すき家 枚方招提北店

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact すき家 枚方招提北店

Shodai Kitamachi, Hirakata, 〒573-1138 Osaka,Japan
esaka 670 on Google

店員さんが元気で愛想がいいです。 サービス業の基本ですが、やっぱり挨拶の行き届いているお店ってみんなテキパキ働いていて気持ちいいですよね。 お疲れさまです
The clerk is energetic and friendly. It's the basis of the service industry, but after all it feels good to have a good greeting at all the shops. Good work
すみれ on Google

持ち帰りで利用しました。 牛丼(並)と豚汁、美味しかったです。 土日は混んでいますが、いつ行っても提供はスピーディーです。
We used for takeout. Gyudon (average) and pork soup were delicious. Although it is crowded on Saturdays and Sundays, the offer is quick whenever you go.
koich on Google

スタッフがお客さんが複数いても基本的に厨房でこちらに聞こえるくらいの声で雑談しています。後ろの畑?でボヤがあった時が一番盛況でした(野次馬的な意味で) 味はその辺のすき家と一緒です。
Even if there are multiple customers, the staff basically chats in the kitchen with a voice that can be heard here. The field behind? It was the most successful when there was a fire (in the sense of a rubberneck) The taste is the same as that of Sukiya.
中和 on Google

This is an image that is always really crowded. A foreign female clerk was good at Japanese and worked very hard.
チャーコ on Google

It's been a while since I missed lunch and ate in. I ordered a medium serving with less rice and more ingredients. It was very delicious. I'm full.
y's bijoux on Google

I went with my parents at the peak of Sunday. It seemed to be normal crowded. A young male clerk responded cheerfully and firmly. There was little waiting time for the beef bowl, it came out immediately, the taste was good, and the fried chicken (with fried time) was also fried and it was very delicious.
オールドルーキー on Google

まぁ初のすき家です 美味しいなぁ でも、生姜が甘いな、、、、 吉牛よりも メニューのアサリの味噌汁は 美味しかったわ。 今はアサリ安いからなぁ?
Well, it ’s my first Sukiya. It's delicious But the ginger is sweet ... Than Yoshigyu The miso soup of Asari on the menu It was delicious. It's cheap now ?
陽子 on Google

ほろほろチキンカレーのミニを食べました。辛すぎず甘すぎず絶妙な辛さでチキンほろっほろですごく美味しかったです。 お昼すぎだったのでテーブルの片付けが追いつかない程忙しそうでした。
I ate a mini chicken curry. It wasn't too spicy, it wasn't too sweet, it was exquisitely spicy, and the chicken was very tasty. It was past noon, so I was so busy that I couldn't keep up with the table.

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