Shōzoku Inari-jinja Shrine - Kita City

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shōzoku Inari-jinja Shrine

住所 :

2 Chome-30-14 Oji, Kita City, Tokyo 114-0002, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 114-0002
Webサイト :

2 Chome-30-14 Oji, Kita City, Tokyo 114-0002, Japan
三品敏子 on Google

2022年は、2月いっぱい装束お稲荷様の斜め前の陶器店ヤマワさんで、火防の凧を取り扱って下さるそうです。 もしかしたら?来年度から…狐の顔の凧が登場するかも??? 楽しみです。
In 2022, Mr. Yamawa, a pottery shop diagonally in front of Mr. Inari, will handle fire protection kites throughout February. Maybe? From next year ... A kite with a fox face may appear ??? I'm looking forward to it.
高師亮 on Google

参道・拝殿等は『関東三大稲荷』を勝手にイメージしていると、狭く小さく感じるますが、とても掃除等が行き届いている印象です。お狐様と近所の猫がお迎えしてくださいました。 御朱印は書き置きで、近隣の雑貨屋さんで頂けます。 此方の雑貨屋さんも含め、神社近隣のお店で御朱印を頂ける神社は多いです。 本来は御朱印をお分けしている事が、主業務では無く、好意で兼務して頂いているお店が多いと思います。 社務所で頂く事と同じように、『授かる』気持ちを忘れずに、通常業務を止めて迄授かるのですから、相手を想い一言添えて授かりたいですね。 そうで無ければ、御朱印を仲介して頂けなくなる日も近いと感じました。 昨今、自分で自分の首を絞める、良い伝統を今消さないような言動は大切で有ると、切に感じております故、偉そうなコメントで失礼致しました。
The approach to the shrine and the hall of worship seem to be narrow and small when you imagine the "Kanto Three Great Inari" without permission, but the impression is that they are very well cleaned. The fox and the cat in the neighborhood welcomed us. The red stamp is written down and you can get it at a nearby general store. There are many shrines where you can get a red stamp at shops near the shrine, including this general store. Originally, it is not the main business to separate the red stamps, but I think that there are many shops that also serve as a favor. Just like what you get at the office, you don't forget the feeling of "giving", and even if you stop normal work, you will be given, so I would like to give it with a word of thought to the other person. If this is not the case, I felt that the day when I would not be able to mediate the red stamp would be near. Nowadays, I really feel that it is important to strangle myself and not erase the good tradition, so I'm sorry for the bossy comment.
Kazuhiko Shimauchi on Google

場所自体は移設されたそうですが、謂れのある神社です。 浮世絵の題材にもなった榎の下に集まる狐達が装束羽織り、王子稲荷神社まで狐火焚いて詣でに行く、、なんとも幻想的な光景。 その榎の末裔と言われる御神木が窮屈そうにしてますから是非見てあげて下さい。
The place itself is said to have been relocated, but it is a so-called shrine. The foxes who gather under the elephant, which was the subject of Ukiyo-e, wear a haori coat and go to Oji Inari Shrine with a fox fire to visit. The shinboku, which is said to be the descendant of the celtis sinensis, seems to be cramped, so please take a look.
Naoyuki Oi on Google

?速報?2021年10月現在?残念ながら、本年令和三年大晦日に行われる予定でした狐の行列は、中止となりました。 ?江戸時代。王子は、榎町と呼んでいました。この榎の木により、この周辺は、昔の大火から守られました。新年の午の日は、ニの午、三の午に自宅の為の火防の凧を買い求めます。 また、毎年の大晦日深夜は3000人が、狐の仮装し、北とびあ周辺を行列作り行進します。岸町にある、王子稲荷神社までの約1キロは、一万人の見物客でカメラのフラッシュが光ます。以前から、マスコミや、JR…東京メトロの年末年始ガイドに掲載されており、年々観客が多くなってます。前回は、日テレeveryの特集で、かなりの時間紹介されました。海外からの観光客も、珍しい!と、好評でした…。今年も行われます。 ★大晦日、少額で、仮装メイクしてくれますが、待機場所に限りあり、先着人数となっています。 ★地元商店街や町会の愛する方々のお陰により大変綺麗に保たれています。夜のライトアップは、幻想的で、お勧めのスポットです。 ●不定期の土曜日に、狐の行列を演出するスタッフの出店や子供達のお囃子を見学できますよ!
? Breaking News ? As of October 2021 ? Unfortunately, the fox procession scheduled for New Year's Eve in the third year of Reiwa has been cancelled. ? Edo period. The prince called it Enomachi. This celtis tree protected the area from the great fires of the past. On New Year's Noon Day, I will buy a fire protection kite for my home at the second and third noon. In addition, every year at midnight on New Year's Eve, 3,000 people dress up as foxes and march in a line around Hokutopia. About 1 km to Oji Inari Shrine in Kishimachi, 10,000 spectators shine a camera flash. It has been published in the media and JR ... Tokyo Metro's New Year's holiday guide for a long time, and the number of spectators is increasing year by year. Last time, it was introduced for a considerable amount of time in the special feature of NTV every. Tourists from overseas were also rare! It will be held this year as well. ★ On New Year's Eve, you can make up a costume for a small amount, but the waiting area is limited and the number of people is on a first-come, first-served basis. ★ It is kept very beautiful thanks to the loved ones of the local shopping district and the neighborhood. Illumination at night is a fantastic and recommended spot. ● On irregular Saturdays, you can see the staff opening the fox procession and the children's musical accompaniment!
Anderson Alexander on Google

Peaceful and easy to find
Angela Werley on Google

Cozy shrine. Great to see, tiny. Recommend going at New year's time since there is stuff going on and decorated. Friendly people in ome will help you find it otherwise follow the lanterns and sound of bells. Location of the kitsune parade
Kaj Oreglia on Google

A quiet and charming little Inari shrine in the middle of the city. It has very distinct red doors hung with a fox mask which makes it great for photos.
Eric Lacroix on Google

This small Fox temple has a long history. At this place you can really feel something. Moreover, the temple is beautiful and is well appreciated by local population. Every year, the first at 0:00, begins from that place the Fox god procession going to another bigger Fox temple, at Kita-Ku. Nearby, you find a very good restaurant, the サンセット the sunset, with excellent cuisine and Belgian beers. Oji station is at 7 minutes on foot. I recommend this place.

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