Shonandai Jinhinyoki Kanpo Clinic - Fujisawa

3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shonandai Jinhinyoki Kanpo Clinic

住所 :

門倉第2湘南台ビル 1F 2 Chome-7-12 Shonandai, Fujisawa, Kanagawa 252-0804, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 252-0804
Webサイト :

門倉第2湘南台ビル 1F 2 Chome-7-12 Shonandai, Fujisawa, Kanagawa 252-0804, Japan
y a on Google

I had nocturia and dull pain after excretion, so I thought that I might have cystitis, so I made a reservation on the day from the reservation phone at the first visit and asked for the reception number and came to the hospital. Immediately after the reception, the overweight receptionist called me to a private room without filling out a questionnaire and asked about my symptoms. When I told him that he had symptoms of cystitis, he repeatedly said in a loud and high-pressure manner, "Cystitis will be cured in a week." When I was asked if there were any other symptoms and told me that I had back and back pain, I was told that I was suspected of having urethral stones and would be examined. It was so loud that you could have heard it outside the room, what does the private room mean? I was wondering if there was any consideration for privacy even though it was a urology department. I came to see him, but he was told that the examination was not covered by insurance. Are you a doctor if you are overweight? I was at the reception until the end of the examination. When I checked the website after returning home, I noticed that I had overlooked waiting for the timed return after the reservation on the day of the first visit was completed. Is that angry? I am very disappointed that the doctors and other receptionists who consulted me were very helpful.
じょんじょん on Google

毎月子供の夜尿でお世話になっています。 院長先生は、とても親身になって 話を聞いてくださり本当に良い先生です! 予約を取って時間内に行っても 待たされる事があります。 2時間待った時もあります。 それで、駐車券の割引券が1枚(200円) で、湘南台は駐車料金が高いので時間分頂けると助かります。 皆さんも書いてる通り受付の方の態度はあまりよくないです… 余裕が無いようみに見えます。 お会計は遅いです。なので、早くてもトータルで1時間はかかる気がします。 先生がいい方なので、我慢できてるという感じです。
I am taken care of by my child's night urine every month. The director is very kind He is a really good teacher who listens to me! Even if you make a reservation and go in time You may have to wait. Sometimes I waited for two hours. So, one discount ticket for parking ticket (200 yen) So, since the parking fee is high in Shonandai, it would be helpful if you could get the time. As you all wrote, the attitude of the receptionist is not very good ... It looks like you can't afford it. Checkout is late. So, I think it will take a total of 1 hour at the earliest. The teacher is a good person, so I feel like I can put up with it.
water sea on Google

まず当クリニック独特のインターネット予約システムを患者にとってわかりやすいシステムに変えるべきでしょう。この怪奇な予約システムのために受付が混乱し、その説明のために受付に無駄な時間を取らせています。 次に、院長は素晴らしいが受付がダメという意見が散見されますが、院長は医師としての仕事だけでなく当クリニックにおいては、全ての責任者でもあります。 受付やクリニックの業務の仕組みを改善することも当然、クリニックの長である院長の仕事です。 一般の組織では極当たり前のことかと思います。
First of all, we should change our clinic's unique Internet reservation system into a system that is easy for patients to understand. This mysterious booking system confuses the receptionist and wastes time on the receptionist to explain it. Next, there are some opinions that the director is wonderful but the reception is not good, but the director is not only the job as a doctor but also the person in charge of everything at this clinic. Of course, it is also the job of the director, who is the director of the clinic, to improve the structure of the reception and clinic operations. I think this is quite common in general organizations.
さゆ on Google

