Nojima - Ashigarakami District

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nojima

Kaneko, Oi, Ashigarakami District, 〒258-0019 Kanagawa,Japan
平野勉 on Google

先日の家内に続き、私と娘もスマホの更新に 行きました。 前回とは違う方に対応していただきましたが、 悩んでいた乗り換えについても的確な提案をいただきスッキリと良い買い物が出来ました。 期待を裏切らない接客に感謝です!
Following my wife the other day, my daughter and I also updated our smartphone went. I had you correspond to a person different from the last time, I received an accurate proposal for the transfer that I was worried about, and I was able to make a good purchase. Thank you for the customer service that does not disappoint!
生沼佳之 on Google

元旦の朝、息子の部屋のエアコンが壊れてしまい、どうしたものかと考えあぐねてましたか、諸用を済ませたら早くも17時半を回ってました。 慌てて店に向かい到着した時には、蛍の光が流れ始めていました。 エアコン売り場にいた店員さんにまだ大丈夫?と尋ねると「大丈夫ですよ。」と笑顔で応じていただき、いろいろお得な情報まで教えていただきました。 元旦の閉店時間過ぎでしたが、最短スケジュールで3日に工事できるとのこと。 休み中に工事完了まで出来そうなので、本当に助かりました。ありがとうございました。
On the morning of New Year's Day, the air conditioner in my son's room broke down, and I was wondering what was going on. When I arrived at the store in a hurry, the light of the firefly had begun to flow. Is it still okay for the clerk who was in the air conditioner department? When asked, he responded with a smile, "It's okay." It was past the closing time on New Year's Day, but it is said that construction can be done on the 3rd with the shortest schedule. It was really helpful because it seems that the construction can be completed during the holidays. Thank you very much.
辻進 on Google

I bought an eco-tank printer, but it was said that the amount of ink attached to it was small, so I was forced to purchase new ink, but when I returned home, I had enough ink. I wanted you to explain it a little more properly. Other correspondence was very kind.
jo jo on Google

老親の洗濯機を購入 今まで頑なに2槽式を使用していたので負担軽減のために全自動を検討していた 声をかけていただき、状況説明後に提案していただいた商品を納得して購入した 説明もわかりやすく丁寧で一生懸命さが伝わりました。 また、洗濯機以外に購入検討している物が有ったのがそちらも丁寧に説明していただいた また利用したいです
Buy an old parent's washing machine Until now, I was stubbornly using a two-tank type, so I was considering full automation to reduce the burden. I asked him to speak to me, and after explaining the situation, I was convinced that the product I had proposed was purchased. The explanation was easy to understand and polite, and I was able to convey my hard work. Also, he politely explained that there were items other than the washing machine that he was considering purchasing. I still want to use it
久保寺こずえ on Google

今回の買い物は空気清浄機プラス加湿器です。 今まで購入したこともなく何を基準にしたらいいのか分からず、息子に付き添ってもらいました。 ちょうど決算の時期で安かったこと、他の商品も含め説明もしてくれました。値段と使い方を、考えたら広告の品物がベストですっと言ってもらえ少しお得感を感じ購入しました。 高い方を薦める方が多い中親身に対応して頂き有難うございます。
This shopping is an air purifier plus a humidifier. I hadn't purchased it before and didn't know what to base it on, so I asked my son to accompany me. He explained that it was cheap at the time of settlement and that it included other products. When I thought about the price and how to use it, I was told that the item in the advertisement was the best, and I felt a little profitable and purchased it. Thank you for responding to the middle-aged people who often recommend the higher one.
小林康弘 on Google

I bought a small recording TV in my bedroom. He gave a polite explanation and explained the warranty exactly. The old TV and the disposal procedure were perfect and smooth. When something happened, I decided to go to Nojima again.
平野勉 on Google

数年前、オーブンレンジを購入した際 担当してくれた女性は、プロフェッショナルな知識と女性目線のわかりやすい説明で 気持ち良くとても良い買い物が出来ました。 その後、洗濯機の買い替えに 再訪し以前の女性とは違う男性に 担当していただきましたが、こちらも プロの知識と接客に降参でした。 昨日、家内のスマホ機種変更の 相談に伺いましたが、担当女性の 知識と会話の反応の速さ 落ち着いた接客に大満足でした。 気がつけば、最近家電の購入に ノジマさん以外行ってません。 気持ちの良い買い物の記憶があると 自然と足が向いてしまいますね。 これからもよろしくお願いします!
When I bought a microwave oven a few years ago The woman in charge has professional knowledge and easy-to-understand explanations from a female perspective. I was able to shop comfortably and very well. After that, to buy a new washing machine To a man different from the woman before revisiting I was in charge of it, but this is also It was a surrender to professional knowledge and customer service. Yesterday, I changed my wife's smartphone model I asked for a consultation, but the female in charge The speed of reaction of knowledge and conversation I was very satisfied with the calm customer service. If you notice, recently you bought home appliances I haven't been to anyone other than Nojima. If you have a good memory of shopping Your feet will naturally turn. I look forward to working with you!
俊博伊藤 on Google


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