Showa Shell Sanyo Interchange SS - Usami - Akaiwa

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Showa Shell Sanyo Interchange SS / Usami

住所 :

1005-1 Tatsukawa, Akaiwa, Okayama 709-0815, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 709-0815
Webサイト :

1005-1 Tatsukawa, Akaiwa, Okayama 709-0815, Japan
でっすデス on Google

普通にセルフのガソリンスタンドですが、シェル石油なのに、宇佐美グループだからなのか、シェルのスマートパス(タッチキーみたいな?)は使えず、店員に聞いてもわからないと無愛想な対応をされました。 インター近くで朝早い時間から開いてますよ。
Normally it was a self-service gas station, but even though it was shell oil, it was a Usami group, so I couldn't use Shell's smart pass (like touch keys), and it was unfriendly if I didn't know from the store clerk. Open early in the morning near the interchange.
c k on Google

この前フルサービスを利用したのですが、筋肉質の男の人(浜鍋君かな?)の対応がとても良かったです。 バッテリーや空気圧など色々注文していましたが、笑顔で対応してくれました!!
I used the full service the other day, and the response from a muscular man (Hamabe-kun?) Was very good. I ordered various things such as batteries and air pressure, but they responded with a smile! !!
Hitoshi HIRANO on Google

Usami-based self-service gas station. Because it is near the interchange, it can be used at any time. Also supports truck washing and refueling. There is no dining space.
mano tomoko on Google

All the staff are bright and polite. With the Usami card and the app, you can put in gasoline at a fairly low price on Saturdays and Sundays ❗️ There is also a lottery that you can enjoy regularly ♥
やまちゃん on Google

The other day, I was anxious about running out of gas while driving on the highway, so I stopped by at the stand in a hurry, but I was grateful for the very pleasant response. I also wanted to use it.
涼森レム on Google

何度も手洗い洗車をお願いしているが、青のツナギを着た若い男性の方の技術が素晴らしすぎる。 岡山の他店の洗車を試したことがあるが、この方より完璧に仕上げてくる人は見たことない。 赤磐という場所にあるのは残念だが、料金も軽四サイズ2000円?くらいでしてもらえるので洗車の際は是非行ってみて欲しい。
I have asked for hand washing many times, but the technique of a young man wearing blue workwear is too good. I have tried car washing at other stores in Okayama, but I have never seen anyone who finishes it more perfectly than this person. It's a pity that it's in Akaiwa, but the price is 2000 yen for a mini car size? You can get it for about a while, so please go when you wash your car.
Red嵩晃 on Google

セルフが奥の事務所前の2基、スタッフ給油が道路側と両方可能です。初めて行くGSは迷いますね。出入りはしやすいと思います。 道路に沿ってスタッフのと思えるシャコタンのトヨタSUVが停めてあった。こういう置き方って、どーだかなーって思います。はっきり言って不法改造車を店の前に並べるのは、如何なものかと思うし、店の品格を下げてると思う。
Two self-service units in front of the office in the back and staff refueling are possible both on the road side. The GS you go to for the first time is at a loss. I think it's easy to get in and out. Shakotan's Toyota SUV, which seems to be a staff member, was parked along the road. I wonder how this is how it is placed. To be clear, I wonder what it would be like to line up illegally modified cars in front of the store, and I think it is degrading the store.
haruchi on Google

山陽インターから、車で1分程すぐ場所にあります。 大きなガソリンスタンドで、洗車コーナーなどは充実してます。
It is about a minute's drive from the Sanyo Interchange. It is a large gas station, and there are plenty of car wash corners.

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