初診でクチコミを色々見て不安でしたが良かったです。 予約は当日のみで7時から受付しています 電話でもwebでも出来ますがwebの方が簡単だと思います。右上の予約メニューから番号をとり9時あたりに病院から何時に来てくださいと言われます。20番まででもう病院の近くにいると伝えたらすぐ通してくれました。受付の評判が悪いことばかりだったのですが平日だからか優しく駅から出る方向など教えてくれました。院内でも丁寧に接してくれました。 朝1だったので1時間くらいで終わりました。待つのが嫌な人は早めに行くのが良いと思います。 ただ通信環境が悪いとこだけ良くなかったですね
I was worried when I saw various reviews at the first visit, but it was good. Reservations are accepted from 7 o'clock only on the day You can do it by phone or on the web, but I think the web is easier. Take the number from the reservation menu on the upper right and you will be asked what time you should come from the hospital around 9 o'clock. When I told him that he was already near the hospital by number 20, he passed me immediately. The receptionist had a bad reputation, but he kindly told me how to get out of the station because it was a weekday. He treated me politely even in the hospital. It was 1 in the morning, so it took about an hour. People who don't like to wait should go early. However, it was not good because the communication environment was bad.
小林洋子 on Google

初診から感じてましたが先生の評判はとても良いのですが受付の少しふくよかな女性の方の態度がとても横柄で思わず診察を受けないで帰宅しました 他にも不快な思いをされているのでは無いでしょうかね!せっかく良い医師がいらしやるのに勿体ないですね もう通院する気持ちは有りません!
I felt it from the first medical examination, but the teacher's reputation is very good, but the attitude of the slightly plump woman at the reception is very arrogant and I went home without being examined unintentionally. Isn't it? It's a waste to have a good doctor, but I don't feel like going to the hospital anymore!
いとぺitope on Google

医師は丁寧。ただし受付は他の人と同様です。 早く行きすぎてクスリがもらえなかったりすることもあるので、敢えて受付に○日後までクスリが出ているが、今日は2日前だけど来院して差し支えないか?と電話で聞くようにしている。この方が一番間違いはない。 あと不定期水曜日臨時休診するならば言ってねという感じです。その2日前に電話で問い合わせしているんだから。 週末になっても折が合わずに通院できていません。クスリも切れてしまいました。 会計はやはり遅い。代金をとりあえず支払い、とりあえず調剤へ処方箋画像を送り、ドラッグストアの問屋の午後便に間に合わせたいくらいです(漢方薬在庫がないことが多いので)。それさえも間に合わないこともあります。これは午前中最後の時間帯の受診の場合です。
The doctor is polite. However, the reception is the same as other people. Because I sometimes went too early and couldn't get the medicine, I dared to get the medicine until ○ days later, but today is 2 days ago, but is it okay to come to the hospital? I try to ask on the phone. This is the most correct. It feels like telling me if I have a temporary closure on Wednesdays. I made an inquiry by phone two days before that. Even on weekends, I couldn't go to the hospital because I couldn't make it. The medicine has run out. Accounting is still slow. I would like to pay the price for the time being, send the prescription image to the dispensing for the time being, and make it in time for the afternoon flight of the wholesaler of the drug store (because there are many cases where Chinese medicine is out of stock). Even that may not be in time. This is the case of the last visit in the morning.
NOName on Google

予約システムわかりづらい。 待合い混みすぎてて密な状態。 とにかく待たせる。 こんな状況下で、クラスターおきたらどうすんだ。 なぜこんなに待たされるのか、受付から支払いまできちんとさばけないなら患者取り過ぎなんだろ。 予約したところで、受付可能時間なだけで診察開始時間ではない。 診察の順番がわからないし、ただ混んでるから待っててください、待ち時間はわからないといわれる。 なんなんだ。 受付の対応不親切。
Reservation system is difficult to understand. The waiting is too crowded and it is in a dense state. Make me wait anyway. What if you have a cluster under these circumstances? Why are you waiting so long? If you can't handle it properly after paying from the reception, you're probably taking too many patients. When I made a reservation, it was only the reception time, not the consultation start time. I don't know the order of the examinations, just wait because it's crowded, it's said that I don't know the waiting time. what's with that. The receptionist is unfriendly.
ksk DG on Google

The doctor was amazing!

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