Site of Kuzuha Battery - Hirakata

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Site of Kuzuha Battery

住所 :

2 Chome Kuzuhanakanoshiba, Hirakata, Osaka 573-1101, Japan

Postal code : 573-1101
Webサイト :

2 Chome Kuzuhanakanoshiba, Hirakata, Osaka 573-1101, Japan
久我達 on Google

Development progressed and the ground was neatly organized. In the old days, there were rice fields and forests, and beetle insects were picked.
heppoco bara on Google

わかりやすい説明書きがありよかったです。どこに何があったかも表示されています。 公園として整備されおり、憩いの場として賑わっていました。
It was nice to have an easy-to-understand explanation. It also shows where and what happened. It was maintained as a park and was a busy place to relax.
りふも on Google

京都と大阪の間の公園。 昔は砲台だったとのことです。 いまは、平和で静かな公園です。 淀川の向こうには、天王山も見えます。
A park between Kyoto and Osaka. It used to be a battery. It is a peaceful and quiet park now. You can see Mt. Tenno over the Yodo River.
le credor on Google

ただの広場。数年前までは田んぼでしたが公園に生まれ変わりました。 砲台跡らしいですが痕跡などは何もなく石碑があるだけ。史跡とはこんなもんか。
Just a square. A few years ago, it was a rice field, but it was reborn as a park. It seems to be a turret trace, but there is no trace, just a monument. What is a historic site?
83 Koichi on Google

A large green park seen from the Keihan train. Speaking of Daiba, Odaiba in Tokyo is famous for foreign defense, but this is an inland Daiba. Daiba is located on the Kyokaido that connects Osaka and Kyoto to protect the Choshu army from attacking from the west. It has been maintained as a park in the last 10 years.
赤穂浪士 on Google

京阪沿線にある河川台場です。設計者は勝海舟。 現在は史跡公園ですが遺構が分かりやすく見れたのでとても良かったです。
It is a river Daiba along the Keihan line. The designer is Katsu Kaishu. It's a historic park now, but it was great because I could see the remains in an easy-to-understand manner.
Namisho Battery on Google

It used to be full of bamboo and weeds, but it has been improved and cleaned up. I think it's good for families.
Yuka on Google

It may be a disappointing result for Keihan Electric Railway who wanted to build an apartment, but it is a good park for the neighbors. You can let a spacious dog play on the beautiful lawn.

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