
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 白石稲荷山古墳

住所 :

Shiroishi, Fujioka, 〒375-0055 Gunma,Japan

Webサイト : http://www.city.fujioka.gunma.jp/kakuka/f_bunkazai/siroisiinariyamakohun.html
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : Gunma

Shiroishi, Fujioka, 〒375-0055 Gunma,Japan
Masao Shimizu on Google

今回は此の古墳群に行って来ました❗周りを見ると10基位目にしました‼️特に稲荷山古墳と七興山古墳が気に成りますね?又、この地域です 舌状台地に築かれた?古墳群です。 南は甲斐の国や西側は信州からも交流に適した地域です。赤城山の左側には奥日光の山々が見える等北は上越国境が見える所ですよ(^3^)/それからこの地方には上毛三碑が有ります。古より中央との結びつきが見える所です、上毛三碑は三点のトライアングルが感じられる不思議な地方ですね?この古墳群は市の管理公園ですので綺麗に管理された古墳群ですよ?
This time I went to this tumulus group ❗ When I looked around, I saw the 10th place‼ ️I'm particularly interested in the Inariyama Kofun and Nanakoyama Kofun ? Also in this area It is a group of ? tumuli built on a tongue-shaped plateau. The area is suitable for exchanges from Kai Province in the south and Shinshu in the west. On the left side of Mt. Akagi, you can see the mountains of Okunikko, etc. In the north, you can see the Joetsu border (^ 3 ^) / And there are three monuments of Kamige in this region. It is a place where you can see the connection with the center from ancient times, the Three Stelae of Kamige is a mysterious region where you can feel the three triangles ? This tumulus group is a managed park of the city, so it is a beautifully managed tumulus group ?
k wakabayashi on Google

2020/02/23 Geocachingというゲームで初めての訪問です。 藤岡の古墳群を堪能しております。これまで知りませんでした。 すーっと登れてしまうのも良いですね。ゴルフ練習場の横にこんもりと、いやそれ以上に高くそびえているという存在ですかね。 麓の橋の脇に車を置いて急斜面を上がると、さらにもう一段こんもりとと。今日は物凄い風です。そのもう一段上に上がると風がもろに当たります。まともに立って経っていられなほどです。砂埃も凄いですが、景色は素晴らしい。もう少し穏やかな日に来てみたいです。
2020/02/23 This is my first visit to a game called Geocaching. We are enjoying the tumuli of Fujioka. I didn't know before. It's good to be able to climb quickly. I guess it's standing high above the golf driving range. Put a car beside the bridge at the foot and go up the steep slope. It is a terrible wind today. When you go up one step further, the wind hits. I ca n’t stand standing. The dust is great, but the scenery is amazing. I want to come on a calmer day.
n o on Google

青空と紅葉がきれいでした。 桜が咲く頃、また行きたい。
The blue sky and autumn leaves were beautiful. I want to go again when the cherry blossoms bloom.
半炒飯 on Google

古墳のパワーを吸っているおかげか、桜の花付きの量が凄い。 満開の時期は、隣の打ちっぱなしのノースヒルさんが照明を当ててくれるので、夜間ライトアップで妖艶なシルエットが浮かび上がり、とても優雅です。
The amount of cherry blossoms is amazing, probably because of the power of the tumulus. When it is in full bloom, the next-door North Hill will illuminate it, so it is very elegant with a bewitching silhouette that emerges when it is lit up at night.
I Tanaka on Google

It ’s a large front-end bud. Very nice. It is good to climb up to the top of the hill. Moreover, from the top, I could see Mt. Akagi, Mt. Haruna, Mt. Asama, Mt. Myogi, Nikko and the mountains of Niigata Prefecture. It ’s a wonderful scenery. Moreover, as an ancient tomb in the first half of the 5th century, it seems to be an important heritage designated by the country. It is an old tomb that I want to protect carefully.
山城大好 on Google

