下町の居酒屋 六文銭

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 下町の居酒屋 六文銭

住所 :

Shiromachi, Mihara, 〒723-0014 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8889
Webサイト : http://www.hotpepper.jp/strJ000528560/
街 : Hiroshima

Shiromachi, Mihara, 〒723-0014 Hiroshima,Japan
Yoshiyasu Yonezuka on Google

4000円飲み放題付きコースを頂きました。串、刺身、揚げ物、焼きそば 、おにぎり。炭水化物の多めの内容、串に関しては10分ほどたっているような冷たさ、ソフトドリンクは生ぬるく。料理の質や接客ともにあまり良い印象ではありませんでした。 低価格でのコースなのでこんなものでしょうか。ネット上の絶賛高評価に疑問です。
I got a course with an all-you-can-drink program of 4000 yen. Skewers, Sashimi, Fried, Yakisoba ,rice ball. A lot of carbohydrate contents, coldness about 10 minutes for skewers, soft drink is lukewarm. It was not a very good impression of both the quality of cooking and the customer service. Is it such a course as it is a low price course? I'm doubtful about the acclaimed high evaluation on the net.
夕起沖(ゆきっぷ) on Google

it is normal! ️There is not much special feeling! ️There is no parking lot
沖田仁和 on Google

Popular shop very reasonable and close to the station
oops whoops on Google

タコ刺しは独特の歯ごたえでいいですね。生牡蠣は礒の香りや生臭さが全くなく、これもおすすめです。値段は安く、いい居酒屋でした。 ただ、豆腐ステーキ山芋とじと、タコとトマトのカルパッチョは微妙でしょうか。
Octopus sashimi has a unique texture. Raw oysters have no scent or fishy odor, so this is also recommended. The price was cheap and it was a good izakaya. However, is the tofu steak yam and carpaccio of octopus and tomato subtle?
ひろちゃん on Google

A place where you want to go home once a month for more than 30 years since your first visit. I love Master.
S K on Google

The general's personality is the best and the food is excellent, so it's one of my favorite restaurants.
aki chi on Google

三原シティーホテルから近かったので入ってみました。 三原駅からも近く便利な立地です。 三原のたこがお勧めでたこ刺しが、旨い! お酒も高くないし良いお店に巡り合いました。 地の海老唐揚げも良い食感と香りでお酒がすすみます。 あさりの酒蒸しも美味しかったです。 次回、三原に来るのが楽しみになりました。
It was close to Mihara City Hotel so I went in. It is conveniently located near Mihara Station. Mihara's octopus is recommended, and the octopus sashimi is delicious! I went to a good shop where the drink was not expensive. Deep-fried local shrimp also has a good texture and scent to enhance sake. The steamed clams were also delicious. I am looking forward to coming to Mihara next time.
Luisa Montagner on Google

Little traditional izakaya with lots of delicious local food. Mihara is famous for tako (octopus) and they offer many octopus dishes, but their menu is huge and has dozens of other options. The staff doesn't speak English but they're extremely friendly and try their best to make conversation. We live near Tokyo and were absolutely shocked for how low the prices were.

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