Saidoji - Niimi

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Saidoji

住所 :

661 Hoso, Niimi, Okayama 719-2552, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88777
Postal code : 719-2552
Webサイト :

661 Hoso, Niimi, Okayama 719-2552, Japan
河田博文 on Google

The white torii gate had a very nice atmosphere and seemed to be beneficial. The road was narrow and difficult, but the parking lot was large and good. The priest's wife treated us to Amacha and talked about various things.
Keiichi Takahata on Google

白い鳥居が並ぶ風景がメディアで紹介されたばかりで、人が多かったです。 この辺りで、こんなに沢山の紫陽花が咲いているお寺があるとは知りませんでした。 180号線から山側に曲がってすぐにすれ違うのが難しい細い道になり大変ですが、後半お寺に近づくと逆に少し道が広くなります。 帰りは、井倉方面に迂回した方が若干広く、対向車も少なく180号線に出易いと思います。 駐車場は広めですが、紫陽花の季節の週末は車が多いと思います。片隅で何か地味に売られていましたが、もっと色々売ればお寺や地元の人のためにもなり、また観光客にも良いのになと思いました。今のところ駐車場は無料です。 どうぞ、安全運転でお気をつけて…
The scenery of white torii gates was just introduced in the media, and there were many people. I didn't know that there was a temple with so many hydrangeas in this area. It is difficult to turn from Route 180 to the mountain side and it is difficult to pass each other immediately, but the road becomes a little wider as you approach the temple in the second half. On the way back, it is a little wider to detour toward Ikura, and there are few oncoming vehicles, so I think it is easier to get to Route 180. The parking lot is large, but I think there are many cars on weekends during the hydrangea season. Something was sold soberly in one corner, but I thought that selling more would be good for temples and locals, and also good for tourists. Parking is free for now. Please be careful when driving safely ...
n. Watson on Google

It was "Saidoji". It was a white torii temple that has been attracting attention as a shining spot these days. There is a parking lot 100 meters before the torii gate, and there are about 20 cars. Going further, there was a space (second parking lot) for teens and above next to the temple. When accessing from the direction of Okayama City, if you access from the south (turn right at 500M north of Hokoku Station), the route will be extremely narrow, so avoid coming through Navi Street unless you are a skilled driver who is confident in the back. prize. It's a little detour, but it's better to cross the "Shiratanibashi" in Kusama, Niimi City and head south. It is prefectural road 50. At the end of the torii, a white dragon is enshrined. It seems that you can also get a red stamp at the temple.
chang-ko longfield on Google

お寺なのに鳥居、しかも白いなんて珍しいと思って行ってみました。鳥居に桃がついてたのが可愛かったんですが、くぐり抜けた先で、その意味がわかりました。 あと、「マムシ(毒蛇)に注意」という看板がちらほら。紫陽花咲いたら綺麗なんだろうなぁ、というくらい、紫陽花がありました(行った時はシーズンオフ)。
Even though it was a temple, I thought it was unusual to have a torii gate and white. It was cute that the torii had peaches on it, but when I passed through it, I understood the meaning. Also, there are signs saying "Beware of vipers". There were hydrangeas that would be beautiful if they bloomed (when I went there, the season was off).
小橋伸助 on Google

例によって、ここもとんでもない酷道をかなり走りますが、山の谷間から白い鳥居の列が現れた時は感動ですよ! 水の集まる谷間に龍! そして、鍾乳洞も多いこの地域の白っぽい石や岩! そんなこんなで、白い鳥居の参道が出来上がったのでしょうね! 山のあなたの空遠く、沢山の人が訪れてました。近くの吹屋といっしょに訪ねると一日楽しめそうです。
As usual, I drive a lot on a terrible road, but when a row of white torii gates appears from the mountain valley, I'm impressed! A dragon in a valley where water gathers! And the whitish stones and rocks in this area with many limestone caves! That's how the approach to the white torii gate was completed! Many people visited your sky in the mountains. If you visit with a nearby Fukiya, you can enjoy it all day long.
藤原洋子 on Google

お寺は静かな場所でいい所でした。 白い鳥居に感動した ただ道中の道が山道があまり大きな道じゃ無かったので不安になりました
The temple was a nice place in a quiet place. I was impressed by the white torii However, I was worried because the road along the way was not a big mountain road.
baby magnum37 on Google

去年(令和3年)に出来たという連ね鳥居を見に行ってみた。 普通は朱色のイメージだけど、このお寺に造られたのは白色。 新鮮な感じがして良かった。 山や鳥居の周囲にはアジサイ。(冬だから枯れてる) 鳥居の横には睡蓮の池。(冬だから枯れてる) 暖かい時期に来たらとても良いと思うが冬はちょっと寂しいかも? 鳥居を抜けた先には小さな御堂とおみくじ。 鐘を鳴らしてお参りしようとした時にふと気付いてしまった。 あれ?ここはお寺。でも鳥居。 二礼二拍手一礼と一礼合掌一礼 ど っ ち を す れ ば 良 い ん だ ? 取りあえず神社方式でお参りさせて頂いた。 お寺までの道はそこそこ整備はされてるけど、ずっと登りでぐにゃぐにゃ道。 落ち葉もあるし冬は凍結もあり得る。 暖かい時期にバイクで行くととても楽しい道かも。
I went to see the torii gate that was built last year (3rd year of Reiwa). The image is usually vermilion, but the one built in this temple is white. It was nice to have a fresh feeling. Hydrangea around the mountains and torii gates. (It's withered because it's winter) Next to the torii is a water lily pond. (It's withered because it's winter) I think it would be great if it came in warm weather, but maybe winter is a little lonely? After passing through the torii gate, there is a small Mido and Omikuji. I suddenly noticed when I tried to ring the bell and visit. that? This is a temple. But torii. 2 Rei 2 Applause 1 Rei and 1 Rei Gassho 1 Rei Which one should I choose? For the time being, I visited the shrine method. The road to the temple is well maintained, but it's a squishy road all the way up. There are fallen leaves and it can freeze in winter. It might be a very fun way to go by bike in warm weather.
acht on Google

The road is pretty tough. The road is narrow, so it is not recommended for people who are uneasy about driving. The white torii gate that I managed to reach is rare, but the overall length is not so long. I went there on weekdays, so there were few people, but if there were a lot of people, it would be difficult for vehicles on the road to pass each other, and I might end up with only pictures of people. Except for those who have a purpose in the temple itself, if you want to see the torii gate, it would be better to stop by while sightseeing in the nearby limestone cave.

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