大きな古墳です。墳丘長175m、後円径92m、墳丘高16mで五世紀前半に造られた古墳は群馬県でも大きいほうです。ゴルフ練習場の網が気になりますが、ゴルフやるので・・ ただ古墳の大きさは造成年代によって 違うので一概にはですけどね。古墳の北側に十二天塚古墳と十二天塚北古墳とあわせて国指定史跡です。
It is a large tumulus. The old burial mound, which was built in the first half of the 5th century with a mound length of 175m, a rear circle diameter of 92m, and a mound height of 16m, is the largest in Gunma prefecture. I'm worried about the net of the driving range, but I play golf ... However, the size of the tumulus depends on the age of its construction. It's different, so it's unconditional. It is a nationally designated historic site together with the 12 Amatsuka burial mounds and the 12 Amatsuka burial mounds on the north side of the burial mound.
Yoshinori Morishita on Google

資料によると、 5世紀前半につくられた、白石稲荷山古墳と十二天塚古墳・十二天塚北古墳は、一括して国の史跡に指定されています。 白石稲荷山古墳は三段に造られており、全長155m、前方部幅80m、後円部径90m、高さは前方部で6m、後円部で13.5mという大型前方後円墳です。 とあります。 現地で見てみると、 白石稲荷山古墳は、十二天塚古墳・十二天塚北古墳を陪塚として造られてとある様に、白石稲荷山古墳の後円部に対して、北側の裾野の様なのが十二天塚古墳・十二天塚北古墳なんですが、それが前方部の様に勘違いしそうです。 実際には、ひと際高い後円部に対して、南方に白石稲荷山古墳の前方部は展開していました。 古墳へのアプローチはちょっと不安内で、東サイドに大きなゴルフ練習場があり、見定めにくいのですが、後円部の北下まで細い農道の様なのがありました。 今回はそれが分からず、北側から車で細い車道をアプローチしましたが、丘陵に入った所で道がちょっと悪くて(後から思えば無理をすれば行けた)諦めて戻って、車は近くに駐車して、十二天塚古墳・十二天塚北古墳の上り道の様な歩く道を登って行ってアプローチしました。
According to the material The Shiraishi Inariyama Tumulus, the Twelve Amatsuka Tumulus, and the Twelve Amatsuka Kita Tumulus, which were built in the first half of the 5th century, are collectively designated as national historic sites. The Shiraishi Inariyama Tumulus is a large front-rear burial mound with a total length of 155 m, a front width of 80 m, a rear circle diameter of 90 m, a height of 6 m at the front and 13.5 m at the rear circle. There is. Looking at the site, The Shiroishi Inariyama Tumulus is said to have been built with the Twelve Amatsuka Tumulus and the Twelve Amatsuka Kita Tumulus as a mound. It's the Tsuka Kofun and the Twelve Amatsuka Kita Tomb, but it seems to be misunderstood like the front part. In reality, the front part of the Shiraishi Inariyama Tomb expanded to the south, while the rear part was extremely high. The approach to the tumulus was a little uneasy, and there was a large driving range on the east side, so it was difficult to identify, but there was a narrow farm road to the north of the rear circle. I didn't understand this time, so I approached a narrow road by car from the north side, but when I entered the hill, the road was a little bad (I could have gone if I couldn't do it later), and I gave up and returned, and the car was near. I parked in and approached by climbing a walking road like the uphill road of the Twelve Amatsuka Tumulus and the Twelve Amatsuka Kita Tumulus.
あぼちぁん on Google

20220407パンフレットの桜の写真に魅せられて尋ねました。歴史館から歩いてすぐでした。小高い丘の上にある前方後円墳です。パンフレットの通りの桜満開?に感激。桜の時期に訪れることをお勧めします。 歴史館にレプリカこ有った家形埴輪はここから出てきたらしい。
20220407 I was fascinated by the pictures of cherry blossoms in the pamphlet and asked. It was a short walk from the history museum. It is a front-rear burial mound on a small hill. I was impressed by the cherry blossoms in full bloom as shown in the pamphlet ?. We recommend visiting during the cherry blossom season. It seems that the house-shaped haniwa that had a replica in the history museum came out from here.

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