Shitanoyabashi Park - Setagaya City

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Shitanoyabashi Park

住所 :

3 Chome-1-26 Taishido, Setagaya City, Tokyo 154-0004, Japan

Postal code : 154-0004

3 Chome-1-26 Taishido, Setagaya City, Tokyo 154-0004, Japan
藤原優太 on Google

There are many bicycles and scooters, so children will never get bored.
Yoshimi Yokoyama on Google

寄付(?)された遊具が多くあり、色々試乗出来て大変良いです。 乗り物遊具買う前に1度ここで試せます。
There are many donated (?) Playground equipment, and it is very good to be able to test drive various things. You can try it here once before buying a vehicle playground equipment.
ki ma on Google

There are many toys for tricycles and sandboxes that you can use freely. Many of them are worn and broken, but they play happily regardless of children. It's good because you can play with your hands empty. The playground equipment has a high slide and a swing, and there are 1 or 2 playground equipment for animals that straddle. There is also a bench with a desk, so you can eat lunch and snacks. Although there is a toilet, it is difficult to change diapers because it is Japanese style. The impression is that there are many children aged 3 to 5 years old, and the regular children play with each other in a friendly atmosphere.
Y D on Google

烏山緑道横にあるこじんまりとした公園。しかし、子どもには大人気でいつ行っても賑わっています。わざわざ行くような公園ではありませんが、近所にあるとうれしい感じ。 ゲージありの砂場、ジャングルジムのようなすべり台、ブランコ2席。遊具としてはこれだけですが、子どもの成長に伴い使わなくなった三輪車や自転車などが20台近く置いてあり(放置所となってる?)、それが子ども心を掴んでいるようです。気持ち坂になっているところもあり、乗り物にはうってつけなのだと思います。 ベンチも複数あったり、公衆トイレもあり、付き添いの親にはありがたいです。 去年に比べると、三輪車などがかなり減ったので、どなたかがメンテナンスしているのかもしれません。
A small park next to Karasuyama Green Road. However, it is very popular with children and is always crowded. It's not a park where you go, but it's nice to be around. A sandbox with a gauge, a slide like a jungle gym, and two swings. This is the only playground equipment, but there are nearly 20 tricycles and bicycles that are no longer used as the child grows up. There are places where you can feel good, so I think it is perfect for vehicles. There are several benches and public toilets, and I am grateful to my parents. Compared with last year, the number of tricycles has decreased significantly, so somebody may be maintaining it.
Cocon Kids on Google

シンボルツリーのような 大きな木の木陰がさわやかな 静かでちいさな公園です。 遊具はブランコ、スプリング遊具 お砂場、鉄棒とシンプルです。 この公園の特徴は たくさんの三輪車、自転車、手押し車 本物の鍋などおままごと道具が とにかく充実しているところです。 乗り物好きさんはもちろんのこと 世田谷公園のゴーカートには少し早い 3歳以下のお子さまたちが のんびり自分のペースで乗り物遊びを楽しめる 貴重な公園です。 いろんなタイプの自転車を試乗したり 練習をしているお子さまも見かけます。
Like a symbol tree The shade of a big tree is refreshing It is a quiet and small park. Playground equipment is swing, spring rocker It's simple with a sandbox and a horizontal bar. The feature of this park is Lots of tricycles, bicycles, wheelbarrows Household tools such as real pots Anyway, it is a fulfilling place. Not to mention ride lovers A little early for a go-kart in Setagaya Park Children under 3 years old Enjoy leisurely ride play at your own pace It is a valuable park. You can test drive various types of bicycles I also see children practicing.
on Google

小さい自転車が置いてあり、自由に使える。 トイレもあり散歩の休憩にちょうど良い
There is a small bicycle and you can use it freely. There is a toilet and it's perfect for a walk break
Tadashi Ajisaka (mr-gon) on Google

It takes about 10 minutes on foot from Sangenjaya Station, and is a park along the Hiyama River Green Road. There are playground equipment, so children are playing well. There is a toilet.
ぱむの落書き帳 on Google

This is the first time I've seen a park where you can freely rent and ride bicycles and vehicles. There are even toys. I think that Japan is a wealthy country that can be built in this way. and others

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