Nijiiroshinkyu Acupuncture

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nijiiroshinkyu Acupuncture

Nagatsuta, Midori Ward, Yokohama, 〒226-0027 Kanagawa,Japan
S M on Google

My stiff shoulders were so terrible that I tried the products from the pharmacy and tried stretching myself, but it didn't improve, so I started going here. Not only does the shoulders move smoothly and the neck area becomes lighter, but it is also helpful because you can teach me what to watch out for at home.
mari ozaki on Google

I started going pelvic correction two months after giving birth. It is easy to go because you can go to the hospital with your baby. I am going to the hospital with a stroller, but a baby bed is also prepared in the room, so it is safe to use a strap on a rainy day. Every time you carefully counsel the body condition, massage not only for pelvic correction but also the shoulder condition such as stiff shoulders, teaches breathing method and simple gymnastics, so it is easy to continue at home .
末続 由香里Yukari Suetsugu on Google

膝を痛めてお世話になりました。 いろいろ素晴らしいと感じているので、今検討されている方向けに、私なりのおすすめポイントを書かせて頂きます。 まず、何人かの先生がいるのでお休みの日がなく、夜も8時までやっているので会社帰りでも通えること。 保険もきくこと。 院内がとても清潔でおしゃれなこと。 駅からも近いし、一階なので、階段を使わずに出入りできること。 何より先生方の腕が確かなこと。私は膝でお世話になっていますが、治療から美容までいろいろ相談に乗って頂けるみたいです。 ちなみに、私の膝も、通う前は日々悪化していて、このまま悪化したら日常生活杖が必要になったりするかと心配していたのですが、通い始めててきめんによくなり、今では階段を怖がらずに、登り下りできています。 いつも熱心に治療して下さり、ありがとうございます。
I hurt my knee and took care of me. I feel that it is wonderful, so I would like to write my own recommended points for those who are considering now. First of all, I have some teachers so I have no days off and I am open until 8 pm so I can go back to work. Get insurance. The hospital is very clean and fashionable. It's close to the station and it's on the first floor so you can get in and out without using stairs. Above all, the skills of the teachers are certain. I am taking care of my knees, but it seems that you can consult with me on everything from treatment to beauty. By the way, my knees were getting worse every day before I went there, and I was worried that I would need a cane for daily life if it continued to get worse. You can climb up and down. Thank you for your continued support.
千葉宗裕 on Google

They are kind enough to listen to their physical condition and receive careful treatment and advice every time for any symptom. The teacher is very easy to talk to and nice.
矢野麻美 on Google

I couldn't find a good osteopath, but I've been indebted to you since I started here! Everyone is kind enough to respond and the treatment contents are neat, so you can rest assured. Each time you check for symptoms and massage according to it, the pain will ease on that day. I was worried that I would be inconvenienced when I visited with my child, but I am always concerned about it, and I can be treated with peace of mind. The atmosphere of the shop is also clean, bright and relaxing. I would like to continue to take care of you in the future.
Daisuke Kurisu on Google

I used it to improve stiff shoulders and stiff neck caused by working from home. The explanation of the treatment plan was also polite, and it was good that I was taught stretching so that I could not only feel better after the treatment, but also correct my usual posture and take measures against stiff shoulders myself!
Lucy Monostone on Google

いつも通わせていただいています。 その日の症状によって、最適な施術をしていただけるので本当に楽になります。適切なホームケアの指導もあり、慢性的な凝りがあった肩と背中もとても楽になりました。 今後ともよろしくお願いいたします!
I always go there. Depending on the symptoms of the day, you will be able to perform the optimal treatment, which will be really easy. With proper home care guidance, my chronically stiff shoulders and back have become much easier. We look forward to working with you in the future!
ゆりっぴー on Google

これまで整体や整骨院などの通院経験はありませんでした。 今回行ってみようと思ったのは、首の痛みと肩こりがひどく、それが原因で頭痛が頻繁に起こるようになり、またストレートネックもあるのでスマホやPCを使う生活の中で、これらの痛みを軽減したいとの思いがきっかけです。 スマホから予約をしたところ、予約の確認と共に現在の症状をメールにて問い合わせがありました。事前に症状をメールで伝えられるのは、安心感があると感じました。 私の担当の先生は、毎回施術の前に前回から当日までの様子や当日の痛みなどを確認してくれます。 施術中は、痛みのあるところを丁寧にマッサージしてくださり、自分でBefore →After をすぐに感じられるほど痛みが軽くなります。 先生との会話もオススメの飲食店について話をしたりとリラックスしながら施術を受けられます。 それと、自宅でできる肩まわりの運動を教えてくださるので、ありがたいです。 なんといっても駅近で通いやすいし、帰りに買い物もできるのでオススメです。
Up until now, I had no experience of going to a manipulative or osteopathic clinic. The thing I wanted to try this time was severe neck pain and stiff shoulders, which caused frequent headaches, and I also had a straight neck, which caused these pains while I was using my smartphone or PC. The desire was to reduce this. When I made a reservation from my smartphone, I received an email with the confirmation of my reservation and the current symptoms. I felt relieved to be able to tell the symptoms in advance by email. Before every procedure, my teacher will check the condition from the last time to the day and the pain on the day. During the procedure, the patient carefully massages the painful area, and the pain becomes so light that you can immediately feel Before → After. You can relax while having a conversation with the teacher and talking about recommended restaurants. Also, I'm grateful for teaching me the exercises around my shoulder that I can do at home. After all, it is recommended because it is easy to go near the station and you can shop on the way back.

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