
3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 林道畑2号線素掘りトンネル

住所 :

Shirahamacho Shirahama, Minamiboso, 〒295-0102 Chiba,Japan

Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Shirahamacho Shirahama, Minamiboso, 〒295-0102 Chiba,Japan
野村和 on Google

とてもアドベンチャーな道 苦難を笑って行ける方ならいいと思う。 林道での走行、倒木や行く手を阻むものを出来る限り安全に乗り越えることが出来る方だけ行ったほうが良い。 良い経験になりました。 つぎはもう少し楽に、楽しみたい。
A very adventurous road I think it would be good if you can laugh at the hardships. It is better to go only on those who can safely ride on forest roads, fallen trees and things that prevent them from going. It was a good experience. Next time I want to enjoy it a little more easily.
Misao Ishii on Google

A bare digging tunnel located about 10 minutes on the forest road field No. 2 extending from the side of Shinmei Shrine in Shirahama. The road is narrow, the slope is steep, and many branches and dead leaves are falling on the road. I also saw wild boars. Be careful of your feet as the front and back of the tunnel are particularly muddy. You can pass through it, and if you continue, you will reach the end of the parking lot on the submarine landslide on the Abo Green Line. In particular, the strata that escape from the Shirahama side are a must-see and even a little scary. It is impossible to go by car.
原博之 on Google

I used it a long time ago, but it was abandoned at the Green Line. I used to ride a motorcycle in a disgusting tunnel.
Murasha Captain on Google

3号林道と違ってどうしようもないくらい土砂と唐木に覆われています。北側はギリギリなんとかなりそうですが、南側はもうダメっぽいです。 沢に降りたり倒木渡りしたりと大冒険でした。とても疲れました。
Unlike the No. 3 forest road, it is covered with earth and sand and Karaki. The north side seems to be very close, but the south side is already useless. It was a great adventure, going down a river and crossing a fallen tree. very tired.
Oya Yasuhito on Google

南側からアプローチしたところ、枝と石が転がった林道だが、トンネルまではなんとか辿り着けた。 トンネルの反対側はぬかるみ+枝と瓦礫が散乱していて、通行不可と判断し、Uターンした。 オフロード車ならなんとか進めると思うが、オンロード車には無理がある。 安房グリーンラインから、トンネル北側に行ける道は、カラーコーンとトラ棒で封鎖されていたので、通行止めのよう。
When I approached from the south side, it was a forest road with branches and stones rolling, but I managed to reach the tunnel. On the other side of the tunnel, muddy + branches and rubble were scattered, and it was judged that it was impassable, so I made a U-turn. I think off-road vehicles will manage to proceed, but on-road vehicles are unreasonable. The road from the Abo Green Line to the north side of the tunnel was blocked by a traffic cone and a tiger stick, so it looks like a closed road.
masanori on Google

When I came a few years ago, it was rough and there were fallen trees, but maybe it has been maintained, it is now accessible by ordinary cars and on-road motorcycles. Come for tunnels and adventure lovers!
Melissa Mistrain on Google

安房グリーンライン開通により3号線と分断された林道畑2号線。 2020年1月現在、倒木により車輌の通行は不可です。 このまま廃道化してしまいそうな予感がします。 ☆2021.11/2022.2再訪 林道畑2号線は2018年や2020年の時点では落石や倒木で通行できず、このまま廃道となってしまうかと思っていたらハイキングコースとして整備されていました。 なので落石や倒木は除去され、乗用車でも通行できるレベルになりました。 その途中にある隧道はまだら模様の素掘りトンネルなのが特徴です。 距離は短いですがほとんど人の立ち入らない林道の途中にひっそりと存在しています。 ちなみに北側(安房グリーンライン側)林道入口にはカラーコーンとバーで何となく通行できない感じになっていますが、南側林道入口には特に何もありませんでした。
Forest road field No. 2 which was separated from No. 3 by the opening of the Abo Green Line. As of January 2020, vehicles are not allowed to pass due to fallen trees. I have a feeling that it will be abandoned as it is. ☆ 2021.11 / 2022.2 Revisited As of 2018 and 2020, forest road field No. 2 was impassable due to falling rocks and fallen trees, and if I thought that it would be abandoned as it is, it was maintained as a hiking course. Therefore, falling rocks and fallen trees have been removed, and it has become a level that can be passed by passenger cars. The tunnel on the way is characterized by a mottled digging tunnel. Although the distance is short, it is quietly located in the middle of a forest road that is almost inaccessible to people. By the way, the north side (Abo green line side) forest road entrance seems to be impassable with traffic cones and bars, but there was nothing in particular at the south side forest road entrance.
Marilyn Moto on Google

Forgotten and overgrown road with a creepy old bat-infested tunnel.

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