Shoboji - 正法寺 Shimizui-73 Yawata

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正法寺|京都八幡 徳川家ゆかりの寺 -

正法寺は後奈良天皇勅願寺・徳川家康側室、尾張徳川家初代 義直の実母「お亀の方」の菩提寺です。重要文化財の本堂・大方丈・唐門、京都府指定文化財の小方丈・書院・鐘楼、全長4m80cmの迫力の阿弥陀像など見どころもたくさん。お気軽にご参拝・ご拝観ください。

正法寺|京都八幡 徳川家ゆかりの寺 -

正法寺 京都府八幡市八幡清水井73 TEL 075-981-0012      Copyright © 2019 Shoboji. All Rights Reserved.   
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住所 :

正法寺 Shimizui-73 Yawata, Kyoto 614-8062, Japan

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Postal code : 614-8062
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正法寺 Shimizui-73 Yawata, Kyoto 614-8062, Japan
新開地 on Google

José Alberto Saraiva Hokama on Google

Muito bom
Very good
朱竹すずめ on Google

It is not usually open to the public, so you can find out a few days a year on the temple homepage.
江端政宏 on Google

The cherry blossoms are young trees, but you should enjoy the blooming slowly at the height of your eyes.
Jube Toku on Google

立派なお堂と山門がありますが、公開日程が決まっているようです。 桜も終わった後で、本堂には近づけませんでした。 ご朱印は書き置きを頂きました。
There is a splendid hall and a mountain gate, but it seems that the release date has been decided. After the cherry blossoms were over, I could not get close to the main hall. I received a note on my seal.
83 Koichi on Google

I visited after the back split in early April. It was a bicycle, but I think it will take about 20 minutes to walk. After passing the temple gate, there is a cherry blossom and a tomb of important cultural property worthy of the approach. Today was a few publishing days a year, but it was 10:30 minutes and I gave up because there was quite some time. It seems to be lighting up at night at this time.
sen千 on Google

Since it is not a tourist temple, you can only see it on certain days, but Amida-sama, who is said to have been built in the Kamakura period, was a masterpiece. The entrance to the temple is narrow, but the parking lot is large inside, so there is no need to worry about cars. When I worshiped, I had to go around with the guide, but honestly, there were rude words and deeds, and the pace didn't match, so I thought it would be better to have a free visit.
山口裕一 on Google

枚方市楠葉の自宅から自転車で訪問しました。駐車場は通りの道路からお寺の敷地に入った所に10数台はとめらる無料のスペースがありました。この日は、秋の文化財一斉公開の日にあたりましたが、通常は一般公開は行っていないため、訪問前にはお寺のホームページなどで公開日を確認しておく必要があります。 お寺の案内看板には開始時間は午前10時30分と書かれていましたが、この日午前10時10分頃訪れた際には既にご案内頂ける状況になっており、ボランティアらしき方が付きっきりでご案内頂けることになりました。拝観料は1人700円です。お寺は西暦1191年と鎌倉幕府開府の頃に源頼朝の遣いで八幡に訪れた高田忠国が開いたとのことですが、現在見渡す限りの建物は、徳川家康に見初められ尾張徳川家の初代藩主徳川義直を産んだお寺の娘お亀の方の命で建てられた本堂伽藍、唐門、大小方丈など江戸時代初期の建物群で構成されており、豪華絢爛な上段の間や襖絵、実際は使われなかったようですが切腹の間など見どころ多彩な数々の文化財を拝観することが出来ました。また最後に法雲殿をご案内頂きました。建物の中には、483cmの巨大な阿弥陀如来坐像(重要文化財)が安置されていました。仏像は元々は石清水八幡宮の八角堂のなかで祀られていましたが、明治時代の廃仏毀釈により一度は八角堂とともにお寺の近くにある前方後円墳に移され、八角堂の雨漏りなど老朽化を理由に最後は正法寺に移されることになったそうです。鎌倉時代の作で、仏像のあまりの大きさに圧倒されました。また、建物内には徳川義直が描いた家康の肖像画が飾られており、教科書やテレビなど資料でよく見かける目を見開いた家康の面影と似ていていました。息子が描いた絵なので、家康の面影はこのようであったのだろうと個人的には確信を得た気分になりました。建物内は写真撮影は禁止です。お庭は自由に撮影させてくださいました。これだけの貴重な文化財に触れられて拝観料の700円は大変お得であったと思います。
I visited by bicycle from my home in Kuzuha, Hirakata city. As for the parking lot, there was a free space for more than 10 cars in the place where we entered the temple grounds from the street road. This day was the day when all the cultural properties were released in the fall, but since they are not normally open to the public, it is necessary to check the release date on the temple website before visiting. The signboard of the temple said that the start time was 10:30 am, but when you visit around 10:10 am on that day, you can already be informed, and there is a way to look like a volunteer. You will be guided by. The admission fee is 700 yen per person. It is said that the temple was opened by Tadakuni Takada, who visited Yawata by Minamoto no Yoritomo in 1191 AD and when the Kamakura Shogunate was opened. It is composed of buildings from the early Edo period, such as the main hall, Karamon, and Owari-Toku, which were built at the behest of the daughter of the temple who gave birth to Yoshinao. It seems that I wasn't able to see it, but I was able to see a number of cultural assets that are worth seeing, such as during the hunger. Lastly, I was introduced to Hounden. Inside the building, a huge 483 cm Amida Nyorai sitting statue (important cultural property) was enshrined. The Buddha statue was originally enshrined in the octagonal hall of Iwashimizu Hachimangu Shrine, but it was once moved to the front and rear burial mound near the temple along with the octagonal hall due to the abolition of Buddha in the Meiji era, and it has deteriorated due to rain leaks in the octagonal hall. It seems that it was finally moved to Shohoji because of this. It was made in the Kamakura period and was overwhelmed by the size of the Buddha statue. In addition, a portrait of Ieyasu drawn by Yoshinao Tokugawa was displayed inside the building, which resembled the image of Ieyasu with wide open eyes that is often seen in textbooks and television. It was a picture drawn by my son, so I personally felt convinced that Ieyasu might have looked like this. Photography is prohibited inside the building. I was allowed to shoot the garden freely. I think that the admission fee of 700 yen was a great deal because I was exposed to such precious cultural assets.

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