横浜青葉 手打ち蕎麦切り新川

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 横浜青葉 手打ち蕎麦切り新川

住所 :

Shiratoridai, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒227-0054 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Webサイト : https://teuchi-shinkawa.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2PM
Monday 11:30AM–2PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11:30AM–2PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2PM
Friday 11:30AM–2PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Shiratoridai, Aoba Ward, Yokohama, 〒227-0054 Kanagawa,Japan
和久早坂 on Google

自分は、北の生まれなので 濃い味付けが好きなのでベストです 塩分制限のある人には、向かないかも
I was born in the north It ’s the best because I like the strong seasoning. It may not be suitable for people with salt restrictions
いのしげ on Google

味は申し分なし。麺もしっかりしてるし、返しも美味しい。店内も落ち着いたインテリアにジャズがかかっており、もてなしの気持ちを感じる。 ただ、別のお店よりかややお高目。
The taste is perfect. The noodles are solid and the return is delicious. Jazz is played in the calm interior of the store, and you can feel the hospitality. However, it is a little more expensive than another shop.
ねこばす on Google

お料理は、1度に頼んでも順番に食べるペースに合わせてサーブしてもらえて、温かく美味しいタイミングでいただけます。 和食好き、日本酒好きにはおすすめしたいです。 常連さんも多いように思いましたが、居心地のいい空間でした。
Even if you order the food once, you can serve it according to the pace of eating in order, and you can enjoy it at a warm and delicious timing. I would like to recommend it to Japanese lovers and sake lovers. I thought there were many regulars, but it was a cozy space.
Yas Miura on Google

初夏の暑い昼に予約無しで訪問 店内は余裕を持った作りで静けさがあり、今禍の息苦しさを忘れて楽しめた。出汁と梅でさっぱりと蕎麦をいただき、天ぷらもぺろりと平らげてしまった。衣の塩梅が良かったのだと思う。粋な計らいで旬のものもいただき、久々に心満たされる良い日になった。 今は辛い時期だが、こう言った良い店を応援するためにも密を避けてまた訪れたい。ありがとうございました。
Visit without reservation during hot early summer noon The inside of the store was made with plenty of space and was quiet, so I enjoyed forgetting the suffocation of the disaster. I had a refreshing soba with soup stock and plums, and the tempura was flattened. I think the salt plum in the batter was good. It was a good day for me to be satisfied for the first time in a while, as I received some seasonal foods with a smart measure. It's a difficult time now, but I would like to avoid the crowds and visit again to support such a good store. Thank you very much.
YS MR on Google

お蕎麦も肴も美味しいです! そして、いつ行ってもお店の方の気遣いを感じます。 日本酒の飲み比べセットがありますが、高いお酒を味見したい場合はお得かもしれません。
Both soba and side dishes are delicious! And whenever I go, I feel the care of the shop staff. There is a set that compares drinking sake, but it may be a good deal if you want to taste expensive sake.
古谷淳彦 on Google

delicious. The interior is calm with modern jazz. The price is high, but the taste is one level higher than that. I ordered warm oyster tempura soba and two-color soba (seiro / countryside). Warm soba is used in bamboo steamers. The juice is not sweet but dry. Rich and delicious. The oyster tempura is also delicious. Two-color buckwheat has a scent and is chewy. The spicy juice is dry and firm. Soba-to is a modern muddy type. There is a wide variety of sake, and there are plenty of side dishes that match this.
今村直基 on Google

気に入りました。 平日の夜に行きました。 外観素敵で雰囲気良い感じ、内観も清潔感がありこだわりを感じました。 店内はそこそこの広さですが、それに対しての席数がわりと少なめで余裕のあるレイアウトで、それがすごく良かったです。カウンターもあったので、次回はカウンターに座りたいと思いました。 肝心の食事ですが、お酒、肴共に文句無しです。メインとなる蕎麦も香りとコシが強く、ちょっと感動。 蕎麦湯も味と香りがすごく濃くて、本当に満足でした。よくある蕎麦屋は茹で汁に蕎麦粉を振って無理やり濃くしてますが、そんなことをせずに自然な香りと味がしっかり出てる最高の蕎麦湯でした。 今後は蕎麦が食べたい時はここに来ます。
liked it. I went on a weekday night. The exterior is nice and the atmosphere is good, and the interior is clean and I felt particular about it. The inside of the store is reasonably large, but the number of seats for it is relatively small and the layout has plenty of room, which was very good. There was also a counter, so I wanted to sit at the counter next time. It's an important meal, but I have no complaints about alcohol and side dishes. The main soba has a strong aroma and elasticity, which is a little touching. Soba-to was also very satisfying because it had a very strong taste and aroma. A common buckwheat shop sprinkles buckwheat flour on boiled soup to make it thicker, but it was the best buckwheat hot water that has a natural aroma and taste without doing that. I will come here when I want to eat soba in the future.
松永朱莉 on Google

店内非常に落ち着いたお店です。 蕎麦粉を様々なメニューにふんだんに用いており、店内に入った瞬間良い香りがふわっと広がる為、食欲を非常にそそられます。 日本酒や、おつまみ系のメニューも豊富なので、昼は蕎麦屋でランチ、夜は居酒屋として使い分けて利用するのもありだと思います。 飲み比べセットで3種類好きな日本酒を選べるので少しづつ飲んで自分好みのお酒を見つけるのも楽しそうですね。 今回私は花巻そばを注文しました。 蕎麦にネギと海苔を加えて出汁をかけた温かくシンプルな蕎麦で、噛んだ途端に香りが口の中に広がりとても美味しかったです。
It is a very calm shop inside. Buckwheat flour is used abundantly in various menus, and the moment you enter the store, the nice aroma spreads softly, which is very appetizing. There is a wide selection of sake and snacks, so I think it's possible to use it as a soba restaurant for lunch during the day and as an izakaya at night. You can choose from 3 types of sake that you like in a drink comparison set, so it seems fun to drink little by little and find your favorite sake. This time I ordered Hanamaki soba. It was a warm and simple buckwheat noodle made by adding green onions and seaweed to the buckwheat noodles, and the aroma spread in the mouth as soon as it was chewed, and it was very delicious.

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