Shōhōen - Daisen

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shōhōen

住所 :

Kowakubi-268 Kowakubi, Daisen, Akita 019-2335, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88777
Postal code : 019-2335
Webサイト :
Description : Charming hot spring inn dating from 1917 with a bathhouse, dining & a free train station shuttle.

Kowakubi-268 Kowakubi, Daisen, Akita 019-2335, Japan
ratexio on Google

国の登録有形文化財ということで、設備等について一般の旅館・ホテル並みを求めることが難しいのはあらかじめ理解しておく必要がありますが、それでもすべての点で高く評価したいと思います。 食事は夕食は懐石、朝食は和定食でした。夕食は結構なボリュームがありました。私は薄味の方が好きなのですが、この点は地域性もありますし、女将さんも「味付けが濃い」点は申し添えていて、郷土の味で提供しておられることが理解できました。内容もこの内陸地域で食べられていると思われる材料がほとんどで、例えば数少ない海産であった鰊も塩麹漬けで出てきたのには感心しました。味、内容ともに申し分ないと思います。朝食も地場のものが多く、大変おいしくいただきました。 風呂は内風呂と貸し切りの外風呂があり、外風呂は別の建屋になっています。宿泊当日は雨が降っており、傘をさしていくことになりました。屋根付きの回廊があると良いとは思いますが、文化財の母屋に手を加える難しさも理解できます。泉質は珍しいヨウ素泉で、少し濁っています。外風呂にも洗い場があるといいかなとは思いました。 建物は庄屋だった当時の面影を色濃く残しており、1階で家に伝わる甲冑や膳なども見せていただき、資料館的な側面も大きいように感じました。(別に資料館を開設されていますが) 10畳の部屋に宿泊しましたがトイレ・洗面などの水回りは共用で、もっというとテレビもありません。こうした点をマイナスに評価する方もいらっしゃると思いますが、元々が庄屋屋敷で旅館としての設備でないことや、文化財に指定されていることを考慮すると評価の対象から外すべきと考えました。一方で部屋にコンセントが少ないことを考慮してか延長コードが備えられているなど、解決可能な部分は解決されているようでした。 他に気になる点があるといえば、談話スペースの本棚が長く利用されていないようで、蜘蛛の巣やほこりがたまっていた点でしょうか。 しかし全体的に見て大変満足できる内容でした。また機会があれば是非利用したいです。
It is necessary to understand in advance that it is difficult to obtain the same level of facilities as a general inn or hotel because it is a nationally registered tangible cultural property, but I would like to highly evaluate it in all respects. The meal was kaiseki for dinner and a Japanese set meal for breakfast. The dinner was quite voluminous. I prefer light taste, but this point is also regional, and the proprietress also added that it is "deeply seasoned", and I understand that it is served with a local taste. rice field. Most of the ingredients are thought to be eaten in this inland area. For example, I was impressed that the herring, which was one of the few marine products, came out in salted koji. I think the taste and content are perfect. Most of the breakfast was local and it was very delicious. There are two types of baths, an indoor bath and a private outdoor bath, and the outdoor bath is in a separate building. It was raining on the day of my stay, so I decided to put on my umbrella. It would be nice to have a covered corridor, but you can also understand the difficulty of modifying the main building of a cultural property. The quality of the spring is a rare iodine spring, and it is a little cloudy. I thought it would be nice if there was a washroom in the outdoor bath as well. The building retains a strong remnant of the time when it was a shoya, and on the first floor, the armor and set that were handed down to the house were shown, and I felt that the museum-like aspect was also large. (Although a separate museum has been opened) I stayed in a room with 10 tatami mats, but the toilet and washbasin are shared, and there is no TV. I think that some people evaluate these points negatively, but considering that they were originally not facilities as an inn in a shoya mansion and that they are designated as cultural properties, I thought that they should be excluded from the evaluation. On the other hand, it seems that the solvable part has been solved, such as considering that there are few outlets in the room or having an extension cord. The other thing I'm curious about is that the bookshelf in the discourse space hasn't been used for a long time, and spider webs and dust have accumulated. However, the content was very satisfying overall. I would love to use it again if I have the opportunity.
くるぶしふぇ on Google

