海鮮市場徳川 - Chita District

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 海鮮市場徳川

住所 :

Shirasawa, Agui, Chita District, 〒470-2201 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 470-2201
Webサイト : http://www.sushi-tokugawa.com/
街 : Aichi

Shirasawa, Agui, Chita District, 〒470-2201 Aichi,Japan
ぐわぐわ on Google

ツアーの昼食処としてお邪魔しました。 せっかく知多に来たと言うことで、海鮮のお店として選んだようです。 入ってすぐのところは、一般的な回転寿司になっており、席数もそれなりにあります。 駐車場も店舗前のほか、道を挟んで西側にもかなりの数が駐車場できます。 店舗を入って右側には、座敷があり、そこでお食事をいただきました。 お寿司のランチだったのですが、美味しい茶碗蒸しもついていた他、お味噌汁もありました。 寿司もなかなか美味しく、イカもちゃんと生を使っているようです。穴子も小さめのものが丸ごと載せてあったり、食後のドリンクサービスがあったりとなかなかでした。 旅先の良い思い出になりました。
I visited you for lunch on the tour. It seems that he chose it as a seafood restaurant because he came to Chita. Immediately after entering, it is a general conveyor belt sushi and there are some seats. In addition to the parking lot in front of the store, a considerable number can be parked on the west side across the road. On the right after entering the store, there is a parlor, where we had a meal. It was a sushi lunch, but there was also miso soup in addition to the delicious chawanmushi. The sushi is also very delicious, and the squid seems to be using raw as well. The conger eel was very small, and there was a drink service after meals. It became a good memory of my travels.
neko null on Google

潮干狩りの帰りに珍しい回転寿司があったのでフラっと訪問。メガ盛りとか、巻き巻きとか珍しいこともやってるとこでしたが、全体的に味のバラツキが大きい。メガ盛りだと、イクラ(大人用)、コーン(子供用)はまだマシだったが、ネギトロが業務用スーパー並に酷いみたいな感じ。 他にマシだったのはキングサーモン、アマエビ、エンガワ、あら汁あたり。 価格も安くないので、まぁまぁな金額になりました。再訪はないかなぁ
There was an unusual conveyor belt sushi on the way back from the sea hunting, so I visited Hula. I was trying to do unusual things such as mega heaps and winding, but overall there are large variations in taste. When it comes to mega, the salmon roe (for adults) and corn (for children) are still good, but it feels like Negitro is as bad as a commercial supermarket. The other ones that were better were king salmon, shrimp, engawa, and soup. The price is not cheap, so it's a fair amount. I wonder if I will come back again
Buemon Tanaka on Google

新鮮さ・味・コスパすべてが揃った寿司屋。 回転寿司のレーンこそあるが、ほとんど回っておらず、基本オーダーしてから握ってくれるシステム。 さらに、平日金曜日夜限定だが、1h食べ放題が超オススメ。1人3,000円で新鮮でネタの大きい寿司が腹一杯食べられる。時期によって異なるかもしれないが、トロ3貫盛りやカニなどの特別なネタはさすがに1人一皿までの注文だが、これまためちゃめちゃ美味しい。 夜9時近い入店でも嫌な顔せずしっかり1h食べさせてくれた。 こうした最高のお寿司が、サンリオのお皿とかに乗って提供されるのもまた面白い。笑
A sushi restaurant with all the freshness, taste and cospa. There is a conveyor belt sushi lane, but it doesn't go around so much. Furthermore, all-you-can-eat for 1 hour is highly recommended, although it is only available on weekday Friday nights. For 3,000 yen per person, you can have a full meal of fresh and big sushi. Although it may vary depending on the season, special items such as 3 Toro sashimi and crab are ordered for each person as expected, but this is really delicious. Even when I entered the store near 9:00 pm, he made me eat for 1 hour without a bad look. It is also interesting that these best sushi items are served on Sanrio plates. Lol
平松敬明 on Google

The size and freshness of the ingredients are comparable to those of major conveyor belt sushi chains. After ordering several times, the lottery will start on your tablet device. If you hit it, you will get a drink, which makes me a little happy. As a member benefit, I am very happy with the discount service for 5 days before and after my birthday.
ma0710 on Google

ネタが大ぶりでめちゃくちゃうまい? 馬刺しの握りが大好き過ぎて行くと毎回頼みます(笑)
The material is big and messed up ? I always ask if I love horse sashimi too much (laughs)
品川健 on Google

20/11/1に我が大蔵省と行って来ました。 11:05着。カウンター席に案内されました。 コロナ対策で全てタブレットによるオーダースタイルです。 2種類のセットと5巻握り、それと鉄火巻をオーダーしました。二人共お腹いっぱいいっぱいになりました。気合を入れ過ぎて、ちょっと食べ過ぎましたね(笑) 個人的に、回転寿司の中で一番のお気に入りみせです。また絶対に行きたいお世話です。
I went with my Ministry of Finance on 20/11/1. Arrived at 11:05. I was guided to the counter seat. It is an order style with a tablet as a measure against corona. I ordered 2 types of sets, 5 rolls, and an iron fire roll. Both of them are full. I was too enthusiastic and ate a little too much (laughs) Personally, this is my favorite show of conveyor belt sushi. I definitely want to take care of you again.
宮本末広 on Google

I went to lunch after a long time. The taste is still delicious, but I couldn't enjoy the meal over the counter. I want you to be careful.
まえだしん on Google

廻ってない高級回転寿司になるのかな。 たいがい美味しい 特にイカが好きだから美味しいイカが食べられて最高です。 職人さんが握ってるからシャリもほどよい感じで美味しかったです。 美味しい回転寿司食べたかったら、ここにしよう。
I wonder if it will be a high-class conveyor belt sushi that doesn't go around. Mostly delicious I especially like squid, so it's great to eat delicious squid. The sushi rice was delicious because it was held by a craftsman. If you want to eat delicious conveyor belt sushi, go here.

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