Shuzenji Onsen Ryokan cooperative - Izu

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shuzenji Onsen Ryokan cooperative

住所 :

修善寺総合会館 838-1 Shuzenji, Izu, Shizuoka 410-2416, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 410-2416
Webサイト :

修善寺総合会館 838-1 Shuzenji, Izu, Shizuoka 410-2416, Japan
신지쭈- on Google

차는 주차해두고 천천히 마을 구석구석 돌아보는 재미가~ 대나무길도 너무 좋았고 아기자기한 샵들과 맛있는 군것질 거리~ 길가에 모두를 위한 미니 족욕 온천~
It's fun to park your car and slowly walk around the town~ The bamboo path was so good, cute shops and delicious snack streets~ Mini foot baths for everyone on the roadside~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
松本寧々 on Google

修善寺温泉に旅行で訪れました? 修善寺や、竹の道、渡月橋?がありました! 小さい、小さい京都?? 暑い日でしたが、竹の道などは木陰で歩くのに気持ち良かったですよー?
I visited Shuzenji Onsen on a trip ? Shuzenji, bamboo road, Togetsukyo? had! Small, small Kyoto? ?? It was a hot day, but it was nice to walk in the shade of the bamboo roads ?
M K on Google

古き良き日本の風情を感じさせる温泉街。 竹林の並木道に東屋にある足湯が印象的。 メイン通りを少し外れるのも楽しいかも知れない。
A hot spring town that makes you feel the atmosphere of good old Japan. The footbath in the eastern store is impressive on the tree-lined road in the bamboo grove. It may be fun to go off the main street a little.
ダブルセブン on Google

訪れるたびに新しくお店ができていたり、 活気のある観光地だと思います。 既存店舗のスタッフ皆さんからも観光地を盛り上げようとする意欲がとても感じるとれ、また訪れてみたいと思いました。
Every time I visit, a new shop is opened, I think it is a lively tourist destination. I felt that the staff of the existing stores were very motivated to liven up the tourist spots, and I wanted to visit again.
Ky Pon (神棚の猫) on Google

風情のあるところでした。 このあたりは伊豆の中でも商売っ気の強いお店が多かった印象 油断して何気なく入った近くのはちみつ屋さんで品物を見ていると、出てきたお店の方から営業トークを機関銃のごとく浴びせられました。20分くらい捕まってたんじゃないかな。疲れましたよ。
It was a tasteful place. Impression that there were many shops with strong business in Izu around here When I was looking at the goods at a nearby honey shop that I casually entered, I was exposed to a sales talk like a machine gun from the shop that came out. I think I was caught for about 20 minutes. I'm tired.
芹沢健一 on Google

昔から伊豆を代表する温泉街で日帰りでも泊まりでも良い所 なんですが伊豆縦貫道のせいか客足落ちてるのは否めない様で商売気が田舎レベルののんびりさは無し ちょっと寄ろうかなとなっても無料駐車場も無いので折角良いお店が有るも金払って停めて滑ったら嫌だしスルーする人もいる様です が散策に良いし立ち寄りにはオススメです 無料駐車場あれば寄りやすくなると思うんだけどなぁ
A hot spring town that has been representative of Izu for a long time, a place where you can go on a day trip or stay overnight It seems that it is undeniable that the number of customers is falling because of the Izu Jukan Expressway, and there is no laid-back business spirit at the countryside level. There is no free parking lot even if you try to get a little closer, so there are shops that are good for you, but it seems that there are people who dislike it if you pay to stop and slip. Is good for a walk and recommended for a stopover I think it will be easier to get close to if there is a free parking lot.
alice au on Google

Just a short visit for 3 hours. Definitely worth to spend 2D1N and explore around. Can't wait to visit there again.
A S on Google

Very lovely shrine and you might see these shibaken dogs there :)

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