Shiwa Inari Shrine - Shiwa District

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shiwa Inari Shrine

住所 :

Maehira-17-1 Masuzawa, Shiwa, Shiwa District, Iwate 028-3442, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89778
Postal code : 028-3442
Webサイト :

Maehira-17-1 Masuzawa, Shiwa, Shiwa District, Iwate 028-3442, Japan
菅野幸江 on Google

初詣に行ってきました!人も少なめで、参拝しておみくじ引いて、お札を買って、甘酒飲んで、屋台でイチゴアメ購入してきました! 神社内のかまくらと雪だるまに興奮?
I went to Hatsumode! There are few people, so I went to worship, fortune-telling, bought bills, drank amazake, and bought strawberry candy at the stalls! Excited by the kamakura and snowman in the shrine ?
Googleユーザー on Google

Please write a stamp book and visit us. It was crowded probably because I visited on Coming-of-Age Day. As for the Goshuin book, I received the "written" item written earlier. It seems to be for Corona. For the Omikuji, I tried to draw a 500 yen Omikuji with a fox figurine. Shiwa Inari Shrine is full of amulets and omikuji, so I always get lost.
カズにゃん on Google

新年は、いつも志和稲荷神社で 気持ちもあらたにスタートです。 今年は、2日に初詣 天気もまずまずで良かったです。 神社裏のすぎの木に、運試しの小さい穴があります。 今回は、2回目でお賽銭が入りました。 良い年になりそうです・・?
The New Year is always at Shiwa Inari Shrine It's a new start with feelings. This year, the first visit on the 2nd The weather was good. There is a small hole in the tree behind the shrine to test your luck. This time, the offer was made for the second time. It's going to be a good year ... ?
Neko Ponkotsu on Google

苔むした境内と大樹に囲まれ神域感に溢れた神社です。 耳欠け稲荷との事で境内の御稲荷様全ての耳が欠けていました。
Surrounded by mossy precincts and large trees, this shrine is full of a sense of sanctuary. All the ears of Mr. Inari in the precincts were missing because of Inari.
大宮敏雄 on Google

4.1.6 初詣でに来ましたおみくじ300円を引いたら末吉でした。交通安全のお守りを1,000買って来ました。
4.1.6 I came to Hatsumode. It was Sueyoshi when I subtracted 300 yen for the Omikuji. I bought 1,000 traffic safety amulets.
a__z on Google

御神木の杉の木がすごい! 杉の穴にコインが入ると願いが叶う願掛け杉、お札で撫でて金運を授かる銭撫で獅子、千本鳥居とか御参りするところが多かったです!
The cedar tree of Shinboku is amazing! There were many places to visit such as the wish-hanging cedar, where the wish comes true when a coin is inserted into the hole in the cedar, the lion, the Senbon Torii, etc.
El Kaiokamele on Google

Shiwainari Jinja is one of my favorite Iwate shrines. It's peaceful, powerful, and natural. Take time to walk around to all the different parts. Be wary of bears in the area. Spotted one July 2019.
aaron meldahl on Google

Another place I found on maps, and just blew me away. A real power spot. Far back behind the main shrine is a 1,300-year-old sacred cedar in a setting straight out of Princess Mononoke. Amazing. And I've been to a lot of shrines.

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