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Contact 白旗整形外科内科

住所 :

Miyazakicho, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0805 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://mc-kenshikai.or.jp/sirahata/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday 9AM–12PM
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Miyazakicho, Chuo Ward, 〒260-0805 Chiba,Japan
Sora Akira on Google

かず on Google

年中無休 患者目線で診察してくれる
Open all year round
町田友一 on Google

整形外科というより、整体院。首の痛い患者の首を機械で引っ張って、治療になるのだろうか? 年配の看護師たちの対応も最悪だった。基本、近所の年寄り連中の溜まり場。まともな診断・治療を期待して行くところではない。
Rather than orthopedic surgery, it is a manipulative hospital. Is it possible to treat a patient with a painful neck by pulling the neck with a machine? The response of older nurses was also the worst. Basically, a hangout for neighboring elderly people. It is not a place to expect a decent diagnosis and treatment.
ろめっとぺつ on Google

娘がアキレス腱を痛めた為、初めて受診しました。 先生の説明もわかりやすく、看護師さん達も皆んな明るく優しい口調で娘に接してくれていました。レントゲンやエコーを使って調べて下さり、テーピングも丁寧にやり方を教えてくれました。待ち時間は少し長く感じましたが、対応はとても良かったです。
I went to the hospital for the first time because my daughter hurt the Achilles tendon. The teacher's explanation was easy to understand, and the nurses were in touch with their daughters in a bright and gentle tone. I studied using X-rays and echoes, and taping taught me how to do it carefully. I felt the waiting time was a little longer, but the response was very good.
jager drums on Google

I was in trouble because I had a high fever because I didn't do anything on holidays, so I'm grateful! I visited there thinking. However, even though I wrote "Orthopedic Internal Medicine", I was told that I couldn't see the internal medicine because I specialize in orthopedics. I managed to go in the worst of my physical condition. No way.
プラゴ on Google

I went to this place where my child had a leg injury and was doing it on a holiday. It was stated that the business hours were until 12:00, but when I went around 11:35, the receptionist said, "Because it is new, the reception will end by 11:30. Please come again tomorrow." I was refused a consultation. I was impressed by the fact that it is a non-human and thorough professional attitude to be able to take such an attitude in front of a bloody person. I also asked, "Are there any other hospitals around here that are open even on holidays?", But the answer was, "Why don't you look it up yourself?" Eventually, the child went to the holiday clinic and sutured because the wound was deep. I will never go to this hospital again!
mukurin so hot on Google

「マッサージ屋」と揶揄されるだけはある整形外科。 最初は足の痛みで受診したのですが、段々と痺れに変わってきた為「何か他の病気の可能性はありませんか。」と尋ねたところ「足が痛いと言うから痛みの治療をしてるんです!心配なら内科に行けばいいんじゃないですか?」と何故か喧嘩腰。患者が訴えたことにただ対処するだけであれば、小学生でも指示書があれば可能です。治療に難癖をつけられたと感じたのかもしれませんが、医師としてのプライドを持つ前に診断力を磨くのが先では?常駐の先生があの有様では院内の空気の悪さも納得です。私にとっては時間とお金の無駄でしたが、近所の高齢者の溜まり場としては存在価値があるのかもしれません。
An orthopedic surgeon who is only ridiculed as a "massage shop". At first, I had a medical examination for pain in my leg, but as I gradually became numb, I asked, "Is there any other illness?" If you're worried, why don't you go to the internal medicine department? " If you just want to deal with the patient's complaint, even elementary school students can do it with instructions. You may have felt that the treatment was difficult, but what about improving your diagnostic skills before you have pride as a doctor? If the resident teacher is in that state, I am convinced that the air in the hospital is bad. It was a waste of time and money for me, but it may be worth it as a hangout for the elderly in the neighborhood.
To No on Google

先生や看護師さんたちの対応はものすごく親切丁寧でした。 ただリハビリ室の空気が悪いです。患者さんたちの痛いつらいという気持ちとスタッフさんたちのめんどくさそうな態度が相まって空気がよどんでいます。リハビリ室に入ると運気が下がります。誰か一人でも頑張って治していきましょうというポジティブな考えと態度があれば風通しはよくなると思います。現状気が悪いのが非常に残念です。薬だけもらって帰ります。
The correspondence of the teachers and nurses was extremely kind and polite. However, the air in the rehabilitation room is bad. The air is stagnant due to the painful feelings of the patients and the annoying attitude of the staff. When you enter the rehabilitation room, your luck will drop. I think that if anyone has a positive idea and attitude that they should do their best to cure it, it will be more open. I am very sorry that I feel sick at the moment. I will get only the medicine and go home.

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