Site of Takahata Station - Higashiokitama District

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Site of Takahata Station

住所 :

1568 Takahata, Higashiokitama District, Yamagata 992-0351, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 992-0351
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

1568 Takahata, Higashiokitama District, Yamagata 992-0351, Japan
かむてん君 on Google

It's a pretty nice building and locomotive.
9011 Rudell on Google

4年ぶりに再訪。何も変わっていない感じ(良い事) 駅舎が地産石材で出来ているが、トイレや変電施設も同じ石材。緑が綺麗でした
Revisited for the first time in 4 years. Feeling that nothing has changed (good thing) The station building is made of locally produced stone, but the toilets and substation facilities are also made of the same stone. The green was beautiful
Toshi on Google

山形交通高畠線の貴重な登録有形文化財です。 以前から行ってみたく思っていましたが、中々素晴らしい文化財でした。時が止まったかのような佇まいに丸ポスト。素敵でした。 貴重な電車も残っています。
It is a valuable registered tangible cultural property of the Yamagata Kotsu Takahata Line. I've always wanted to go there, but it was a wonderful cultural property. A round post box that looks as if time has stopped. It was nice. There are also valuable trains left.
Massive KURO on Google

桜のライトアップが目的で訪問。建物そのものより、桜と合わせて「明治の春」をイメージさせてくれる雰囲気が( ・∀・)イイ!! 規模は小さいですが、見どころは十分。今年は(例年も?)2日しかやってないので結構レアなイベントと言えるかも。
Visited for the purpose of illuminating the cherry blossoms. The atmosphere that makes you imagine "Spring of the Meiji era" together with the cherry blossoms is better than the building itself (・ ∀ ・) !! The scale is small, but the highlights are sufficient. This year (as usual?) We only have 2 days, so it may be a rare event.
アキラ.O on Google

Round mailboxes or stones reminiscent of the old days? I think the station building made of is very good. Locomotives are also on display, and I think it's a good place for people who like railways.
ヒロキ on Google

懐かしい感じがする場所で昔は高畠鉄道として駅として機能していたそうです。 写真やインスタにも映えると思います。
It is a place that feels nostalgic, and in the past it used to function as a station as the Takahata Railway. I think it will look great on photos and Instagram.
カキノタネ on Google

建物正面にして左手が駐車場です。 残念ながら中に入る事は出来ませんが、レトロな佇まいで、写真映えしますね。 コロナが収束したら中に入って、写真を撮れたりイベント等して、観光資源を活用してもらいたいですね。
The parking lot is on the left in front of the building. Unfortunately, you can't go inside, but it has a retro look and looks great in photos. When the corona has converged, I would like you to go inside and take pictures, hold events, etc., and utilize your tourism resources.
8ジィジ on Google

古い建築物には、趣が有りますね。 展示してある機関車や客車も実際に使用されていたもので沢山の人が働き利用していたと思うと感慨深いものが有りますね。

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