リサイクルメディア館 和光店

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact リサイクルメディア館 和光店

住所 :

Shirako, Wako, 〒351-0101 Saitama,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://twitter.com/rmcwk_av
Opening hours :
Saturday 12PM–1AM
Sunday 12PM–1AM
Monday 12PM–1AM
Tuesday 12PM–1AM
Wednesday 12PM–1AM
Thursday 12PM–1AM
Friday 12PM–1AM
街 : Saitama

Shirako, Wako, 〒351-0101 Saitama,Japan
眠仔 on Google

あまり見かけない若い人の飴を舐める音とか急にでかい声出す くそうるさい 夜メガネかけている人がいる時はいいんだけど、いない時は基本談笑してるか携帯いじってるか座ってるかのでかいやつ
The sound of licking the candy of a young person who is rarely seen, or suddenly making a loud voice It's nice when there are people wearing glasses at night, but when they aren't, it's a big guy who is basically chatting, playing with mobile phones, or sitting.
神山博光 on Google

It has the name "recycle" and most of the used DVDs, but the product lineup is plentiful. However, since there are many AVs, it is not suitable for families.
飯島怜士 on Google

レンタル落ちのdvdが破格の値段で手に入る AVコーナーも充実 綺麗に並べられている
You can get dvd that is out of rental at an unbelievable price. There is also a rich AV corner, neatly arranged.
ユニマカマタラ on Google

ゲームソフトを買うとパッケージのみ渡す。 お釣りは正確に返さない。 ソフトを届けに行くと言ってみたり郵送にすると言ってみたりと不手際(?)が多いお店でした。 安心して買い物は出来ませんね。
When you buy game software, you only get the package. Change does not return correctly. It was a shop where there were a lot of clumsiness (?) Such as saying to go to deliver software or mailing. You can't shop with peace of mind.
***よっちゃん on Google

先日、某ネットオークションで商品(DVD)を落札しました。 発送元(取引先)を調べたら此所。仕事で平日は毎日、通っている所じゃん。w まぁ店頭にその物が有るとは限らないし、送料無料だったので別に良かったんですけどね。 落札した商品は、ディスクとジャケットの紙のみ。中古でも構わないので、ケースも付けて欲しかったと思います。 物自体は再生に問題は無く、懸念していたジャケットの色褪せも無かったので満足しています。
The other day, I made a successful bid for a product (DVD) at a certain Internet auction. Check here for the shipping source (customer). I go to work every day on weekdays. w Well, it's not always at the store, and it was free shipping, so it was good. The winning product is only disc and jacket paper. I don't mind if you used it, so I wanted you to attach a case. The thing itself was satisfactory because there was no problem with the reproduction and there was no fading of the jacket I was worried about.
渡辺和彦 on Google

There are a lot of adult DVDs, and there are plenty of used ones.
深月めい大好き on Google

リサイクルメディア館行ってみた。 品揃えは豊富だしメーカー事に棚が分けてあるから好きな女優の作品を検索しやすい(•‿•) この辺に住んでてAV大好きマンには近場が買える場所があっていいかも。 しかし… 難点も レンタル許諾の商品もかなりあるから推し女優の作品セル版で集めたいって人にはむかないかも その点で−1評価 とは言え 現役女優ならファンザやAmazonで簡単に手に入るが 数年前の作品とかは無かったり廃盤になってたりするのでそういう場合は助かる
I went to the Recycle Media Museum. The assortment is abundant and the shelves are divided according to the manufacturer, so it is easy to search for the work of your favorite actress (• ‿ •) If you live in this area and love AV, it might be nice to have a place where you can buy a nearby place. However… Difficulty There are quite a few products that are licensed for rental, so it may not be suitable for people who want to collect in the cell version of the actress's work. -1 evaluation in that respect but If you are an active actress, you can easily get it on Fanza or Amazon. There are no works from a few years ago or they are out of print, so it is helpful in that case
堀逸人 on Google

It is recommended because the store is not crowded, you can choose products slowly, and there are benefits.

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