Shiragi Shrine - Zentsuji

4/5 に基づく 3 レビュー

Contact Shiragi Shrine

住所 :

1165 Konzojicho, Zentsuji, Kagawa 765-0031, Japan

Postal code : 765-0031
Webサイト :

1165 Konzojicho, Zentsuji, Kagawa 765-0031, Japan
宮本康弘 on Google

貞観三年(862年)金蔵寺の前身の新道善寺落成の時、円珍大師故郷に帰り落慶法会に立ち会い道善寺の鎮守として山王権現と新羅明神を勧請し寺の中に祀った。 慶長年間(1600年頃)現在地の南西二丁ほどにあった山王社と新羅社の二社が火災にあい焼失しました。その後合社し新羅神社と成り現在地に遷座しました。 慶応四年(1868年)神仏分離令により寺の境内から分離されました。 寛永年間(1630年頃)現在の社殿、拝殿を修造。 平成十九年本殿新築。拝殿、社務所、手水舎大改修。 祭神 素戔鳴尊 合祀 大巳貴命 合祀社 皇子神社、遠津神社 境内社 地神社、野津吾社、元木神社 境外社 荒神社、古荒神社、伊洲神社
In the third year of Jōgan (862), when Shindozenji, the predecessor of Kinzoji, was completed, he returned to his hometown of Enchin Daishi and witnessed the Ochikeihokai. rice field. During the Keicho era (around 1600), two companies, Sannosha and Sillasha, which were located in the southwestern part of the current location, were destroyed by fire. After that, it merged and became Shiragi Shrine and moved to the present location. It was separated from the temple grounds by the Shinbutsu bunri decree in 1868. The current shrine and worship hall were rebuilt during the Kanei era (around 1630). The main shrine was newly built in 1997. Great renovation of the hall of worship, the office, and the Chozuya. Religious deity Okuninushi Gyosha Shrine, Prince Shrine, Totsu Shrine Precincts shrine, local shrine, Nozugo shrine, Motoki shrine Outside shrines Ara Shrine, Koara Shrine, Isu Shrine
がんば on Google

2021/10/17来訪。 金倉寺に隣接する神社。小さな神社です。河田迪斎先生の記念碑や境内社もあります。 平安前期の貞観3年(862年)、金倉寺の前身である道善寺落成の際、落成法会に立ち合った円珍が、道善寺の鎮守として山王権現と新羅明神を勧請し、寺の境内に祀ったことに始まるとされています。
Visited on October 17, 2021. A shrine adjacent to Konzo Temple. It's a small shrine. There is also a monument to Dr. Susai Kawada and a shrine in the precincts. In the 3rd year of Sadakan (862) in the early Heian period, Enchin, who witnessed the inauguration of Dozenji Temple, which was the predecessor of Kanakura Temple, solicited Sanno Gongen and Shinra Myojin as guardians of Dozenji Temple. , It is said that it started when it was enshrined in the temple grounds.
原田良介 on Google

At the shrine near the 76th Konzo Temple in Shikoku Sacred Ground, the deity is Susano Onomikoto and Okuninushi. In 862, when Dozenji, the predecessor of Kanakura-ji, was completed, Enchin, who witnessed the Hokai, invited Sanno Gongen and Shinra Myojin as guardians of Dozenji and enshrined them in the temple grounds. Later, due to a fire, the shrine was relocated to the current location as Shiragi Shrine.

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