Shokuhinkan Aoba Oimatsuda - Ashigarakami District

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shokuhinkan Aoba Oimatsuda

住所 :

ミマスモール 1階 343 Kaneko, Oi, Ashigarakami District, Kanagawa 258-0019, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 258-0019
Webサイト :

ミマスモール 1階 343 Kaneko, Oi, Ashigarakami District, Kanagawa 258-0019, Japan
臼井順一 on Google

Vegetables and meat are cheap and abundant. There are also types of prepared foods.
MAN BEAM on Google

The bulk buying size that you can eat with a large number of people is advantageous. Meat, fish, vegetables, anything
チタオチャン on Google

大井松田の食品館あおばはヒナに稀なる食品スーパー!一に一品目多品種の品揃え、二に低価格訴求、生鮮三品の鮮度と品揃え、三に店、センターにレジを10台、セルフカウンターを中央、それを囲むように並行し平台で青果物を並べて導入路をつくり、それに続けて通常の精肉、鮮魚と通常のスーパーレイアウトにして、レジ、セルフカウンターを囲んで売り場作りするのは今日の夕飯を計画的に考えて購入する主婦にとっては売り場の中で右往左往せずに買物できるのは効率的ではないかと思いました。 レジの接客対応は普通かな。ただ感じたのは客単価は高い割にお客様に提供する用度品の種類が少ないと感じたくらいですね。でも、地域1番店を目指している意欲は感じました。
Oi Matsuda's food center Aoba is a food supermarket rare for chicks! Assortment of 1 variety and 1 item, 2 low price, freshness and assortment of 3 fresh products, 3 store, 10 cashiers in center, self-counter in the center, parallel with surrounding flats and fruits and vegetables It is a sales floor for housewives who plan and buy today's supper to make a sales floor around ordinary cashmere, fresh fish and a normal super layout, and surround the cash register and the self-counter. I thought it would be efficient to be able to shop without going back and forth. Is it normal for the cashier to serve customers? The only thing I felt was that although the unit price was high, I felt that there were few types of supplies that were provided to customers. However, I felt the motivation to become the first regional store.
MSGarage4444 on Google

生鮮食品の品揃えは、肉類>野菜>魚類かな。 通路は狭めなので、お子様連れは、カートやかごに気を付けた方がいいかも。
The assortment of fresh foods is meat> vegetables> fish. The aisles are narrow, so if you are traveling with children, you should be careful about carts and baskets.
Toshi Low on Google

I always use Well Camp Nishitanzawa to meet friends in Tokyo and to procure food. It is very convenient because it is close to the interchange. All the ingredients are available. Vegetables were cheap on this day. It was 95 yen for two long onions.
水澤稔 on Google

野菜は、特に値段は安くなく普通。 肉は量が多く値段は安い。 揚げものも安い。 人が多く混雑していて、棚の品物が多く探すのが大変。
Vegetables are not particularly cheap and are normal. The amount of meat is large and the price is low. Fried food is also cheap. It is difficult to find many items on the shelves because it is crowded with many people.
朴知秀 on Google

こんなに質の悪い肉は初めて見た。 脂肪の白いとこはカピカピになって、黄色く変色。魚コーナーも最低最悪。 たらこの色が毒々しい。 スーパーの中はコバエが大量発生。 吐き気がする。レジ店員の態度も終始不快だった。
I've never seen such poor quality meat. The white part of the fat becomes shiny and turns yellow. The fish corner is also the worst. This color is poisonous. A large number of flies occur in the supermarket. I feel nauseous. The attitude of the cashier was also unpleasant from beginning to end.
JY Nakamura on Google

地元チェーンのスーパーということで地魚を買えるかも、と期待して入ったのですが、日曜夕方だったためか見当たりませんでした。残念。平日の昼間にもう一度訪問してみたいと思います。 ただし写真のとおり、加工済みのちりめんじゃこ類と魚卵はすごい種類が揃っていました。値段も安い! パッケージ製品、冷凍食品、飲料類、酒類は全国チェーンと同様のものが揃っていました。値段も都内に比べたら安いと思います。 他の方が低評価されている肉類は今回見ていませんでした。
I was hoping that I could buy local fish because it was a local chain supermarket, but I couldn't find it because it was Sunday evening. disappointing. I would like to visit again during the daytime on weekdays. However, as you can see in the photo, there are a great variety of processed chirimen-jako and roe. The price is also cheap! Packaged products, frozen foods, beverages, and alcoholic beverages were similar to those of national chains. I think the price is also cheaper than in Tokyo. I haven't seen any meat that is underrated by others this time.

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