しょっぱい、鉄の匂い、緑?赤褐色?のお湯。温泉効いてる感がすごいです。めちゃくちゃ体が温まり、肌もすべすべさらさらいい感じになります。 ご飯も秋田の地のものがでます。 決して高級ではないですが、魅力的な料理でした! 趣のある建物はみどころたくさん。部屋は必要十分です。物音はまる聞こえなのでその点は理解して来たほうが良さそうです
Salty, iron smell, green? Reddish brown? Hot water. The feeling that the hot springs are working is amazing. It warms your body and makes your skin feel smooth and silky. Rice is also from Akita. It's not expensive, but it was a fascinating dish! There are many quaint buildings to see. The room is necessary and sufficient. You can hear the noise completely, so it seems better to understand that point.
ロマンサーロマンサー on Google

泉質よし、食事よし。秘湯好きの私達にはたまらないお宿でした。ヨウ素泉が自慢の様ですが、身体が温まったり、お肌がすべすべするのはほぼ塩化ナトリウム要因だと思います。お食事は郷土料理中心ですが、地元の名士の方がやっている旅館なのでとてもお上品で素晴らしい料理でした。 ただ、伝統建築なので冬はかなり寒いです。お部屋も暖房ガンガン焚かないとダメで、小さい加湿器とか小道具が有ると便利。テレビも無いのでホテル的サービスを期待してた方には残念に写る様です。やはりコアな温泉ファン向けのお宿です。
Good spring quality, good food. It was an irresistible inn for us who love secret hot springs. It seems to be proud of the iodine spring, but I think that it is almost the sodium chloride factor that warms the body and makes the skin smooth. The food is mainly local cuisine, but it was a very elegant and wonderful dish because it is an inn run by a local celebrity. However, since it is a traditional building, it is quite cold in winter. The room must be heated and heated, and it is convenient to have a small humidifier or props. Since there is no TV, it seems to be unfortunate for those who expected hotel-like service. After all it is an inn for core hot spring fans.
Paloma Meng on Google

I stayed at the ryokan and had the wonderful dinner here. It is a 98 years old house with beautiful onsens. The food was delicious and the ryokan is lovely. Will bring friends here next time!
Julieanna D on Google

Highlight of my 3 weeks in Japan. Absolutely Love this place. The family is so friendly and wonderful, the food is oishii. Gorgeous gardens and hot tubs. 2 thumbs up.
T Member on Google

My fiance and I stayed there during this month. The best feature is the convenience. These people seemed genuinely happy to do things for us. The location of the hotel is very conveniently located. The price is good compared to the standard. Can't say enough good things about this ryokan.
C.W. Verschuren on Google

This not your ordinary ryokan, this is not you ordinary onsen. Shohoen and its staff will be your family in Daisen. We spent five nights here in autumn. It was as if we visited far away grandparents living in a wealthy large old country mansion. As if they had told their staff to pamper us, as grandchildren deserve. Preparing the best extensive oldfashioned kaiseki meals, with traditional produce from the region: cooked 'kiku', chrysanthemum flowers, crab from Onomo river that borders the property, crab miso, all kinds of fish, etc etc. During our travels through Japan we have enjoyed many kaiseki meals, in expensive ryokan, but this was the summit. The grandparents of course would have told their driver to drive us to a station and to shops to buy things we would need. That's what Hiromi, the owner's wife and master chef, did with us. Far more care and attention than this they gave us: called a carpenter if he had some timber for my wood carving, found an excellent bakery in Kabocha, washed my trousers when I had fallen. This is the first hotel where not having our private ensuite bathroom was an advantage. For we could use the fantastic hinoki clad onsen room all day, every day. The scent in this hinoki onsen is delicious, a mixture of hinoki scent and sweet iron. No sulphur, no chloride. What a great experience. At first we wanted to visit Akita city and other onsen in the region, but we stayed here and walked amidst the autumn colors, watching the swans and the river and enjoying the silence of a countryside river around this beautiful, haevenly country mansion that is Shohoen. Perfect service and TLC. And much less expensive than other ryokan. Experience of a lifetime, in two days we have to go back to Kyoto, and Shohoen will stay a dream come true.
J M (jm2011) on Google

Beautiful and unique ryokan. If you are looking for the a typical ryokan this may not be the place for you, but it’s ramshackle charm is gorgeous and the town it sits in is very beautiful. One issue would be the room we booked was shown in the images to have a balcony, however not all in this category have this feature. That slight disappointment aside, the food is delicious, the family very friendly and the onsen being private and salt water is the most unique I’ve seen in Japan. A great experience indeed!

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