
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 仙台フロンティア

住所 :

Shiwamachi, Wakabayashi Ward, Sendai, 〒984-0041 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : http://ms-f.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–8PM
Sunday 11AM–7PM
Monday 12–7PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 12–8PM
Thursday 12–8PM
Friday 12–8PM
街 : Miyagi

Shiwamachi, Wakabayashi Ward, Sendai, 〒984-0041 Miyagi,Japan
シャギアフロスト on Google

これは事実です! とんでもなくふざけた対応の店。ある商品のこのお店の値段聞いたらスマホでYahoo検索し始めて、定価で売りますとの返事。定価を知らないから聞いたんじゃねーよ。スマホで検索なら自分でも出来る。ゼロ評価、マイナス評価が出来ないので星1つにしときます。商品知識無いんでしょうね!絶対行かない方がいい店です、行っても店員に問い合わせしないように、どうせ適当な返事しか返ってきません。それと全体的に値段が高い、店の中が1Fも2Fも何か臭い(店員が客いない時に店内でタバコ吸ってる?)、それと蒸し暑い。
This is true! ‥ A ridiculously playful store. When I asked about the price of a certain product at this shop, I started to search Yahoo on my smartphone and replied that I would sell it at a fixed price. I didn't know the list price, so I heard it. If you search on a smartphone, you can do it yourself. I can't do zero or negative evaluation, so I'll give it one star. You don't have product knowledge! You should never go to the store, so even if you go there, you will only get an appropriate reply so that you do not contact the clerk. Also, the price is high overall, there are some odors on the 1st and 2nd floors of the store (do you have a clerk smoking in the store when there are no customers?), and it is sultry.
NewAlone on Google

1Fはグローブやアイウェア、ホルスター等の装備品、2Fはミニ四駆、塗料、プラモデル、エアーソフトガン等を販売するホビーショップです。 2Fの18才以上用エアーソフトガン売り場は別室になっており、初回来店時は運転免許証などの身分証明の提示が必要です(完全会員制)。身分証明が済むと会員カードが発行され、以降は会員カードを提示することで出入りが可能になります。 エアーソフトガン販売に関しては、トラブルを未然に防ぐ為にこのような徹底した販売体制がとられており、信頼出来るショップだと感じました。店主も気さくに話し掛けられる人物で大変気に入りました。 (因みに、東京は赤羽にも同名のホビーショップがありますが、単なる偶然であり同系列店という訳ではないそうです。)
The 1st floor is a hobby shop that sells equipment such as gloves, eyewear, and holsters, and the 2nd floor is a hobby shop that sells Mini 4WD, paints, plastic models, airsoft guns, etc. The airsoft gun section for 18 years old and over on the 2nd floor is in a separate room, and you need to show your ID such as a driver's license when you first visit the store (full membership system). Once you have verified your identity, a membership card will be issued, and you will be able to enter and exit by presenting your membership card. Regarding the sale of airsoft guns, I felt that it was a reliable shop because such a thorough sales system was taken to prevent troubles. The owner is also a person who can talk to me in a friendly manner and I really like it. (By the way, in Tokyo, there is a hobby shop with the same name in Akabane, but it's just a coincidence and it's not the same affiliated shop.)
サトウ_ヨシフミ on Google

初めての方へ。 10年近く通っております。他の方々の補足を。 * 1階と2階の違い
注意として2階と1階で開店時間が違うので、ホームページで御確認ください。 * 店舗が狭い
中はドンキホーテのような感じです。すれ違うときにちょっと気を使います。 * 店員が無愛想、堅物
初心者〜玄人まで親切に対応して頂けます。無表情なのはご愛嬌ということで… 長文をお読みくださりありがとう御座います。非公式サポーターの提供でお送りしました。
Beginner's Guide. I have been here for almost 10 years. Supplement of other people. * Difference between the first floor and the second floor The first floor is a store for military clothing and equipment. It is for Saba gamers. The 2nd floor is an airsoft space with a plastic model, a figurine, a model railway and a full membership system.と し て Please note that the opening hours are different on the 2nd and 1st floors, so please check the website. * The store is small. Be careful as the stairs to the second floor are steep. The inside is like Don Quixote. I use a little care when passing each other. * The clerk is unfriendly and solid. This is a proof that this shop can be trusted. There is a certain amount of insight, so it's better to leave everything to you than to listen to it with strange knowledge.ま で You can correspond kindly from beginner to expert. The expressionless thing is that she is charming ... Thank you for reading the long sentence. Sent by an informal supporter.
s y on Google

駐車場が、少ない。が、品数、専門知識、人柄、マニアック度、イベント関係、全てにおいて好きですね。 相談のみでも、気軽に来れるし、愛機を売ることも可能。 サバゲ等、ホビーを見るなら、まずはここから始めます。 自分は。と言うくらい、信頼出来る店。 強いて言えば、狭いので、密 けど、対策はしてくれてますので、安心できる。 以上です。
There are few parking lots. However, I like the number of items, expertise, personality, maniac degree, event relations, everything. You can feel free to come and sell your favorite machine just by consulting. If you want to see hobbies such as Sabage, start here. I am. It's a reliable shop. Speaking of force, it's narrow, so it's dense However, you can rest assured that they have taken measures. that's all.
てつや on Google

I am indebted to the air gun. The airgun corner is a membership system. At the gun corner, the front door of the cash register on the 2nd floor is the entrance, and you will enter the room by presenting your membership card to the clerk before entering the room. You can also test-fire the air gun at the time of purchase. The first floor is the equipment corner, and there are plenty of replicas such as real camouflage uniforms and shoes. If you're lucky, you can also buy rare items such as ammunition boxes for military releases. As for military releases, it seems that they are not regular products, so I'm lucky if I go there.
m naka on Google

サバゲーが好きになるアットホームなお店! サバゲー初心者です。初めてうかがいました。必要な装備や後悔しないサイズ選び、フィールドの紹介、発売予定の注目エアソフトなど、いろいろ教えていただきました。ますますサバゲーが好きになりました!!
A cozy shop where you will love Sabage! I am a beginner of Sabage. I asked for the first time. He taught me various things such as necessary equipment, size selection that I will not regret, introduction of the field, attention air software to be released, and so on. I've become more and more fond of Sabage! !!
レモンライム on Google

このワッペンを買わせて頂きました。 18禁ガンコーナーは会員制になっており、しっかりしている印象でした。 沢山のガン、パーツを扱っておりとても楽しめました。
I bought this emblem. The 18 prohibition gun corner is a membership system, and it was a solid impression. We deal with a lot of guns and parts and enjoyed it very much.
須藤悟司 on Google

他県からですが、ミリタリーの品揃えが良いので年に何度も通ってます。 2階のエアガンコーナーのみ入場に会員証の提示が必要です。 18歳以上で身分証があれば会員証は作れます。 10禁のボーイズなんかはエアガンコーナーの外にあるので会員証が無くても買えます。 エアガンのカスタムや商品取り寄せ、予約にも丁寧に対応、相談にのってくれるので感謝です。 ツイッターで新商品の入荷や品切れだった物の補充があった時はお知らせしてくれます。
Although it is from another prefecture, I go there many times a year because of the good selection of military products. Only the airsoft corner on the 2nd floor requires the presentation of a membership card to enter. You can make a membership card if you are over 18 years old and have an ID card. You can buy 10-ban boys without a membership card because they are outside the airsoft corner. I am grateful that you will be able to carefully handle custom airguns, order products, and make reservations, as well as consult with us. We will notify you when new products arrive or are out of stock on Twitter.

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