Shoshuji - Fukuroi

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shoshuji

住所 :

453 Tomisato, Fukuroi, Shizuoka 437-1124, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8879
Postal code : 437-1124

453 Tomisato, Fukuroi, Shizuoka 437-1124, Japan
y S on Google

岡本隆男 on Google

藤あきら on Google

I received a red stamp.
hiro on Google

猫ちゃんが、たくさん居ました。 ご住職の方が、親切でした。
There were many cats. The priest was helpful.
イトキン on Google

I stopped by on a tour of the Seven Lucky Gods of Enshu. I wanted to hear the explanation of the priest, but I was busy ❌. That's too bad.
博淳 on Google

I heard that it was a lotus temple, but all the lotus was dead and it seemed like a deadly landscape.
Zen Channel on Google

遠州三十三観音霊場 十六番礼所
Enshu 33 Kannon Sacred Ground 16th Religious Place
濱乃翔穏 on Google

「龍冨山 松秀寺」は戦国時代の文亀元年(1501年)、大易正甫大和尚により創建された曹洞宗寺院です。その昔海岸に漂着したとされるご本尊の行基作地蔵菩薩の他、文珠菩薩、聖観世音菩薩、東照薬師如来も合祀されています。秘仏である「東照薬師如来(注)」は12年に一度の寅年にご開帳されるそうです。遠州三十三観音霊場の16番札所、遠江四十九薬師霊場の43番札所ともなっています。 山門には京都大徳寺の古渓宗陳禅師直筆により「龍冨山」と揮毫された、見事な扁額が掛けられています。山門の隣にある「朝観音」は、早朝にお参りすると足腰が丈夫になるとか痛みが和らぐとか言われて信仰を集めています。その西に広がる弁天池は夏になると睡蓮で美しく彩られます。松秀寺創建当時に龍神池(弁天池)を覆っていた、龍の形をした松の大木が秀麗であったことが、山号と寺号の由来となっているそうです。 可睡斎の重厚な入母屋造りの法堂(本堂)は、もともと松秀寺にありましたが、大きすぎて持て余したため、明治28年に可睡斎に売却されたものです。その後、松秀寺が再建した本堂は太平洋戦争中の1944年に発生した東南海大地震で倒壊してしまったため、戦後になって現在の本堂が再建されました。 東照薬師如来は浜松在城時代の徳川家康も信仰していました。彼が眼病平癒を祈願して叶えられたとか、自分を東照薬師如来の生まれ変わりと思っていたとか、はたまた単に「東照」の名称が気に入っていたとか・・・いろいろな説がありますが、そのような理由により家康は「東照大権現」として日本全国の東照宮に祀られているようです。日光や久能山をはじめ、全国に数ある東照宮の「東照」が松秀寺の東照薬師如来に由来していることを知ったとき、長年「東照宮」という名称の由来が知りたかった私は一気に心が晴れました。 「厭離穢土欣求浄土」の旗印のとおり、家康公は戦国という“穢土”を“厭離”し“浄土”を“欣求”するため、東照薬師如来の加護に頼ったのかも知れません。そしてその願いは、260年に渡る太平の「江戸時代」という形で叶えられたのだと思います。 ちなみに素人の解釈で恐縮ですが、添付写真にある家康の願書は「眼病平癒等、三つの祈願が成就したら、堂を建立致します」と読めます。 (注)「東照薬師如来像」は、もともと800mほど北にあった「東照山 平福寺」に祀られていたものですが、明治時代の廃仏毀釈で平福寺が廃寺となった後は松秀寺に移されました。平福寺跡には今でも「東照堂」が残されていますので、併せて訪れてみてください。
"Ryutomiyama Matsuhideji" is a Soto sect temple built by Masatoshi Daiyasu in the first year of Bunkame (1501) during the Warring States period. In addition to the Jizo Bodhisattva, which is said to have been washed ashore on the coast in the olden days, the Buddhist Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, the Holy Kanzeon Bodhisattva, and the Tosho Yakushi Nyorai are also enshrined. The secret Buddha "Tosho Yakushi Nyorai (Note)" is said to be opened once every 12 years in the year of the Tiger. It is also the 16th temple of Enshu 33 Kannon Sacred Ground and the 43rd temple of Totomi 49 Yakushi Sacred Ground. The mountain gate is hung with a magnificent flat frame, which was evoked as "Ryutomiyama" by the Zen master of the Kokei sect of Daitokuji Temple in Kyoto. "Morning Kannon" next to the mountain gate is gaining faith because it is said that if you visit early in the morning, your legs will become stronger and your pain will be relieved. Benten Pond, which stretches to the west, is beautifully colored with water lilies in the summer. It is said that the name of the mountain and temple is derived from the fact that the large pine tree in the shape of a dragon, which covered Ryujin Pond (Benten Pond) when the temple was built, was beautiful. Akiha Sohonden's heavy-duty gabled temple (main hall) was originally located in Matsuhideji, but it was sold to Akiha Sohonden in 1887 because it was too large to carry. After that, the main hall rebuilt by Matsuhideji was destroyed by the Tonankai earthquake that occurred in 1944 during the Pacific War, so the current main hall was rebuilt after the war. Tosho Yakushi Nyorai also worshiped Ieyasu Tokugawa when he was in Hamamatsu. There are various theories that he was granted to pray for the healing of eye diseases, that he thought he was a reborn of Tosho Yakushi Nyorai, or that he simply liked the name "Tosho". However, for that reason, Ieyasu seems to be enshrined in Toshogu Shrines all over Japan as "Tosho Daigongen". When I learned that "Tosho" in Toshogu, which is numerous in Japan, including Nikko and Kunozan, was derived from Tosho Yakushi Nyorai in Matsuhideji, I wanted to know the origin of the name "Toshogu" for many years. Cleared my heart at once. As the flag of "Samsung Jodo", Ieyasu may have relied on the protection of Tosho Yakushi Nyorai in order to "retire" the "Sengoku" and "Pure Land". And I think that wish was fulfilled in the form of Taihei's "Edo period" for 260 years. By the way, I'm sorry for the amateur's interpretation, but Ieyasu's application in the attached photo can be read as "If three prayers such as healing of eye diseases are fulfilled, the hall will be built." (Note) The "Tosho Yakushi Nyorai Statue" was originally enshrined at "Toshozan Heifukuji", which was about 800m north, but Matsuhide after Heifukuji was abandoned due to the abolition of Buddha in the Meiji era. It was moved to a temple. "Tosho-do" still remains at the site of Hirafuku-ji Temple, so please visit it as well.

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