焼肉 ぐりぐり家 三原店

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼肉 ぐりぐり家 三原店

住所 :

Shiromachi, Mihara, 〒723-0014 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8889
Webサイト : https://griglia.fresca-co.jp/store/mihara.html
街 : Hiroshima

Shiromachi, Mihara, 〒723-0014 Hiroshima,Japan
大平朋果 on Google

先輩と最後の食事で、大切な時間だったのですが、店員さんの態度でとても不快な気分になりました。若い店員さんは活気があってとても接客態度はよかったですが、ある30代くらいの店員さんが不機嫌そうな顔で、とても客に話すような言い回しでは無い話し方でした。 コースだったので、席の時間があるのは仕方ないです。でも、実際料理を注文しても運ばれてくるまでに大変時間があり、加えて、焼く場所も1テーブルにひとつなのですから、決められた時間に食べ切ることは難しかったです。それに腹を立てたのか知りませんが、客の気持ちも考慮せず、不快にさせる発言をし、利益にしか頭が回っていないのだろうと感じました。 とても大事な時間を台無しにされました。 このような店員がいる店なので、大事なシーンではもう利用しません。
It was an important time with my seniors and the last meal, but it felt very uncomfortable by the attitude of the clerk. The young clerk was lively and very attentive attitude was good, but a clerk in a certain thirties had a sullen face, it was not a phrase like talking to customers very much. It was a course, so there was no choice to have time for the seat. However, there is a lot of time before delivery of the actual dish ordered, and in addition places to bake is one for each table, so it was difficult to eat at the scheduled time. I do not know if I got angry about it, but I did not consider the feelings of the customers, I made a statement that makes me uncomfortable, and I felt that my head might only be turning to profits. It was spoiled a very important time. Because it is a shop where such a clerk is located, I will not use it in an important scene anymore.
平朝臣織田上総介三郎信長 on Google

三原のぐりぐりは初利用 もう少し従業員の教育が必要なレベル アルコールが出てくるまでに10分はかかりすぎ、忘れていたのでしょう、そこは人間がやることなので仕方ないですが、その後の対応(持って来たときの言葉)等は勉強が必要かと。勿論食べ放題ですしあまり高い水準のサービスは望んでいませんがそこを差し引いても少し悪いかなと メニューや値段は満足‼️
Mihara no Gouriri is used for the first time Level that needs a little more employee education It will take 10 minutes for alcohol to come out and it may have forgotten that there is no way for humans to do it, but it is necessary to study the correspondence (words when brought in) etc. after that. Of course it is all-you-can-eat and you don't want too high a level of service, but deducting that would make it a little bad Menu and price are satisfactory! Moth
市川信彦 on Google

The store employees were very polite.
tath on Google

2,200円で食べ放題はお得! 大食い自信ありの方はおすすめ!
All-you-can-eat is a great deal for 2,200 yen! Recommended for those who are confident of eating!
I Y on Google

賑やかな若者グループが多い印象です。 GW中に利用しましたが、すぐ隣のグループがマスクもせず大騒ぎしていました。 (他のテーブルも同様、若いお客さまが多くとても賑やかでした。) テーブル間の仕切りなどはないので、隣で大声で騒がれると気になります。 コロナ禍でなければ多少うるさくても仕方ないと思うのですが、三原も感染者数が増えてきているような状況なので・・・。 恐らく換気はしっかりされているとは思いますが、隣のテーブルとの距離も近いので、飛沫が飛んでくるのでは、と心配です。 簡単でも良いので仕切りなどがあると安心して食事ができるのではと思いました。 お肉はおいしかったですが、デザートのソフトクリーム(黒みつきなこパフェ)は作って放置されていたのか、持ってきてくださった時には半分以上溶けていました。
I have the impression that there are many lively youth groups. I used it during Golden Week, but the group next door was making a fuss without a mask. (Similarly to the other tables, there were many young customers and it was very lively.) There are no partitions between the tables, so it's annoying if you make a loud noise next to you. I think it can't be helped if it's not a corona virus, but Mihara is also in a situation where the number of infected people is increasing. I think the ventilation is good, but I'm worried that the droplets may fly because the distance to the table next door is short. It's okay if it's simple, so I thought that if there were partitions, I could eat with confidence. The meat was delicious, but the dessert soft serve ice cream (black soybean flour parfait) was probably left unattended, and when I brought it, it was more than half melted.
藤本聖一 on Google

焼き肉食べ放題のお店のなかでは 良いお店だと思います。
In the all-you-can-eat yakiniku restaurant I think it's a good shop.

고기와 음료 모두 a b c 로 선택할 수 있습니다 아마 2시간동안 무한리필이에요 a가 가장 저렴하고 c가 가장 비쌉니다 고기는 c등급이 맛있어 보이는게 많지만 a를 선택해도 충분히 가성비 있게 즐길수 있습니다 개인적으로 우설. 갈비가 좋았어요 음료는 술을 안먹는다면 a 술을 많이 먹고 싶다면 c 를 추천합니다 직원 분들도 친절하고 웃으면서 응대해주셨어요 아마 한명 당 3000엔~4000엔 예상하시면 될거 같아요
You can choose both meat and drinks with a b c. Probably all-you-can-drink for 2 hours. A is the cheapest and c is the most expensive. Meat has a grade C. Many look delicious, but even if you choose a, you can enjoy it at a reasonable price. I liked the galbi. If you don't drink alcohol, I recommend a if you drink a lot of alcohol. The staff was friendly and greeted you with a smile. I think you can expect 3,000 to 4,000 yen per person.
k y on Google

人気店ですね!日曜日の17時に予約して行ったら、すでに満席に近く、他に予約客も待っていて、席に案内されるのに時間がかかりました。 プレミアムコース3000円の85品食べ放題を頼みましたが、色々な中でカイノミが柔らかくてヒットしました。 忙しそうなので仕方ないですが、オーダーしたものが来るのが少し遅く感じました。
It's a popular store! When I made a reservation at 17:00 on Sunday, it was almost full and other reserved guests were waiting, so it took a long time to be guided to the seat. I asked for all-you-can-eat 85 dishes for a premium course of 3000 yen, but Kainomi was a soft hit among various things. I can't help it because I seem to be busy, but I felt that the ordered items arrived a little late.

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