Soga ENT and Allergy Clinic - Chiba

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Soga ENT and Allergy Clinic

住所 :

ビル KS・HOYO 4F 2 Chome-15-15 Minamicho, Chuo Ward, Chiba, 260-0842, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 260-0842
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–1PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–1PM
Tuesday 9AM–1PM
Wednesday 9AM–1PM
Thursday 9AM–1PM
Friday 9AM–1PM

ビル KS・HOYO 4F 2 Chome-15-15 Minamicho, Chuo Ward, Chiba, 260-0842, Japan
カツマロ on Google

家族でお世話になっています。本当に多くの患者さんがいますが受付スタッフの 皆様てきぱきとお仕事されていて頭が下がります。 このクリニックはこどもへの対応がとても良いと思います。先生も良く話を聞い てくれてソフトな感じで素晴らしいです。説明もわかりやすいです。千葉大学は じめ大病院との連携もしっかりしているので安心です。
I am indebted to my family. There are so many patients, but the reception staff Everyone is working hard and my head goes down. I think this clinic is very good at dealing with children. The teacher often listens It feels soft and wonderful. The explanation is also easy to understand. Chiba University You can rest assured that the cooperation with Jime University Hospital is also solid.
kamimura R on Google

喉に違和感があり、耳鼻咽喉科を探してこちらに伺いました。 以前かかっていた病院はなくなっていてびっくりしました。 ここは、コロナ対策で動線わけていて清潔感のあるきれいな病院だと思いました。 受付の方も看護師さんもとても丁寧で優しいです。 先生も物腰柔らかくて、詳しい問診のあと鼻からカメラ入れて良く見てくれて原因がはっきりとわかりとても安心しました。 食生活に関して丁寧なご指導も頂きました。 近くの薬局に駐車場もあり助かります。薬局の対応もとても良かったです。
I had a feeling of discomfort in my throat, so I visited here looking for an otolaryngology department. I was surprised that the hospital I used to go to was gone. I thought that this is a clean hospital with a sense of cleanliness because the flow lines are divided by corona measures. The receptionist and the nurses are very polite and kind. The teacher was also soft, and after a detailed interview, he put the camera through his nose and looked closely, and I was very relieved to know the cause clearly. We also received careful guidance regarding eating habits. There is also a parking lot at a nearby pharmacy, which is helpful. The correspondence of the pharmacy was also very good.
Wasabiちゃん on Google

場所は、3階かと思いますが4階なので間違えないよう気をつけて下さい! 設備も整ってて中も綺麗です。 そして、良い看護師さんも多いです。 しかし、ある看護師さんが物を落としたから、私が拾って元の位置に戻してあげたんですが、 そうしたら私に 「そこに置いて頂いて、こちらにどうぞ」 とお礼も言わず、目もみずに言われた時にかなり不愉快に感じました。 先生の腕は良いと思います。 ただ院長先生がお仕事が早くて質問されても焦ってしまい、疑問点の相談があまり出来なかったので、事前に質問事項をまとめてからクリニックに行く事をオススメします。 まだ出来て間もないクリニックのようなので、患者側になってみての一意見として、レビューを書かせて頂きました。
I think the location is on the 3rd floor, but be careful not to make a mistake as it is on the 4th floor! The facilities are well-equipped and the inside is beautiful. And there are many good nurses. However, a nurse dropped something, so I picked it up and put it back in its original position. Then to me "Please put it there and go here." I didn't say thank you, and when I was told without my eyes, I felt quite unpleasant. I think the teacher's skill is good. However, even if the director was quick to work and asked questions, I was impatient and couldn't discuss any questions so much, so I recommend that you go to the clinic after summarizing the questions in advance. It looks like a clinic that has just been completed, so I wrote a review as an opinion on the part of the patient.
kobayashi naoto on Google

