so I searched online and asked Dr. Nonomiya to treat me. became. With the first treatment, my nail pain has almost disappeared, and I am very happy that I can take a walk, play tennis, etc. without worrying about my nails.
岡本篤人 on Google

巻き爪で痛くて病院に行ったんですが薬だけ出されて何もしてもらえず‥そんな時ネットでこちらを発見して巻き爪矯正をした事がなく不安だったので色々質問すると凄く丁寧にご回答してくださり、ここなら大丈夫かなと思い受診させていただきました! 行ってびっくり矯正は全然痛みがなく、もう終わったのもたいな!笑 終わって歩いたら痛みが無いんです!もう感動ものでした!丁寧に対応して下さりありがとうございました。
I went to the hospital because of my incurvated nails, but I wasn't able to get anything because I was given only medicine. He answered, and I thought it would be okay here, so I went to see him! I was surprised to go and the correction was painless at all, and it's great that it's over! Lol There is no pain when I finish walking! I was impressed! Thank you for your polite response.
G U on Google

爪の痛みが出たりひいたり、痛みのない時もあったので繰り返しながらも20年ほどそのままにしていました。今回「巻き爪矯正」ができる事を知人から聞き、痛みのないうちにお世話になることにしました。 矯正をしている数ヶ月間は、何の違和感も痛みもないままに爪が平らに綺麗になっていきました。 とても嬉しいです!ありがとうございました。
I had pain in my nails, and sometimes I didn't have any pain, so I kept it for about 20 years, repeating it. I heard from an acquaintance that "ingrown nail correction" can be done this time, and decided to take care of it without any pain. During the months of orthodontics, my nails became flat and clean without any discomfort or pain. I am very happy! Thank you very much.
安藤喜代恵 on Google

昨日はありがとうございました。 魚の目で検索し予約して伺いました。 問診後、見て頂いてタコとのことでマシンで処理。 機械音は響きましたが痛みは感じることなく短時間で終わりました。 タコは外反母趾の影響で歩行時にかかかる圧で出来たもので 終わった後、痛みのない足で地に立つ真っ直ぐの姿勢が新鮮でした。 長年の難儀があっという間に無くなり、とても嬉しかったです♪ 痛みを避けてかばった歩行で起きた、歪んだ身体を整体して頂いて 歩行改善の歩き方も教えてもらい、一度の施術で修了。 身も心も軽くして歩く楽しみが出来ました。感謝です!!!
Thank you for yesterday. I searched with the eyes of a fish and made a reservation. After the interview, I had you look at it and processed it with a machine because it was an octopus. There was a mechanical noise, but I didn't feel any pain and it ended in a short time. The octopus is made by the pressure applied when walking due to the influence of hallux valgus. After finishing, the straight posture of standing on the ground with painless feet was fresh. I was very happy that the long-standing difficulties disappeared in a blink of an eye ♪ Please rehabilitate the distorted body that occurred during walking that avoids pain. He also taught me how to improve walking and completed it with one treatment. I enjoyed walking with a light body and mind. Thank you! !! !!
Y toko on Google

I used to have a curly claw for a long time, but recently it has become worse, so I searched the internet and made a reservation for this clinic, which is close to my home. It was my first time to treat curly nails, so I was afraid that it might hurt. However, when I actually talked with the teacher, I was able to leave it with confidence in a very gentle atmosphere. Also, unlike my imagination, I felt almost no pain in the treatment, and while I was a little out of control during the treatment, the treatment for both toes was completed. I was surprised at the difference between before and after the treatment, and I was surprised because the curly nails were very beautiful. I will do my best until my curly nails are completely improved. I regret that I should have been treated sooner.
a y. on Google

両足、長年巻き爪で悩んでました。 痛い時には端の爪だけ切ったりして その場しのぎで頑張っていましたが 悪化し今回訪問させて頂きました! 施術中は正直多少の痛みはありますが、先生からお気遣いの言葉を頂いたりしながら受けることが出来て、途中には眠くなるほどリラックスして受けることが出来ました。 施術後には写真などを見せて下さったり、再診までのアフターケアの方法なども教えてくださり安心しました。 帰る時には痛みも無く、つけて頂いた装具の違和感もなく快適に過ごせます! 再診までの期間も空くので無理なく通えそうです。巻き爪で悩んでる方もぜひ行ってみて欲しいです!野々宮先生ありがとうございました!
Both feet, was troubled for many years winding nails. And to cut only the nail of the end when painful I was working hard with the place I got worse and I was allowed to visit this time! During treatment There are honest some of the pain, but it is possible to receive while or gotten the words of your concern from the teacher, I was able to receive to relax enough to get sleepy in the middle. Or who show photographs, etc. after treatment, was Kudasari relieved to tell me also a method of after-care of up to re-examination. Without any, without any comfortably spend discomfort of appliances who put pain when the back! The period to the re-examination is also empty, so it seems to go through. I want you to go all means those who are suffering in the winding nails! Nonomiya Thank you teacher!

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