三ツ星館 - Arayaasahimachi

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 三ツ星館

住所 :

Arayaasahimachi, 〒010-1613 Akita,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88888
Postal code : 010-1613
Webサイト : https://peraichi.com/landing_pages/view/3star
街 : Akita
Description : Informal hot spring inn featuring a restaurant, a bar & a karaoke room, plus bathhouses.

Arayaasahimachi, 〒010-1613 Akita,Japan
吉田総耕 on Google

It is established as a facility that combines a banquet room and accommodation and a public bath like a local health center in Kashiyamacho, a suburb of Akita City. I am interested in what kind of person is a friendly and successful saleswoman.
ぬりともかず on Google

娘達の部活の遠征で、宿泊先として利用させていただきました 食事も『魚』『肉』『野菜』『果物』と、運動する上で子供達の事をちゃんと考えてくれてるなーって感じ、宿の外に『コインランドリー』的に洗濯物を洗うところもあって、合宿や遠征にはぴったりだとおもいました ただ、宿が出来て若干古いのもあって、お風呂やその他随所で『味わい深い趣き』も見られましたが、これは今回の宿泊費からすると全然許容範囲内でした あと一つだけ残念なのは、夜はお風呂のボイラーを止めるらしく遅い時間の入浴は不可、朝も入れない為に、近くの漫画喫茶でシャワーを借りてからスタートしましたが、その漫喫も対応が素晴らしく、次回行った時には『三ツ星館』からの『漫画喫茶』とゆーコンボでまた利用したいとおもいました ぜひお試し下さい
I used it as an accommodation in an expedition for the club activities of my daughters I feel that the meals are “fish”, “meat”, “vegetables”, and “fruits” and that I think they think about the children properly when exercising, and there are places that wash the laundry like a “coin laundry” outside the inn. I thought it was perfect for training camps and expedition However, the inn was a little old and there were some "tasteful tastes" in the baths and other places, but this was completely within the allowable range based on this accommodation fee. Another thing I'm sorry is that I stopped bath boiler at night, so I couldn't take a late bath, and I couldn't enter in the morning, so I started after borrowing a shower at a nearby manga cafe. When I went next time, I wanted to use it again with "Manga Cafe" from "Mitsuseikan" and Yu-Combo Please try it
伊藤真悟 on Google

The bath is like a public bath in the Showa era. The employees are also very good and feel at home. This is a recommended one-day hot spring.
Kuniko Tsuchida on Google

The facilities are old, but they are well-cleaned, and the proprietress and other employees feel good, so this is my favorite bath.
Puuluu Wayan Woodduck on Google

旅館の人は、皆さん感じが良かった。 喜びは、 いかんせん禁煙室であるにもかかわらず部屋の中、布団に染み付いた、たばこ臭が強い。 最近になって喫煙室がなくなり、禁煙室となったのか? 禁煙を無視して喫煙する客が多いいのか? どうやら、ちょっと変だが、ここの県の方針/指導は室内での喫煙はOKだが共用部は禁煙らしい。 臭気は、長年醸造されたブランディー、ウイスキーの如し。 喫煙者は至極の喜び、嫌煙者はタール、ニコチンに包まれる。 布団は、ダニその他の燻蒸処理済で確実に防虫効果はあると思う。 2020年6月の利用でした。
Everyone at the inn felt good. Joy is Even though it is a non-smoking room, there is a strong smell of cigarettes in the futon. Has the smoking room recently disappeared and has become a non-smoking room? Are many customers ignoring smoking cessation and smoking? Apparently, it's a little strange, but the prefecture's policy/instruction here is that smoking is OK indoors, but common areas seem to be non-smoking. The odor is like brandy and whiskey brewed for many years. Smokers are extremely happy, and smokers are wrapped in tar and nicotine. I think that the futon has been treated with fumigation for mites and so on, and it certainly has an insect repellent effect. It was used in June 2020.
野口良孝 on Google

ゆっくり 寛げる 素敵な 環境が好きです‼️
I like the wonderful environment where you can relax and relax! ️
松下甚也 on Google

I'm sorry for smoking, there isn't much parking, and there isn't enough laundry.
H S on Google

The bath is old, but it has a taste, it feels nostalgic, it is clean overall, and you can take it slowly depending on the time of day. There are two types, hot water and normal temperature. By the way, there is no shampoo provided, so you need to borrow the required number at the front desk.

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