日曜日午後に新型コロナワクチン接種で伺いました。 ものすごい数の人がいましたが、スタッフや看護師の方が大勢いて先生もお2人でとてもスムースに接種が終了しました。 院内は清潔感があり換気も十分のような気がしました。 スタッフの方は近くの系列クリニックから応援に来ているようです。 皆様慣れていて安心して接種を受けることができました。 あれだけの人数を混乱なく誘導して接種するのはすごいチーム力だと思います。 今度は子供を連れて受診させていただきます! インフルエンザワクチン接種もここでお願いすることにしました。
I visited for the new corona vaccination on Sunday afternoon. There were a tremendous number of people, but there were many staff and nurses, and the inoculation was completed very smoothly with two teachers. I felt that the hospital was clean and well ventilated. The staff seems to come to support from a nearby affiliated clinic. Everyone was accustomed to it and was able to receive the inoculation with peace of mind. I think it is a great team power to guide and inoculate that number of people without confusion. This time, I will take my child to the clinic! I also decided to ask for influenza vaccination here.
くましろ on Google

蘇我駅徒歩1分と抜群のアクセスです。受付の方や看護師さんもとても優しいで す。先生は曜日によって違いますがどの先生も良くみてくれます。電子カルテで 情報を共有しているので安心してかかれます。ネット予約しておくと待ち時間が 少なくなります。これからもお世話になります。
It is a 1-minute walk from Soga Station and has excellent access. The receptionist and the nurses are also very kind vinegar. The teachers vary depending on the day of the week, but every teacher looks good. With electronic medical records You can rest assured that you are sharing information. If you make a reservation online, you will have to wait It will be less. Thank you for your continued support.
ななかまどのめばえ on Google

結構嫌な感じの看護師さんがふたりいたので、メンタル気をつけてください。 でもふたり対応の良い看護師さんもいましたし、子どもへの対応は悪くないと思いました。 おじさん先生はズバズバ系でちょっと失礼だけど、質問したり要望を言えばちゃんと治療について考えてくれる感じでした。 ウェブサイトにオンライン診断があると書いてあったので、血液検査の結果はそれで聞けるか聞いたら、いや、うちはそんなのやってないのでwwwと金髪?おば看護師さんに馬鹿にされました。 あと、現金しか使えないので注意してください。 純粋に病院と割り切ればそんなに悪くないですが、病院に行ってメンタルえぐられないモードに切り替えなきゃいけないのは手間なので星2です。おすすめはしません。
There were two nurses who felt quite unpleasant, so please be careful mentally. However, there were some nurses who were good at dealing with the two, and I thought that dealing with children was not bad. My uncle is a little rude because he is a Zubazuba type, but he felt like he would think about treatment properly if he asked a question or made a request. The website said that there was an online diagnosis, so when I asked if I could hear the blood test results, no, we didn't do that, so www and blonde? I was ridiculed by an aunt nurse. Also, please note that you can only use cash. It's not so bad if it's purely divisible by the hospital, but it's a hassle to go to the hospital and switch to a mode where you can't go mentally, so it's a star 2. I do not recommend it.
くまねこ on Google

開院以来家族でお世話になっています。いつもたくさんの患者さんがいますがと ても気持ちよく対応してくれます。入り口に入ると受付スタッフの皆様が明るく 迎えてくれて嬉しいです。昨日もこどもの耳痛で受診しましたが、受付スタッフ や看護師さんが丁寧に接してくれて安心でした。女性の先生が優しくみてくれま した。中耳炎でしたが点耳薬の使いかたも分かりやすく教えてくれました。
I have been indebted to my family since the hospital opened. There are always a lot of patients But they will respond comfortably. When you enter the entrance, the reception staff are bright I'm glad to welcome you. I had a medical examination for a child's ear pain yesterday, but the reception staff I was relieved that the nurse and the nurse treated me politely. A female teacher kindly looks at me did. I had otitis media, but he taught me how to use ear drops in an easy-to-understand manner.
I J on Google

I visited for the first time yesterday at the recommendation of an acquaintance. Perhaps it was a popular clinic, it was full of patients. Still, it didn't take as long as I expected. It seemed that there were two teachers, and the flow from examination to examination and accounting was very smooth. I asked for an allergy test for my child, but the nurse was very kind and polite, and I didn't cry when I collected blood. I think it's a very good clinic as a whole.

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